Monday, May 18, 2020

Truth is the Casualty in a Meme War | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, May 18, 2020

I can’t avoid sharing what has come up for me.

I’m stopped dead in my tracks by Michael’s coaching last reading (May 13, 2020). He said to me:

“As I have said many times you’re not to engage in politics, sweet one. …

“Again, sweet one, you’re becoming engaged in political intrigue which is distracting you from the true process of Ascension. …

“It is important during this shift, during this time of new beginnings, yes, with the sweeping away of the old, that you focus on the future, which is exactly what you are doing, and what I have guided you to do. …

“Remember that our undertaking is the tracking of spiritual evolution to a higher realm of consciousness and that is the focus that we must always return to.” (1)

He’s absolutely right. I was asleep at the wheel. I was reading articles with an uncritical eye and becoming unconsciously, at some level, sucked into the meme war, with its partisanship, polarization, politics by sloganeering.

“The tracking of spiritual evolution to a higher realm of consciousness” – That sounds exciting, not like I know how to go about that. But I’m open.

Interestingly, having awoken from my hypnotic trance, I no longer want to participate in the meme war – even though I don’t yet know what not participating means for me.

It becomes harder to do something once one becomes aware of it.

It isn’t just the mainstream media that’s getting caught, particularly in the left/right meme. It’s us alternative, citizen journalists as well.

Truth is the casualty in a meme war.

I actually want to live up to the mark Michael has set for me.

So I’m just letting you know that I’m rethinking, retooling, and reconsidering lines I’ve followed up till now.

I’m studying what Michael has asked of me, to see if I can get to the heart of it.

I won’t be canvassing the mainstream or alternative press for the moment. I’ll be taking up reportage again based on celestial and galactic sources. One thing is certain: I need to extricate myself from the meme war.


(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 13, 2020.

Source: Golden Age of Gaia