The Love That You Are | Heavenletters
JUN 27 2020
God said:
In all humility, I ask you to love.
You love by feeling love, so feel it. The giving of love is automatic, for love will not be still. It has to move. Love does not differentiate between giving and receiving.
Giving love is not an act of will. It is natural. Giving love is not a decision. The decision to love is a good step, but love is not a step. Love is consciousness.
No one is an authority on love. No one is a pro. No one’s love is higher than another’s. Love is its own master, and love reveals itself as it is.
Expounding on love is not love. Demonstrating love is not love, for love demonstrates itself.
You cannot give instructions on how to love. Love isn’t an instruction. Love is not an item. Love simply is.
Love is not self-conscious. It is better to think of love than to think of something else, but the thought of love is not love. Love is love and requires no thought.
Love expresses itself, but love is not an expression. Love could be expressed all day and yet not be love.
Love has no symptoms. Love is as attributeless as I am. Love is, or it is not.
Love can be seen in a painting, yet love cannot be painted.
Love can be heard in music, yet it cannot be orchestrated.
Evidence of love can be evident, but love needs no evidence. Evidence of love is not love, just as wood is not fire. Only love is love.
Love can be spoken of, written of, but only love itself can be experienced. Love is felt, yet it is also beyond feeling. Love is its very own thing, and there is nothing like it. Nothing else comes near to it.
Love is a state of Being. There is nothing for you to be but love. Love is what you are. You are born love, and you die love. Regardless of how much you notice it or not, that is the case. Love does not have to be noticed to be love. Love unnoticed is still love.
There is no market in love. There is no lack, but there is a lack of awareness, yet love requires no awareness. It is love with or without it.
Love needs not accoutrements. The accoutrements are not love. They may or may not follow love.
Everyone is a follower of love. Even abstainers from love follow it with their eyes. It is impossible for you not to be enthralled with love. Love is a magnet. It magnetizes itself. It keeps bumping into itself, yet love feels no bumps.
Love plays not favorites. It does not make choices in order to be. It already is. Love has no choice but to love. That is the least it can do, and it cannot do more.
Love takes no offense. Love takes nothing. It only leaves itself in its wake.
Love is not improvised, yet it is spontaneous. It is always new, and yet it lasts forever.
You cannot forbid love. You can forbid it all you want, but love knows its way. It passes through every border. Love knows not borders.
Do not propound love. Do not sit on a high throne of it. You are not lord and master of love. You can only be it. In all humility, you who already are love, begin to know the love that you are.
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Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
The Love that you are | Heavenletters #1714
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/27/2020 04:14:00 PM