By Sitara, July 26, 2020
Make no mistake about it, sweet one – the shift is well underway and there is a new realm of consciousness being anchored within the heart and mind of every being.
This beautiful channelled gem is lovingly shared by Hairol from his personal reading with Linda Dillon.
Divine Mother ~ A New Realm of Consciousness
Divine Mother: Greetings, I am Mary, I am Mare, Universal Mother, Divine Mother, Mother of One and Mother of All, Mother of Change and Mother of Constancy, Mother of oceans and skies and mountains, and yes, sweet one, Mother of you.
Come with me, my beloved son, and let us leave any form of duality far behind. It does not need to be an either/or. You are in your process of the full assumption of your Ascended Self, but let me be clear: it is not merely the turning of a switch… yes, which we could do… but it is for you as teacher, as channel, as bringer of the light, as pathfinder and wayshower, to have gone through this process so that as you teach and coach and support and love others, you understand what they are going through, what they are missing, the steps that they haven’t taken, and the incorrect steps that they have.
Yes, there are such things as ‘incorrect steps’. There are many scenic detours, as you well know because you’ve taken some of them, and that is a good thing because people have need to understand the range of their free-choice/free-will decisions. But there are times in human lives when they veer so far into ego, into abuse, and control, and power-seeking that they lose sight that they are part of me.
So do not worry, beloved one. You are absolutely on track. I have given you, I have given this planet, a Pause. No, I did not bring forth the coronavirus, but I am using this situation, adjusting it, to align with my Plan. But in this, I tell you, this Pause has several ways to be dealt with. One way, yes, is through anxiety and uncertainty, but the other is the opportunity to truly delve deeper into the sanctity of your soul and to truly decide, yet again, at a deeper, higher, broader level what is precious to you.
No, not what is precious to me because ipso facto if it is precious to you, it will be precious to me. My sweet son, you are magnificent. Yes, I know you resist when I say this, but I do not create, I do not birth anything that is not of divinity. You know this and you have chosen… no, not ever to abandon being an Andromedan human… but also to integrate into this consolidated whole of who you are, your divine path, which is your human path.
Do not deny your human inclinations. If I did not wish for you to have a human experiment, you and we would not have decided conjointly, in full agreement, to have you incarnated upon this planet during this time of such momentous shift.
Make no mistake about it, sweet one – the shift is well underway and there is a new realm of consciousness being anchored within the heart and mind of every being.
That is why we are keeping them out of the insane chaos. It is so this energy can be anchored. You are doing well. Give your anxiety to me, sweet one. …
Hairol: How do you guys influence things? I’m curious to know.
DM: Think of it this way. Say someone comes across your application. Now, we are not overriding the individual’s free will, but when they look at the page, at the screen, it is infused not only with your energy but with mine.
Very often, they will have a feeling – and sometimes they understand that feeling and sometimes they don’t – but they think “ha, this kid has something; I feel there’s potential here.” And it isn’t simply because of what you have written or your grades or your courses. It is more of an infusion into that person of a ‘wanting to know you more and to explore who you are’.
Now the variable in this is that, for some, it will knock them sideways and they may feel, because of the energy, slightly… I guess you would say ‘floaty’ … but for others, there is a feeling of “we have to look at this further.” So it is a very positive influence – and this influence is exerted not, as we say, to override someone’s intelligence but to complement it, and in that, they also get an infusion of my love.
Now let us be very clear. Both Michael and Gabrielle, particularly Gabrielle, and your own beloved guides are very much involved in this process.
H: Thank you. Mother, what is the source of this pain I’m feeling?
DM: It is a sense of deep vulnerability; it is a sense… and let me penetrate you even as we are talking about it.
Let us stop for a minute. Go into your heart, sweet one, for that is where our conversations take place. Come into your heart… deeper… breathe. [Pause]
The anxiety and panic have a couple of sources, and it is good that we talk about this so that you will not only intellectually understand but let me take it from you.
