Nations in Germ – in – Nation
All Change
By John Scott
We are the timeless observer that effortlessly perceives the passing phenomenon of change, while remaining in a deep stillness that is unaffected by change.
We have chosen to live through this human trance transhuman transition time, mutating in resonance with an ever expansive Schumann currently effecting all nations in germ-in-nation, what with its electromagnetic vibes infrequently sparking off a pandemoniacal pharmaceutical deceit in over the counter feats of unparalleled counterfeit otherwise medicinally prescribed as a hard blue pill which Forster…E M…forced her to swallow and make room in view to redd up and rid any side effects ready to kick in and Woolf down a common ‘rhume’ of her own as featured in its Curriculum Vitae as Clownish-Common-Cold-Corona-Virus-CoVid-19 – Co-Co for short.
Just as 9/11 was pre-planned and designed to shock humanity into a ‘wake up’ call – occulting as it did the real so-called enemy behind pre-fabricated Bin Laden terrorist-laden diversions – so today the virus serves to draw attention away from numerous parallel machinations morbidly marauding behind the scenes, non-the least involving the lethal 5-G rollout, the effects on human body organs of which coincide exactly with those of the so-called Co-Co-virus. Both are invisible to the eye, which lends them even more so to fear-based panic reactivity on behalf of the great unwashed and superlatively vaccinated. It’s all immune systems go! The medicalised media inject stress and fear-porn in promiscuously lavish doses to ensure, as a guaranteed side-effect, the reinforced comatose suppression of critical thought. All’s not Orwell in the best of worlds, nor yet in Order in the Bravest of New Worlds, Eugene hic et nunc… (1)
If there were any doubt that humanity as a whole is slumbering needlessly still in knee-deep torpid sleep, the sight of individuals sporting masks as they sleepwalk or car-drive in the wilds of the country-side, painstakingly avoiding all possible natural human contact, is confirmation enough. One might get the impression that we were living in a movie which, given the propensity for ‘actor-enacted’ sensationalist crisis news flash coverage, too often proves to be the case! For the current controllers’ hidden-hand pandemic agenda involves a world-wide, ritualistically regimented rendition of almost abracadrabrant ‘danse macabre’proportions, the Dance of Death of soulless entities going through the pre-programmed motions in ghostly ghoulish unison, twisting and turning in obeisance to the tune of His Master’s vociferously perverse choreography.
This world-wide pandemic has been announced for some time now with a view to advancing one step further towards the installation of the controllers’ New World Order. Distractions have been provided all along the wizened yellow brick road that heads down towards the ultimate destination: the overlaying of organic reality by its synthetic simulacrum, the ultimate goal of which is transhumanism…
Relentless distractions and diverse strategies have served to camouflage the ongoing pursuit of this subjacent agenda. Fracking sparked attention to underground terrestrial abuse, as hard to swallow (fluoride) and digest as GMO and assorted toxic noxious synthetic food poisons. Chemtrails emitted from aluminium-barium biased aeroplanes spinning spider-web patterns to obscure blue skies and block out the the sun, their lethal cocktails raining down upon us and other germ-in-nations around the world.
Then came the Climate Change alarmists, claiming to operate for our greater Greta-“good god wo/man!” good, contradicting and ridiculing themselves with their well-remunerated ice-bank ‘doctored’ statistics, all of which cloud the issue and fail to shine light on the true picture. (2) There is no difference between our suffering and the suffering of the environment – both are equally objects of perception. For we are ‘perceiving’, in itself. The perceived is in this perceiving but the perceiving is not in the perceived. Because the perceiver is not a fraction or mind, but totality itself. This means that the perceived is already potentially in the perceiver – the All-that-is, or Consciousness itself.
