The Illumination You Stand In | Heavenletters
JUL 21 2020
God said:
No matter what time of day, when your eyes are closed, the sun in the sky is blocked from your view. When you open your eyes during the sun’s reign, you see the light of day.
Sometimes, beloveds, perhaps many times, you are afraid of seeing. You are afraid that you might see miracles. In fact, beloveds, what is not a miracle? Are you not a miracle with the sun’s light on you?
Face up to miracles, beloveds. All that may seem mundane or even tawdry to you, even all that is the miracle of Being. You exist on Earth. You seem to exist on Earth when all the while you are stationed in Heaven. What kind of magic trick is this that befuddles you so? Smile instead that at this moment you are a Being of Light inhabiting the Earth. You tend to see yourself as rather shoddy, and wonder how it could possibly be that you are a ray of My light, and not just a ray, but a Divine ray of My light. How can that be when you think you know yourself so well?
Until now, you have not had a clue as to who you are. With your eyes closed to yourself, you do not see the illumination you stand in. You see objects and neglect the subject. Your eyes wander from your self. You separate from your self and cast an eye on ego, that strutting little fellow. Rather than see the truth of yourself, and to divert yourself from your Great Self, you adopt ego and make him your mentor. To be sure, ego is sprightly and can do a tap dance or two, and yet you have bought tin and forgotten the gold.
You are the gold.
I don’t care who you are or who you think you are, you are the gold. You are the gold that My eye casts upon. I look at you steadily, whereas you blink and turn away.
This is some kind of folly that the child of the King would forget his origin and avoid looking at what he has long desired most of all. The magnificent truth of you is hidden in plain sight, yet sight isn’t plain for you. You complicate it. It will be good for you to begin to see with your heart. The fact is that you are a treasure. You are My treasure. It is a supreme act of oblivion that has obscured your view. You deny your essence right and left. You refuse to believe it. It is too wonderful to believe, so you say, and you turn away from seeing and turn toward disbelief or even joke about yourself.
Must it be so hard for you to accept your heritage? Accept your heritage, and then you will have to accept yourself as the Divinity that you are. You are not that isolated floundering body on the street. You are the son or daughter of God. You are My impulse on Earth. Foolish, prodigal son, you would deny it. You are so stubborn. You hold on to desolation rather than accept even the possibility that you are light, that you are My light, and that you are to shine.
Beloveds, no more hiding under a toadstool.
Come out into the sunshine of My light, and stand tall in it. Feel it. Feel My light on you. Feel My light rise from within you. See it. Know it. Shine it. Announce to yourself that you are God’s child. I have proclaimed it. You are more than an off-and-on spark of My light. You are My light.
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Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
The Illumination you Stand in | Heavenletters #2972
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/21/2020 07:34:00 PM