5G-Whizz and Corona-fizz | John Scott


By John Scott

5-G-whizz & Corona-fizz roll-out

Germ — in — Nation!

Welcome to the 5G-Whizz C-4-yourself 3-Corona-Fizz swizzle frazzle-dazzle, snap crackle and potty Pretty Polly Pol-Pot Winnie the Flu pandemic which has been rolled out upon us in New World Order to depopulate world-wide at ever-increasing mad wild hill-Billy Gates-of-Hell rates, scything systemically and not infrequently through electro-magnetic frequencies like killer_what’s-invisiblegoesunseen while sunstrokes of blazing psychotic summers, simmering and a-shimmering in the corona-glow – or as auras show – glitches of post-apocalyptic phrenetic phthiSIC cryptic anti-phyletic dissent trysting the twilight away to diss_Cerning Wooha-Wuhan Chinese Fire-wall virtual blitzkrieg killer_hurts_what ho!

Witness today’s scatological pathalogical pandemoniac dire rear-guard action pulling the chain-store on flush-faced suppliers faeces failing to paper over toilet roll outages as the ongoing world-wide ‘Poo’ bear Winnie the Flu roll-out of the UN Agenda 21 in hot pursuit of its ultimate trans-humanistic goal – to overlay all organic lifeforms on Earth with an AI-generated virtual reality.

This ‘C4-yourself virus’ is inorganic and does not exist.

The physical body was not designed or intended to accommodate unsolicited involuntary inorganic synthetic virtueless virtual viral bombardments. Unlike organic virus, – which are produced IN the body By the body to eliminate noxious waste elements – SINthetic vaccines are man-made – in the soulless Bill & Melinda Gates of Hell Foundation funded laboratories. Vaccines:

“While we do not know WHAT is in vaccines, we do know that they are IN FOR US!”






Finally, we don’t stop the non-existant imagination-created virus with panic, but with intelligence. Here is recent information that came from a researcher from Shenzhen transferred to Wuhan to collaborate with the task force against the Coronavirus pan-demonia-demic.

This is not a remedy for coronavirus because it does not exist, and because the cause of reported illnesses and death is in fact 5-G. However, it does provide some useful guidelines.

So-called Coronavirus infection does not present as a common cold, with a runny nose or cough with cathares and sputum, but rather with a dry cough. This is the first signal to be properly identified.

Ii is important to know that the so-called virus does not resist heat, and dies if exposed to temperatures of around 26-27°. It is therefore very important to consume all possible hot drinks during the day, such as tea, herbal tea, cidre-vinaigre, soups, or simply hot water. The hot liquid readily neutralises the virus.

For those who can, it is important to get out into nature and expose themselves as much as possible to the sun in accordance with your current climatic conditions.


“It will not have escaped your notice that the ‘wanna-be-rulers’ have long quarantined themselves in their gilded prisons and they do not interact with Nature at all. This is what they are unconsciously projecting onto us – a reflection of their own imprisonment and fear. In the naked dark before dawn, they question their enslavement to their own dark rituals, and what if they are not as powerful as they like to appear? They cannot hide from the life-force energy of the earth and they cannot wage war on the wild microbial domain of the planet and win. What will happen is that their secret fears and doubts, that they are not actually the chosen ones, will get confirmed. What’s being acted out on the world stage is a fear-based projection caused and maintained by many levels of disconnection and disassociation; enforced quarantines, mandatory vaccinations, even 5G, eugenics and economic control (based on fear of scarcity) are all effects of that fear – not the cause.” (‘Deadwood, Microbes and Demons.’ Yolanda Dolling)

For further Karma-ceutical and Arts of the Martial Law Wu-Flu Lung-Fu advice, kindly Ascend to the next level and consult the following Sources:

Further links:

Coronavirus and the Grieving Process:


Say NO to the Lockdown!!


China, 5G, And The Wuhan Coronavirus: The Emperor’s New Virus


Former President Of Microsoft Canada, Frank Clegg:

Former President of Microsoft Canada, Frank Clegg: 5G Wireless is NOT SAFE:


Agenda 21:


The Truth About


Ultimate EMF Protection Thank You E



5G-Whizz and Corona-fizz | John Scott 5G-Whizz and Corona-fizz | John Scott Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 6/16/2020 10:03:00 AM Rating: 5

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