All of these topics, (and many more), are brought into play in order to spread confusion, all the while drawing attention away from Self. Mixed up in imbricated formats, together with trashy holy-moly-rood predictive programming, mass media disinformation and social media trivia and hype. All thanks to the seductive technological toys designed to hypnotise the unsuspecting while scrolling their I-image ego into the mindless posturing of post-Neo blue-pilled fractional-identity zombified selfies. For your multiple selfies serve to demonstrate visually exactly who and what you are NOT. No two are the same ‘you’, even before pimpy-pouty pursed-lipped postures are peremptorily posted.
Pick and choose your pic and help your selfie!
However, the current state of ‘warfare’ (to quote the blue-chip crone Macron) is being waged on all fronts, not just in the Mad donor’s ‘material world’. And while we continue to identify ourselves with our body, our emotions our thoughts, we lose sight of our unchanging timeless centre of pure Consciousness. When we remember and return to our true nature, our thoughts and perceptions no longer appear as so many variables and psychological modifications of a single substance. For unbeknown to many, the human being’s prized possession, and one that ultimately is being fought over, is our innate force of creative imagination, linked as it is to our emotions. Machines and robots are incapable of expressing compassion much less Love, and the psychopathic controllers have long since suppressed theirs, if indeed they ever had any. (3)
Emotional energy, or loosh is the favoured flavour of the controllers. What better way to engage world-wide reserves of human loosh than to trigger a pandemic, strictly in accordance to the tried and tested protocol? By presenting the Co-Co virus as a universal threat (and pending the last-card option of an extraterrestrial invasion:) in unison with their MSM propaganda machine, the PTW violently jolt the masses out of their universal state of hypnosis as they struggle feverishly to and fro grappling with the trauma-induced effects of the ‘Five Stages’, panicking pell mell throughout its tumultuous peregrinations. These are reactions that are familiar to all life-threatening or loss situations – denial and shock-horror; anger and fear; plea bargaining; depression; and acceptance. (4)
The only world-wide virus pandemic is FEAR – so transmute it!
Fear is a psychological reaction based on memory. Psychological survival, which is the ego’s goal in its relentless quest to rid itself of its fears, is an illusion. A distinction can be made here between biological fear – we open the door to be greeted by a tiger’s gnarling roar!, and psychological activity. The latter is concerned with protecting and maintaining the ego, which is itself merely a collection of thoughts held together by memory. Today we witness much fear being expressed by many on the subject of germs, vaccines and viruses. The following timely reminder brings into perspective the role of transmutation in respect of fear management in this transition period:
“Fear is the contagion; simply knowing that there is no such thing as a virus is not sufficient to shield you from the fear of other humans, or prevent you from unconsciously transmitting it to everyone else you encounter. Transmute the fear and this transition will be much quicker and easier and the outcome, which is still in the balance, will be much more favourable.
If you did not succumb to the initial wave of fear, you might well have been knocked off-balance by shop assistants in haz mat gear and military patrolling the streets – that’s natural. And if you are not tempted by the virus, you might find 5G catching your attention, or parasites – because they are really real. Every one is going to get a dose of economic collapse and martial law and people will die, as they always do. The death of a loved one is always hard, regardless of whether they were elderly and sick, but no one seems to be dying of heart disease, strokes, or old age anymore. Rational thinking is the first casualty of an epidemic of fear.
The ‘cover-up,’ ‘psy-op,’ ‘hoax,’ whatever you choose to call it, works by transmitting fear. It is not designed to hide any actions of the controllers, which will continue regardless – they need their audience. However, the last thing they want is for you to discover what you are capable of! Ultimately, the cover-up is designed for you, to hide you from yourself. If you are focussed on dealing with problems and fears, guessing what the future might hold, hoping it will be better than the present, you live in a restricted reality in which you use up all your energy to stay afloat and you never get to live your dream. The expression of your unique dream is the blast that causes their reality to crumble.
