Friday, July 31, 2020

Is There a Limit to Madness? | Steve Beckow

SLAM Missile, at the heart of Project Pluto

By Steve Beckow, July 30, 2020

In 1957, the United States Air Force began Project Pluto, whose aim was to develop a doomsday weapon. (1)

They succeeded in developing a fast, low-flying missile carrying 20 hydrogen-bomb warheads and powered by a nuclear reactor.

But the project was scrapped because (A) they couldn’t figure out how to test the weapon, (B) they feared that the rockets might fail and cause the rocket to fall back and explode on “friendly” territory, and (C) they worried that any H-bomb testing might tip the Russians off and spur them to develop their own doomsday weapon.

Well, by heavens, that’s right. Where do you test a doomsday weapon? Over your own territory?

So there is a limit to madness. This is good news.

Never mind the fact that our star brothers and sisters, in their millions of cloaked ships around the Earth, would never allow nuclear explosions in space or on Earth or nuclear war to break out. (2)

Never mind you’re planning to destroy a significant number of the human population. In the end, not willing to go there? Yay!

The limits of madness had been reached and the group reaching it stepped back from the brink. So that’s how far we humans have to go with domination madness before we stop, of our own volition.

That same domination madness, in my view, presently grips politics, finance, justice, religion, education, medicine, and every other field and discipline where what John Kennedy called “the secret societies” have gotten their mitts onto.

What President Trump was represented as doing in the recent video, (3) whether true or not, depicted one way to untangle the Gordian knot that our society is right now.

And untangling that knot is for me a high priority. Restoring us to the center, balance, peace. From there we can sort out what needs to be done in a manner free from retribution.

If the video is true, the President’s actions may have saved millions of lives. That could have been the cost if the Illuminati had chosen to go to their doomsday scenario, World War III.

If true, in the end, it will only have taken a basketfull of bullet-proof evidence of child predation and a global flight schedule to transition the era and change planetary management.

Viewed from any angle, we’re watching history being made. And we’re asked to hold the space for a peaceful but decisive outcome.

It’s been a long road back from the doomsday weapon of 1957 to the planet’s hoped-for release from the control of the deep state.


(1) “The 20 in 1 Flying Nuclear Doomsday Device – Project Pluto” at (

(2) “Dear ones, let us assure you that escalating rhetoric will not lead to nuclear war, and if any missiles are launched with nuclear warheads, crews in spacecraft will prevent their detonation.” (Matthew’s Message, Sept. 25, 2017, at

“Be assured however serious the threats are and posturing becomes, there is absolutely no way a nuclear war will be allowed. Whilst your freewill is acknowledged, the higher powers have made it quite clear that no nuclear devices will be allowed to be used. Any attempt to do so will result in total failure.” (Mike Quinsey, Sept. 8, 2017, at

(3) The Q team’s Takedown of the Cabal from A to Z at

Source: Golden Age of Gaia