by Steve Beckow, June 6, 2020
Where polarization leads….
I find myself repeatedly disappointed reading articles in the alternative press. No, not the mainstream media, which I don’t read except when necessary.
The straw that broke the camel’s back was one that started out well. And then before long it descended into name-calling and meme wars. And I just couldn’t read one more such article.
The current favorite is the communist vs. fascist or left vs. right theme. Variations are rich vs. poor, black vs. white, chauvinist vs. feminist, etc. You can trace the polarization paradigm back through the crusades, Roman times, pharaonic Egypt, etc., etc.
I’m becoming sick of reading polarized coverage. Sick, sick, sick.
It’s having an unintended effect. Unintended as far as I’m concerned. Not unintended in terms of the larger plan, I’m sure.
I’ve never been more ready, willing, or able to really embrace the idea of Oneness, unitiveness, unity.
EXCEPT in times of extreme danger, like a war. EXCEPT where there’s a common, not-us enemy. But not just flat out accept it, universally, now and forever.
I’ve never been able to accept all people. I’ve never been willing to take the leap to Oneness, which I tell myself will have me leave the herd. And I’ve never been willing to risk leaving the safety and comfort of the herd altogether.
But I’m becoming so disgusted with the rampant displays of polarization, division, and hate that I’m giving Oneness a fresh look.
The written devices of polarization include judgments, insinuations, allegations, quarreling, slogans, memes, hostile hashtags.
When people are upset, as much of America and other countries are today, everything repressed comes out. It’s no different with a social vasana (or core issue) than with an individual vasana. Some people choose to project their anger outwards instead of processing their vasana. (1)
That’s what we’re seeing all around us – the eruption of a social vasana rejecting control and demanding freedom.
And people are projecting years and years of repressed anger outward (where they’re not agents provocateurs or crisis actors).
You’d expect me to say that we all need to calm down. Well, we do. Clearly.
But a certain amount of creative chaos has its useful side as well. It gets me to the point where I’m prepared to make a change; in my case, to Oneness.
A spiritual guru, perceiving that my girlfriend and I had been quarreling, chided us, “One, not two. Ah, but which one, eh? That is the question.”
No, no, not oneness as in control. Not oneness as in New World Order, One World Government.
Oneness … well, here I am talking as if I know something about it when I don’t.
This creative chaos is bringing me to the point where I’m ready to choose Oneness whether I know anything about it or not. (2)
It’s the pressing nature of the times that’s causing extremism to emerge, which pushes me towards rejecting the paradigm of polarization.
Of course the rampage should be shut down today or as soon as possible. But I’ll use it as long as it persists to maintain the momentum of choosing Oneness.
It had to come to this before I’d re-choose. Anarchists would have to be subverting the social order before I’d make the leap.
We have words to describe what is happening for me. I’ve “changed my mind.” I’ve “gotten the message.” I’ve “turned my hat around” and embraced Oneness.
Dividing ourselves into warring camps – polarization – does not work. Only unity works.
OK. I got it.
(1) To process a vasana, see “How to Handle Unwanted Feelings: The Upset Clearing Process,” December 29, 2018, at
(2) And if I did, you know how I’d proceed. I’d establish a beachhead of understanding and radiate out from that.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Turning my Hat Around and Embracing Oneness | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/06/2020 11:01:00 AM