The foundation of the world theatre is the false duality of ‘real’ and ‘not real’. The thinking goes: yes, but 5G IS REAL, they are installing it in my neighbourhood and the symptoms exactly match the coronavirus. That’s a trap. It tricks you into using your energy to shore up their reality, which is fear-based and constructed and limited in such a way as to render it easily controlled and conducive to the needs of the controllers. Whenever you see control in action, it is always an effect of fear. The operational duality of reality is ‘my reality’ and ‘other realities’. Creative imagination is the tool, not only to transmute fear, but to transform your perception and generate your own reality. It’s time to emerge from Plato’s cave.” (5)
Land sea sky
The mayhem engendered in the unsuspecting population – denial (“I don’t believe it!” and shock “OMG!”, and so on) was designed to precipitate swift acceptance of the authorities official orders, er…instructions or ’guidelines’. (Georgie Guide?) Like so many reassuring straw-men to grasp at and gratefully cling onto. In a world in which (for those who swallowed the official hype) the basic foundations of their existence appeared to be disintegrating beneath their feet and before their eyes. Indeed, dis-integration has become the order of the day. Self-isolation; reduced human social contact and activities; restrictions upon the freedom of movement turning into curfews for more than a few and Martial Law. A perfect rehearsal for the longer term goal – total control over (what is left of) the population world-wide. (6)
Interestingly enough, the official requirement in France for the external movements of all individuals in France has to be dated and signed…by the respective individual themselves! In other words, the controllers implicitly acknowledge that the Divine Sovereign Being that you are is the only terrestrial ‘authority’ endowed with power to allocate freedom of movement and individual liberties! Yet this has been strategically camouflaged beneath the prevailing sense of powerlessness and despair that is being heavily promoted by the fear-laden media hype and which is being experienced by many an in-divide-you-all, .
‘Civility’ is now represented by uncivil behaviour. Doublethink methinks, as I thought! (And do we enter the realms of Triplethink upon discovering that a ‘lie’ plays the central role at the heart of ‘belief systems’ – belief?; that a word like ‘live’ mirrors antonymic reflections: live//evil?; Bless you -> b_less you -> be-less you’? Eugene hicks like a myoclonic jerk and everybody runs! People are to be avoided like the Plague. In the event of human encounter, faces are TB be masked and respectable distances observed. Social gatherings and activities should be avoided at all costs. All external human exchanges are undertaken in quasi-robotic mode. Physical distancing is mandatory in public places for those as yet unrestricted to home quarantine status.
This is a comparatively faithful mirror-description of how the controllers themselves actually live, locked away as they are in the impersonal, synthetic reality of their ivory towers; hemmed in by body-guards, electric fences and hi-tech defences; as far away as possible from the natural, organic world ; distanced and protected from the maddening crowds and the critical scrutiny of the hoi polloi. In the meantime, cats and dogs are at liberty to roam as freely as flying birds and buzzing out and about bees…
At first glance, we would appear to have created an inconceivable state of affairs for ourselves, in our capacity of divine sovereign beings. At first glance! For our true personality is multidimensional, free from psychological interference. There’s more to it than meets the Eye.
Yet what better way to acclimatise folk to the trans-humanist world. What better way to demonstrate to ourselves precisely what we do not choose to live? A world in which no sane human would willingly choose to evolve, in which Man (those who remain) will have become reduced to the status of mere skin-vehicle whose purpose is to transport technological gadgetry all the while fuelling its operations with their innate organic facets. I-imprisoned and enslaved? The aim of the current phoney world-wide pandemic is to lead eventually to the imposition and injection of a miracle (sic) saviour vaccination to cure all ills – a vaccination containing a microscopic ‘chip’ designed to facilitate and fulfil all of the NWO desires. At which point we will have “Oh-well” and truly had our chips, by George!
So, where is this state of world-wide human transe leading to? (6)
Eugene hicks…
“All change — and mind the gap!”
‘Mind the gap!’ as we have been predictively programmed to anticipate for so many years, alighting from our underground train of thought to embark upon a new voyage of discovery in search of our forgotten Self, of our new-found station in life – the remembrance of our inherent limitless creative power now emerging in glorious radiant expansion.
