Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Tell Yourself a Story | Heavenletters #2498

Tell Yourself a Story | Heavenletters

JUN 10 2020

God said:

Above all, be true to yourself, and be good to yourself. Think well of yourself. Amplify yourself. Nourish yourself with favorable thoughts about yourself and others. Be in tandem with your self-regard and regard for others. They do go together. They are one and the same.

How much negativity you may hold for others is the exact amount of negativity you hold for yourself. This is so. It is also so that when you snipe at others, you are sniping at yourself.

The one who speaks hears what he speaks. He hears it more than anyone. He is his own radio commercial blasting forth all day. Be sure you are advertising what you want to buy.

The one who perpetrates a crime perpetrates it against himself. If he steals from another, he has stolen his own self-worth.

It is also true that what you give to another, you give to yourself. Any gift you give, you receive it. Any kind word you say, you are the benefactor. Just think, you can be a container of anything you want. You can contain sweet fruit or sour grapes, or a mixture of both. Better to contain sweet fruit.

When I say you have to change your thinking, I mean you really have to change your thinking, from stem to stern. A little paint job won’t do. It won’t fool you, and it won’t fool anyone.

You need a whole new makeover. You have so much make-up left over from the past, it’s hard to get it off. You may really have to scrub.

Announce to yourself that from this moment forward, not a negative word will pass your lips. This alone will enlighten you, beloveds. This alone will usher in forgiveness. No grudges will be left, because negativity will have been given the boot. This alone will free you from the past. How you need to be freed from the past. The past has had a tremendous hold on you. The past is not the best. Haven’t you had enough of the past? Haven’t you punished yourself enough with old thoughts? They are bedraggled rags now. It’s time to throw them out. It is long overdue to throw them out. Why keep wearing the same old rags, beloveds?

There are bright new clothes waiting for you.

After you eat, you wash the dishes. Now wash your thoughts the same. Stale thoughts go into the garbage. They are garbage. Your mind is not to be a receptor of garbage. Recycle your thoughts, beloveds. Find good ones. No more ragged thoughts for you.

Every day you are starting a new year. No more resolutions, however. Now new thoughts reign supreme. Resolutions aren’t worth as much as new thoughts. Desiring new thoughts is good — having new thoughts is better. Resolutions are wimpy. New thoughts are the new season arrived.

If you want a new world and a new life, your thoughts will do it for you. Your thoughts have done it for you in the past. That your thought patterns are powerful is nothing new.

Perhaps you think you don’t have the say over your thoughts, that thoughts you don’t want come unbidden. You may even say they plague you. Well, then, get these thoughts away from you — laugh them away, and invite new thoughts, perhaps opposite thoughts. Tell yourself stories. That is what you do anyway.

Perhaps you tell yourself: “I don’t like this person. I never did.”

Perhaps you can tell yourself a different story. Perhaps you can say: “I am going to look for and find something I like in this person. I am going to listen to what they have to say to me. I am going to answer their call. If I still don’t like them, I can still be a friend to them as I go on my way, and they go on theirs. I am going to get good at this. It is easy. There is nothing hard about it. These are my new thoughts now.”

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Source: Rainbow Wave of Light