Daily Teachings of the Masters
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
You are erasing fears right and left.
Prejudgment must go. Must be erased, vanished, finished.
What can you not do?
This world is of your creation.
There is nothing that cannot be accomplished, save for what you suggest is impossible.
You set the parameters,you set the basis for to and fro. Nothing is impossible to one that believes because your world is created on belief.
The belief of suffering, of separation, of powerlessness.
You believe this and frame all experiences to reflect this belief.
You are coming to a place in your frequency where you realize that you in fact cast the spell, and therefore are entitled to break ties with it. "Oh, that fashion is so yesterday." You choose what you value.
Do you value fitting in and having acceptance from others?
You are following an old dictate that is going to need some stamina to overcome, to breaks tie with
as you choose a new allegiance.
You keep, in essence, walking a worn out path, wishing, praying for things to be different.
You must take responsibility for recognizing that the choices are made internally, that which you would experience without.
In essence, you are answering the call now within your own heart and saying yes, it is time to try something new something radically different.
It may not fit with the rhythm of what others believe, or what I used to pretend I believed in as well.
I am forging a new path.
One of Self love
and adherence to my own core values.
There is no more need to suffer, there never was.
It is a core belief whose time has passed.
There is no more need to fit in when you fit in with your own divine entry, your own divine portal of establishment.
This requires some bravery and willingness.
What if you left the old life beyond and created a new voyage?
What if you released the cobwebs of the belief in crime and punishment?
What if?
Daily Teachings of the Masters | June 24, 2020
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/25/2020 12:30:00 AM