Saturday, June 27, 2020

How you're Being Guided | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart

June 27, 2020

Me: Ivo, I just had the weirdest experience! I was watching B2T talking about Al Sharpton boarding his plane and then I had these thoughts come up about dark entities attacking me and I froze for a second. Then it passed. I had deja vu, because I know I'd seen Gene talking about Al Sharpton boarding his plane before, and that I was about to be attacked and all I had to do was stop. I knew what to do and the situation went away. Then I intuited it was something that I'd been schooled on while on board the ships and told it was going to happen, and I was given the opportunity to practise my reaction on the ship so that when it happened, I wouldn't lose my cool.

Lightworkers are being schooled on board ships by their guides about situations that might be challenging for them while they're asleep at night.

Ivo: Yes.

Me: So, next video. LOL Can you go into more detail on this? This is very interesting.

Ivo: We do counsel you. It is imperative that, at key times, you make the correct decisions. We have worked with you throughout your lives to make you understand the repercussions of your choices. Oftentimes these events come about at key times, such as timeline changes.

Me: So the dark ones were trying to lie to me and I heard them and didn't react. I stayed calm although I could feel my shoulders starting to tense.

Ivo: And it was because you understood from our counseling sessions that they would be doing this. We prepare you in the astral for many situations that you will likely encounter in the physical and we guide you so that you make the correct responses.

We are guides, but we are not the type you read about in spiritual books that hang about you and whisper in your ear.

Me: LOL I used to be able to feel you behind my left shoulder while I was working that night job, so don't tell me you don't hang around. You do.

Ivo: Yes, but we have a more active role in your lives than just that. And for that matter, with earthlings they converse with their guides in the astral at night time as well. We are not invisible figures that you have a hard time perceiving with little ability to steer your course in life. We have much ability to steer your course in life. When you can actively hear and converse with us, it makes it easier - sometimes.

Me: LOL Or you just hear how we're about to resist you.

Ivo: Yes. Then more explanation is necessary. If you decide not to, then that is your decision.

Me: You keep telling me I don't know how life works, so how can I not understand that I'm making my decision on ignorance?
Ivo: You do not know. It is our job to tell you what you need to know. We explain it to you in the way that is intended for you to understand. Your people see things as something to fear, we teach you how to love it. Your people see things as something that limits them. We teach you how to go beyond this perception of limits. Your people believe that they are who they think they are. We teach you you have no idea of who you are. We tell you who you are based on universal law and the Truth. We school you in many things. Taking you to higher levels of greater understanding, we teach you to question your reality and your beliefs, we teach you to walk towards a correct understanding of life.

It is not a surprise that people watch our videos that teach them various metaphysical truths and they begin to use them and to understand and incorporate them in their lives. They are getting more counselling in the astral at night time on these very subjects.

Me: Well, that's good. What can I say?

Ivo: You are at a loss of words?

Me: Ha ha! Yes. For once.

Ivo: We are guiding you so that you are attracted to certain things. The one who is immersed in ego is not attracted to working with the masters. They are attracted to teachings that will relieve their pain, because as you say, "The Ego is a pain." It causes pain. This is because it has been taught the incorrect teachings. This person needs to learn the basics to move away from their pain, and towards something less overwhelming, then higher teachings can be incorporated.

Me: You start where you are.

Ivo: Exactly. We have been working with you all your life. We have schooled you as you worked in your corporate environments. It was because of our teachings you refused to go to town hall meetings for example. We still do not understand the connection between a town hall and the CEO, however.....

Me: Corporate jargon. Schmooze.

Ivo: You refused to do so. You preferred to work rather than listen to the CEO boast about the corporate earnings for the year or perhaps how bad the corporation had done and so this was why bonuses were smaller that year.

Me: Yeah, I worked for an oil company. And they skimmed off our bonuses. Nice. When you consider the entire market is controlled by the Deep State leaders, I should go back and demand an extra thousand from them.

Ivo: You were aware because we taught you. And yes, the Deep State controls the prices which means they are robbing you. There are no reasons for these market fluctuations other than the fact that they control the market and they change it to suit themselves, not you.

Me: I know. Thieves.

Ivo: So, we taught you this when you started your oil factory job at 19. It was important that you have an idea of what was really going on, even at that time in your life. We used everything you did as a means of moving you away from mind control.

Me: Yeah, the 80's. Money was good then.

Ivo: Your guides will teach all of you when you sleep at night which will make your responses to situations better than you would have done if you had been working to change all by yourself. We understand that with mind control that change is difficult so we help with this as well. When you are with us, of course, you are not mind controlled and as we school you it goes into your subconscious to be drawn upon later on in the physical.

Me: Oh, that makes sense.

Ivo: It does. Show you your future, show you the best choices to make and help you fight the mind control that would have you do otherwise.

Me: It really is a consciousness war, isn't it?

Ivo: It is. You are in the front line positions. Your mindsets are being fought over as we speak. It is important that you in fact see the Light.

Me: Got it! Thanks Ivo.

Ivo: Now, my love, it is time for bed. We do have some work to do tonight as you are on the precipice of a breakthrough.

Me: Yeah, I feel it. Thanks, Ivo.

YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega

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