There is a ‘here-and-now’, shall we call it, panic feeling. Your… and I love this about you, sweet one… your anxiety to get going, to be in the fullness of your Ascended Self, to be in the truth of the alignment with me and with our Plan is so true, so wonderful, that there is a part of you that is terrified. “What if everything I’ve been thinking and planning doesn’t happen? What if it’s all a bunch of lies? What if this coronavirus interferes and the Plan has gone sideways? What if I die?”
Because really, for the first time in your life physically, environmentally, you feel vulnerable – and you are a strong, vibrant young man with a whole life ahead of you. So there is this panic feeling like: “Oh no! What if, what if, what if?”
What if this Pause is to reset everybody so that they cooperate with me, and therefore you? Because I am a little tired of the resistance of humans to love. So that is the first thing.
Now, we are going to talk also about fixing this, but let me explain the second big factor. You have been through this before. You have witnessed the destruction of planets, the destruction of species; you have witnessed the destruction of Lemuria and of Atlantis and of Zahara. And there is part of you… it isn’t so much panic as right on the edge of heartbreak and fearing that this is going to happen again because you know it has happened, and you can’t bear the thought that this ascension into heart-intelligence and into an intergalactic planet… you can’t bear the thought of that not happening.
So it is two-fold: it is some ancient memories that you have lived through – and that you’ve died through! – and then there is the current worry about things coming to fruition as we have planned. So that is what the panic is about.
Now, how do you resolve this? Give it to me! I can absorb your panic, your anxiety, your uncertainty the way a cloud absorbs a droplet of moisture, a single tear. Let me take this from you!
Now, how you do this is to begin by breathing my blue, my blue diamond… Go ahead! And as you feel the sense of calm coming into you, then we switch it to the softest baby pink. Breathe… and I erect my shield around you… and this is like a clear diamond that I am putting entirely around you so that the fear, the panic, the anxiety, and the uncertainty that is in the air simply can’t reach you – because, make no mistake, beloved, it is in the air. Now anchor firmly into Gaia, because I need you on planet.
And repeat this if you should feel anything less than the calm certainty.
H: Can you repeat, Mother?
DM: Yes.
Begin by breathing the blue, the sparkly blue, but calmly… make it a little darker… it is the soft-blue velvet of my cloak… and feel, quite literally, as you’re breathing it that I am wrapping you in my cloak of blue… and yes, it has a hood… deeper… more…
Take a breath of calm… take a nice deep of my calm serenity… fill your lungs all the way down to your solar plexus and breathe out, blow out… whoo! … again… whoo! … all the way down to your pelvis… breathe it out.
Now think of the softest pink clouds that you have ever seen, like cotton batting or a baby’s blanket, and feel as if you are inside this gentle cocoon of pink. Breathe… and breathe pink… softer…
Now feel me absorbing from every cell of your body any feeling of panic, of anxiety… Let me take it. [Pause]
Now feel me erecting around you in a diamond formation with the apexes behind you and in front of you – so it is sealed – a perfectly clear diamond. It glistens but it is not so bright as to blind you. It is like a very thick storm-wood window.
And then we place the sentries around this of Michael and Raphael and Uriel and Jophiel – nothing gets past these Mighty Ones – along with your guides and Gabrielle and I.
You are protected, beloved. It is alright to be uncertain, to the level that you are open to the uncertain miracles in a positive way: “It could be so much better. It could so much grander than I think!”
But I do not want you… and I protect you and I take these feelings of panic. If you should feel the slightest anxiety, repeat this with me. Let the calm descend and anchor in your solar plexus, your heart, and your throat… your throat is very dense.
I am with you. This is not a repeat of other situations. One of the things that you have done when you have decided to come to this planet for this time was because you knew that, this time, we would be successful. So keep your heart and mind focused on that knowing that I give you. This time will be victory!
H: A lot better. Thank you so much!
DM: You are so welcome and you are so loved, sweet one. If you did not have an open, beautiful heart, you would not care! It is you who is showing, as you go forward… what you are doing is showing to the humans what it means to care, not in the way of controlling, but supporting and nurturing and comforting.
H: Thank you, Mother!
DM: You are welcome, dearest heart.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.
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Source: Golden Age of Gaia
A New Realm of Consciousness | Divine Mother via Linda Dillon
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/26/2020 09:17:00 AM