Individuated essences of Consciousness, we have collectively fallen asleep to our true nature. It was our acceptance of this state of divine amnesia that enabled us to buy into the false belief-systems of fear, separateness and powerlessness. Each moment in life provides us with opportunities to awaken from an un-illuminated state to that of Self-Realisation. All time spent focussing our attention on the ongoing dynamics of the surrounding world – a world that we have created from start to finish! – is time not spent on identifying and innerstanding how and why we have created it.
The prevailing deleterious ambience now serves us with an ideal opportunity to get to grips with the whys and wherefores of our mission here on Earth. Failure to address these questions will lead to continued degeneration, instead of promoting transmutation into the wonderful new paradigm that we have dreamed of. It is time to change the subject. Time to stop feeding the beast that bites off our hand, – our own creation -, this unruly element that prevents us from savouring the joys of life. This is not why we are here. This is not what we have come for. This is not what we have decided wittingly to create for ourselves. No. So, here we are at the beginning of something else. It’s germ-in-nation time; time for transmutation. Our future life-form is shaped already in this seed of opportunity just as the oak tree is already contained within the acorn – the time has come to grasp and nourish it!
For we are currently creating a shift on Earth, a shift in consciousness which is affecting this particular dimension in its entirety. It does not directly affect any of the other multiple dimensions that co-exist within Consciousness, but it heavily affects this particular dimension. And this particular dimension is where our attention is currently to become focussed. Accordingly, the whole wide world is presently experiencing this massive shift in consciousness. The shift is expressing movement into a transitionary stage of remembrance. Remembrance of our true but forgotten essence. A dropping of the veil that for time immemorial had created the objective separation of our awareness from our true essence:
“Everyone represents a unique aspect of consciousness that manifests itself as ‘essence’. Consciousness creates this reality, along with everything that manifests within it, in order to experience itself. Furthermore, each individual incorporates all of consciousness! This is because, logically, Consciousness cannot be separated or divided as it exists everywhere and in every thing.
So, Consciousness cannot be objectified. Were we not ‘all of Consciousness’, what and where would be the frontier lie between our singular expression as essence (our ego-personality) and Consciousness as a Whole?” (7)
As we all move in this direction, we also create a tremendous regeneration of our expressive creative abilities within this physical dimension. Our previous unquestioned limitations are now falling away like the veil of ignorance, dropping to reveal our full potential within this physical dimension. But in order to progress in this new direction we must first arrive at the state of ‘acceptance’ that we have referred to elsewhere. (4) Acceptance of what? Acceptance of the totality of our belief systems that we have held and maintained in this particular dimension. Because these are the elements that express our own limitations; and it is through our belief systems that we influence so strongly our perception.
So, what are these belief systems?
“…when we created this particular physical dimension, the decision was made to create an environment in which Consciousness could further explore the infinite possibilities of its expression, like so many actors onstage. Shakespeare wrote: “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” The play actor is behind their personae, their mask – lover, rascal, hero. Meanwhile, there we are sitting in the theatre watching our own play on stage, only we have forgotten that we wrote it! Back on earth, the structure within which emotions and gender are to be explored consists of ten primary or core ‘belief systems’, which contain a multitude of aspects within each belief system. These provide the basis in which gender and the multiple expressions of emotion can be explored, the dual basis of our perceived reality in this dimension.
They can be summarised as follows:
- relationships (e.g. intimate, family, work, social, political…);
- duplicity;
- sexuality;
- truth;
- emotion;
- perception;
- the senses (both physical and inner senses);
- religious (spirituality);
- scientific (elements of our physical reality);
- physical creation of the universe (including accidents and coincidences);
organic reality in full flow
Belief systems influence our perception and our perception is the element that creates our reality in its entirety.
We incorporate every belief which is contained within all of the belief systems. However, while we incorporate every belief that is associated with all belief systems, we express only comparatively few of them. We select the beliefs which are associated and in accordance with how we choose to manifest our personality, the culture in which we choose to manifest within, what we choose to align with, and with particular reference to our families, our orientations and our preferences. We choose certain beliefs that we shall express, which are associated also with our opinions.” (Op. Cit.)
