The Faerie Realm, Lemuria & Your Ascension ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council
JUL 10 2020
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been approximating the time it will take for all of you to reach that pinnacle of awareness, that place where you know yourselves as your higher selves. And we know that those of you who are awake are getting to that place much faster than those who have yet to awaken and have no idea that a higher self version of themselves even exists. We can see all of you who are awake getting to that place where you fully become your higher selves in the next two to three years, and we know that you are getting a lot of assistance in getting to that point in your evolution from the faeries.
The faeries are essentially what you are becoming. They dwell in the fifth and sixth dimensions, and at times those of you who are there in the fourth are able to perceive them, but they do stay in that higher vibrational state while inviting you to join them in the playfulness, in the freedom, in the joy that is the fifth-dimensional frequency range. They understand that you all are hanging back for the most part in the fourth dimension to help your fellow humans awaken, and they are also aware of the fact that you can tune in to the fifth dimensional frequency range right now and have more fun with them.
You can perceive faerie energy, and you can access the vibration of the fae. You just have to get back to that childlike persona that you once had, where it was so much easier to be carefree. And, as we said, the faeries are inviting you into that higher vibrational state. Most of you have at least one faerie guide, and many of you have incarnated as faeries in previous lifetimes. The relationship between humanity and the fae goes all the way back to Lemuria, and it is time for you all to remember those times of great spiritual evolution, of great joy, and of collaboration with the faeries.
It is time for you all to recognize that you have these wonderful friends, these guides, these beings of light and love, to help guide you into the fifth-dimensional realm, just as you are going to help your fellow humans. You are becoming more faerie-like every day, and you are going to be appearing more faerie-like to your fellow humans, as you continue on that upward spiral to fully becoming your higher selves and embodying the fifth-dimensional energy in the same way that the faeries do now.
If you want to connect with them, imagine what type of playfulness they have in their realm, and bring more of it to your day-to-day activities. Be more playful. Be more childlike. Spend more time in nature. Have more fun. Sing, and dance, and laugh, and play, and you will find yourself connecting with at least one faerie being, and perhaps it will be one of your faerie guides. But this much we know to be true – you will make these connections, and it will be sooner than later.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
The Faerie Realm, Lemuria, and your Ascension | The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/10/2020 11:05:00 PM