Hey Everyone! I've been following this site for several years through the highs and lows like many of you have. It's been really hard for many of us Light Warriors going through a spiritual awakening emotional, physically as well as financially. As Creatives, working in Corporate America can be extremely difficult and to even find like-minded people to engage. So I created a social media networking site to UNITE those of the "Light".
The Light Unites website is intended to be a High Frequency Love Portal. We are providing members the opportunity to not only share enlightened information, but to build your own Light Business as well. You are able to feel comfortable sharing your videos, music, pictures, creative projects with your Groups and Fans! Fans?? Yes! We are the new Celebrities!
There is also an opportunity to find Love within our site by simply checking the Love button when setting up your profile. We desire to unite those open to finding their Soul Flame~Twin Flame Divine Love Partner. Included in annual membership. Love is the most powerful energy there is, God is Love!
Annual Membership $11.11
Why 11.11? I created this site not to get rich but to do my part in assisting to heal and raise the vibration of Mother Gaia. When we unite in numbers, the Light Wins!
11:11 is the number that began to see as I was awakening to my spiritual journey. I believe that to be so for many others.
11:11 represents the powerful Archangel Metatron
11:11 is connected to the Twin Flame Love Partners
Patrick has been so faithful to us for so many years providing us these updates that we would never have access. I am very grateful and would like for him to receive commissions from everyone on this site that registers from here on out. So when you click here to register, Patrick will be blessed.
Bring your Light Tribe and You too will receive 20% commission! (see links below)
Even if you aren't interested in social media, it would be greatly appreciated if you were to share our site with someone that would be interested. Thank you!! Love & Light!
Sign up here
Visit the shop here
Leslie Light Goddess
New Lightworker Social Media Networking Site | Leslie Light Goddess
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/06/2020 08:47:00 AM