Our perception consists of:
- how we view ourself;
- how we view other individuals;
Our belief systems directly influence our perception, and our perception is the tool with which we create our reality.
We all create our own reality. You might say that there are currently seven and a half billion odd realities being experienced here on Earth. Every thought, every emotion, every event, every occurrence, every element of our reality is created by us individually, and the totality of that reality is created through our perception.
However, our perception is not our thought process. Although our thought process and our emotions are highly involved in our perception, it is not limited to our thoughts or to our emotions. Our perception constitutes the entirety of our view of our reality, and this is the tool that we employ in order to create all of our reality within this physical dimension.
So, by accepting all of these belief systems we also drop many of the limitations that we place currently upon ourselves in conjunction with our belief systems. As it stands, we place innumerable limitations upon ourselves in our daily life. We create innumerable obstacles with which to confront ourselves within our reality, and all of these restrictions are created in conjunction with our own personal belief systems.
Regardless of our respective religious orientation, religious belief systems also underly and influence much of our daily decision-making: “I should do this;…You should not do that”; “This is acceptable behaviour;…that is unacceptable behaviour.” Once we acknowledge the presence of these belief systems, and accept them as such, we release ourselves to pursue more objectively and creatively, and less restrictively within our reality. It also enables us to recognise and subsequently reassume evermore fully our own responsibility for all of the conditions of life that we are living.
That is to say that we are totally responsible for the creation of our current perceived reality!
The imposition of curfew rules and Martial Law regulations that has become accepted by the majority through placid consent, provides us with an example of our own duplicity. On the one hand, we have apparently decided to tow the line and conform to these external demands powerlessly. On the other hand, – and bearing in mind the ongoing remembrance our innate sovereignty,- we are drawn to assert our own authority, both over ourself and our reality. At the same time, this situation provides us with an ideal opportunity to express and play with our creativity. The supposed limitations serve to free-up alternatives hitherto unexplored. ‘Quality time’ with the family; looking after oneself; self-health help; yoga; gardening; spring cleaning (symbolising the casting out of the unwanted old); meditation; self-reflection; re-searching…
As a rule we tend to overlook our daily creative accomplishments on a regular basis, which become occulted by (our) more immediate and self-denying preoccupation with outwardly worldly events. We mirror unwittingly many elements of the natural state of consciousness and objectify these elements into physical, solid terms. We create physical movement (curfew permitting!). We create objects. We do things. Everything that we create in this reality within this dimension mirrors different aspects of the movement of consciousness. It is also a sort of translation zone whereby consciousness is manifested into physical solidity and material reality.
Even our thoughts and our ways of communication hold a physical quality; a certain thickness in energy that is translated through a time framework. An element of time which creates a sort of density within the expressions of all that we create within this physical dimension. Everything in the physical world that we perceive around us originated in thought before becoming expressed as ideas, before undergoing transmutation into physical form.
The whole point of living is to experience, and in the process of this experience to create. We generate a physical experience in association with our beliefs in respect of the blueprint of this physical dimension. Our designated role is to explore emotions and sexuality – physical manifestations and physical communication. To this end, we decided to incorporate an exploration of every conceivable type of experience in this reality – good or bad – because every experience provides us with a creative learning opportunity. However, having become so absorbed in the action in the game and experience of life, we have lost sight of the fact that we were the ones who designed the game in the first place. If life no longer satisfies us, it is our prerogative to change it.
For our reality is our experience. Our experience is the only thing that is ‘real’; it’s the only thing that IS. We are the experience itself, neither limited to nor by the bodily senses that experience this reality. For there is no doer – only doing. Indeed, as William Butler Yates so eloquently enquires: “How can we know the dancer from the dance?”…
Our perception creates our actual reality. It creates our stars, our universe, our moons, our suns, our world, every other individual within our physical reality, every structure, every atom, every molecule, everything. It creates us, our physical manifestation; it creates our home; it creates our family; it creates the nation, the neighbour’s barking dog and all the birds and bees. Everything. It creates every aspect of our reality that we experience, and it is influenced by our expressed beliefs.
