Putting Others Down | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart

June 21, 2020

Me: The only reason people put other people down is because they know they're above them. My mother used to say they are jealous, and I suppose she's saying the same thing here. They wish they felt as good as you appear to be looking.

As for the lightworker, who gets a lot of "you're crazy," "don't say that! that's nuts!" or the "who do you think you are?" that I once got, there you go.

I'm not saying to get big headed and start smirking because you think you're the best person on the planet, I'm saying understand that people take shots at you because they want your high energy. When your energy is high, you are on top of the world, when it's low you may be prone to doing some sniping of your own.

Don Miguel Luiz writes the book, "The Four Agreements," and he's talking about black magicians in it. It is black magic.

Black magic came from the Sirian system, made its way to Orion and by way of Maldek, which got blown up and is now the Kuyper Belt, and made its way to earth in the time of Atlantis or even before. The black magicians are still here - they're the evil element that is running this planet now.

They're the ones prompting people to live below their best. They want you at their worst because then you align with them and when you align with them, they can have power over you. So they teach you their ways of behaving and this is one example: putting other people down because you know they're flying way above you (higher than your vibration). You want to control their energy.

Personalizing and Defending

Ivo: Everything is energy and people like to get control over others' energy on your planet. You live in a "power over others" system where everyone is trying to get others to do as they want. Arguably you are trying to get him to shut up and to stop doing what he is doing. This is your attempt to control him, my love. His attempt to control you is to condescend to you, because he feels that unless you lower your standards, you will not give him what he wants.

Me: He's right. It would just be a bit weird to allow someone to make defamatory comments towards me.

Ivo: And on whose part is it weird? Yours or his?

Me: I think both.

Ivo: He is the one doing it. You cannot control what comes out of his mouth.

Me: So I'm trying to take control of the way he treats me. Even when I set a boundary, he still might not comply. He might laugh and amp it up.

I love the way one problem can bring on days' worth of work to change me. I think this problem has shown up in 3 or 4 of our recent videos.

Ivo: Others have the same problem with people trying to bring them down. They can learn from this as well. You have healed from much of your childhood pain. However, now you must learn to deal with these situations that shows your true power: ignore him. If you can ignore someone who is trying to get power over you, you hold on to your power and do not give it away. Athena channeled recently on energy management and this is part of that as well - it is managing your energy by deciding where you plan to invest it. Do you want to give it away to thieves or do you want to give it away to worthwhile causes such as the enlightenment of people as we are doing now, or just keeping your energy for yourself so you are not so fatigued anymore.

Me: Ah, okay.

Ivo: Energy is energy. You can save your own and feel more energetic. When you do not respond, you hold your energy. You remember the time you were in Holland with your aunt and you walked into a bar to have lunch and there was only a group of garbage men in the pub. And they all started to hoot and holler at you.

Me: Tante Luke said to ignore them.

Ivo: And she was right. They obviously wanted you to pay attention and interact with them. How do you think they would have treated you?
Me: LOL Like garbage.

Ivo: Of course. A man who has high morals does not approach a woman in this fashion. It is beneath him. You will be tested on this, my love. You have been and it will continue until you firmly realize that the only person whose opinion of you matters is your own. Not even mine is as important as your opinion of yourself.

Why is this so important? Because this is the pinnacle, the focal point of all you create with. That is what all must learn. To hold themselves in high regard, not arrogant ego, in high esteem because this is what you create your life and you magnetize your abundance with. All negative ideas about yourselves must stop. It is no less important than that.

Me: I can see that.

Ivo: So let him talk. It does not matter what he says unless you engage him - then you make it matter.

I realize you had a detractor as a father and you had to engage him because you lived in the same house and he had control over everything and so you could not shut him out. Had you done so, it would have helped you. But he scared you. And this is how your matrix system works. Ignore what scares you - as in irrational fears, of course - I mean do not go stepping on snakes and chasing bears in the woods. That is not rational to believe you can physically beat a bear..... the rest must be ignored.

For those who could not ignore what they feared in life, healing must take place. Learning to pay attention to what works for you, and to ignore that which does not, will take you a long way.

Me: Thank you Ivo.

Ivo: You are learning, my love. You weathered Facebook trolls, you were taunted and harassed and you weathered it well. Now you have physical neighbors who are attempting to teach you to stand in your power, so make short work of it. Others may be incredulous that you allow this, but tell them you know what you are doing.

Me: I will.


YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega

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Putting Others Down | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart Putting Others Down | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 6/21/2020 04:40:00 PM Rating: 5

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