We also chose to manifest in this physical dimension. It was our choice. No entity, no force, no element of consciousness greater than ourself has thrust us into this physical reality. We chose it. But why did we choose this particular reality? If we chose to manifest in this physical reality it was due to a sense of curiosity. For example, we were curious to participate in what is considered by some today to be an undesirable, frightening experience. But as no entity or force is greater than ourself, what have we to be afraid of?
Remember, we are the totality of Consciousness itself, as well as expressing an essence of Consciousness. Furthermore, we manifest simultaneously in other physical and non-physical dimensions. We are present in all areas of consciousness. Life on Mother Earth is one among many others. This particular physical dimension is one of the most diverse and complex of all of the physical dimensions. We have created this immensely complex and diverse arena for exploration. Exploration is limitless here, and guidelines and boundaries are relatively few…in spite of appearances! Our current transition period or transmutation phase involves a massive expansion in our awareness.
It consists of remembering who and what we really are – limitless Consciousness.
a head start
And how do we go about remembering? By paying attention to ourself, by listening to ourself, by feeling ourself, by knowing ourself. “Man know thyself.” With this comes the recognition that every individual is an expression of Consciousness, an essence. Every individual is as equally valuable as every other individual; none are more valuable and none are less valuable. How could it be otherwise? And we are all are different!
So, if every individual is unique and valuable and at the same time is an expression of Consciousness, and if every expression of Consciousness carries an equal measure of value and worth, how can we possibly claim to be able to determine what is absolutely right and what is absolutely wrong, or what is absolutely good and what is absolutely bad? We can’t. Because there is no such thing as absolute good or absolute bad. They are purely relative perceptions emanating from a specific point of view. Like the simultaneous perception by two different individuals of the same sun rising and setting; both points of view appear to be diametrically opposed to one another and yet both are equally valid. A third point of view, hailing from Space, would invalidate both by claiming that the sun neither rises nor sets, ever! This was the duality-orientated world-view that we projected onto our Platonic cave wall in our ancient paradigm.
Notwithstanding, we have successfully managed to negotiate several millennia willy-nilly while pursuing notions of right and wrong, good and bad, without ever giving it so much as a second thought. Because while we incorporate all beliefs within all of the belief systems we have been somewhat selective, choosing to express but some, not all. Today, we are not eliminating one belief system to create a new one. What we are doing is redirecting our energy through our awareness and allowing our attention to move to the expression of differentbeliefs, all of which are all already incorporated within us. Like the oak tree during its germ-in-nation period.
The expression of good and bad, of right and wrong, shall be different hereon in, because now we shall apply it to ourself and not to other individuals. We can actions or the choices of other individuals and tell ourselves that we don’t agree with them, or even that we don’t like them. Except now we choose to move in accordance with our guideline. We may choose not to express ourselves, because it’s our decision not to do so, but we do this without casting judgment on other individuals and their views. The significant point here is that now we become increasingly aware of our own truths while at the same time recognising that they are only true to us.
Movement in this shift, then, does not involve trying to convert other individuals to accept or adopt our own belief systems. The permutations of the shift encompass all the belief systems of all individuals upon Earth. Therefore, the acceptance of all belief systems becomes of utmost importance. Regardless of whether or not we judge other individuals’ creation of belief systems, no change is involved in the way we go about accomplishing things. For every single belief that each individual holds is real. It is not merely their terms of reality that apply to that particular individual. It involves reality itself, for we are all connected. Therefore, it is our reality also. We may vehemently disagree with another individual’s creation of their reality, but it is nonetheless our reality too; for we are a part of them and they are a part of us.
Take this article for example.* It seeks to express certain points of view, with which the reader may or may not choose to agree. Maybe we agree with certain points of view, and maybe not. Inasmuch as a sovereign being, we cannot possibly be wrong. We may choose to modify our points of view, but in any given moment they represent our preferences and as such are indisputable. Instead of investing time and energy in the pointless pursuit of trying to persuade others to adopt our point of view, we can revel in the diversity of opinions and experiences which we encounter, possibly incorporating aspects of them to supplement our preferences along the way.
* (Re-reading the above paragraph, replace ‘this article’ by any other alternative example of choice, perhaps the subject that most preoccupies us at the moment…)
Why should we continue to hold onto negative beliefs or perspectives that cause us to become emotionally triggered by people, places or situations in a negative way? Why should we continue to remain victims by personalising unconscious thought patterns that are not in alignment with our inner stillness, silence, joy and freedom? For living is joy; not being joyful but being joy itself. Such joy is multidimensional.
It could be said that belief systems are inventions that we create in order to explain what we do not understand. Truths are unchanging in themselves. And while reality is a truth, our viewof reality is a belief system. In widening our awareness and acceptance of belief systems, we nullify their power. We allow ourself more probabilities, in order to allow ourself more knowledge and more choices. We do not feel bound to these belief systems. Alternatively, the stronger the belief system, the more firmly we are held.
Any belief system that we hold strongly holds us!
It eliminates many of our choices, for we tend to see more selectively and narrowly within that belief system. We exclude from ourself any information that does not correspond or complement that belief system. Therefore, we are bound to it and by it. But by accepting the belief system, – without any intention of changing or eliminating it but acknowledging that it is reality and that it is accepted, – it loses its power. In losing its hold, it opens up and allows us more choices. This is absolutely fundamental to any meaningful transmutation.
No genuine progress can be made without first coming to trust unreservedly in ourself.
In order to succeed in the transmutation process, we need to let go of our duplicity in order to come to believe in ourself. We are tremendously inventive creatures. But for all the advances we make in technological and other spheres, if we fail to resolve these comparatively minor individual problems regarding our relationship to our Self, we shall continue to run around in circles like a dog chasing its tail. No genuine progress can be made without first coming to trust in ourself. The apparent mass acceptance of media-relayed influences, which we absorb even when we are not actively listening, would appear to indicate that levels of self-confidence, innerstanding and acceptance of self are still wanting.
And it goes without saying that the ongoing world-wide orchestrated pandemonium is designed to draw attention away precipitately from the pursuit of inner work in order to focus upon the fear-mongering plethora of successive external ‘crises’ that we have created, distracting us from our path.
elementals coming across a cross at a river crossing
Once we decide to address our belief systems in this way there is inevitabley going to follow a period of stress, conflict, confusion and chaos. (4) This is what can be seen taking place around us today. The current, unprecedented rise in consciousness is drawing us into areas that are unfamiliar to us. The familiar and the unknown necessarily invoke reticence, anxiety and fear. There is a temporary movement of discomfort, conflict and confusion. And at any given moment in time, this becomes mirrored outwardly in all that we create, e.g. the hard to swallow Co-Co of today.
The contemporary scenario of the destruction of human and animal beings, together with other elements on Earth, are simply mirror-images of what we are addressing subjectively within ourselves. Everything we perceive (to be) outside of ourself finds its origin within us. The more we focus upon the external mirror-image or upon Plato’s shadows, the more we ignore their very source, the light which shines to reveal the unfolding film before our very eyes. We are not the film; we are the light that allows us to see the film. It is our light that weproject in order to create our reality and bring it into perspective.
Beliefs influence beliefs, and beliefs influence perception, and it is our perception that creates our reality.
Once we integrate the above, we can successfully transition into a completely new reality. Currently we are witness to countless individuals busily creating illness by means of the common cold, (“Cough cough!”)…the flu, this Co-Co virus, which could be termed as a mass event. (1) But each individual creates this activity within their own focus for their own reasons. Therefore, the mass event is part and parcel of each individual physical focus, and into which it is incorporated. Our belief systems are an element of mass events.
Our belief systems influence all of our individual manifestations. Therefore, it is irrelevant which subject we choose to focus upon. All manifestations that we choose to incorporate are influenced by mass events. Whatever clothes we choose to wear or whatever food we choose to eat is influenced also by mass events. Everything that we choose to consume on an individual level is influenced by collective, mass events.
Without exception, every expression that we incorporate finds its basis in mass events and belief systems.
Belief systems can be visualised in the form of a series of massive bird cages, each one representing a belief system. Each cage contains countless nuances and infinite permutations of its respective belief system, These are reflected in the different size, shape, colour, birdsong, wingspan and hue of the birds, but nonetheless they are all familiar and integral to one another. Each cage currently holds at least half a billion birds. It only takes one bird to peck open the door in each cage and all the birds can fly away to create magnificent mellifluous birdsong per_mutations on the wing as they soar to kiss the blue skies.
The birds will never forget their respective belief systems but they will no longer be imprisoned by them. Some birds may choose to remain within the bounds of the cage. Others, more cagey, may choose to return to the perceived security of their familiar cage. Any and all options will follow their own preference and be their own choice. There can be no bad choices. Every choice taken here is a flight of fancy! All choices are equally valid.
Objectively, they will have become free, but we now know that we are what we believe ours self to be; not we believe ourselves to be what we are. Some birds, then, may continue to believe that they are imprisoned, despite the objective fact that they are now free. Is this not what Man has been believing for past millennia?
We create what we believe, as opposed to we believe what we create.
In the same way that energy follows the focus of our attention, our perception follows our beliefs; not the other way around! In fact, there are no bird cages, no closed systems, in this reality – only those that we believe in. If we believe that we are subjugated, prisoners of forces more powerful than ourselves – what a ridiculous assumption for a divine sovereign being to hold! – then so be it. As we widen our awareness of belief systems, we also begin to incorporate an understanding of how our belief systems align with mass belief systems.
Within the area of mass belief systems we have become very effective in restricting our individual selves. We have learned (and have been heavily programmed) to distrust and discount ourselves. By aligning ourselves with mass belief systems, we have learned that it is unsafe to express our individuality. In so doing, we ourselves have been responsible for denying the full expression of our own individual creativity and talents. For it is through the individual expression of these abilities that we set ourselves apart. We become different – a free spirit!
The choice is ours and the time is ripe. The cage door is now opening ever wider. What do we choose to do? Stay ‘in-doors’ curfew-style, along with the vast majority that appear to supports consensus reality? Or do we ‘do different’ and stand out, step out of line and become outstanding – nay fly out!
Shall we remain within or take off to where only the sky is the limit? Just like the bird and acorn, we already contain within us every conceivable facet, skill and creative ability required to reach for the sky. And it only takes one bird to take to the wing before, spontaneously, flocks of our other bird selves follow suit. It is high time to believe in ourself and in our ability to fly as the transition period now draws to a close – how time flies!
Take-off is imminent!…
Ashol-Pan’s golden eagle taking off on a flight of fancy in Siberia
“Tuesday had come down through Dundrum and Foster Avenue, brine-fresh from sea-travel, a corn-yellow sun-drench that called forth the bees at an incustomary hour to their day of bumbling. Small house-flies performed brightly in the embrasures of the windows, whirling without fear on imaginary trapezes in the lime-light of the sun-slants…” (9)
1. 5G_whizz & Corona-fizz:
2. Tony Heller, Climate Change Warrior:
3. Ronald Bernard, ex-Illuminati Dutch banker:
4. ‘Coronavirus, Ascension and the Grieving Process’:
5. Free Finca: ‘Free cover-up, one size fits all.’:
6. ‘There are Fates Worse Than Death‘ Catherine Fitts / James Corbett:
Say NO to the Lockdown!!
7. Consciousness Uprising:
8.Yellow Vests and the Uprising in Consciousness:
9. Flann O’Brien, ‘At Swim-Two-Birds’, ‘The Complete Novels.’ (p.171. Everyman’s Library. 2007)
All Change | John Scott
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/15/2020 08:40:00 PM