Elizabeth April Video: The Reptilians | Kat

Painting: ‘Bridge to 5D’ by Gilbert Williams

By Kat, May 6, 2020

I’ve heard and read only a bit about reptilians. I once showed a friend a clip from the film, JUPITER ASCENDING. I thought the settings, graphics, set-design and costumes were magnificent, just brilliant, and I wanted my friend to see.

One of JUPITER’s plot-lines is about reptilians that serve a powerful human royal family, who apparently own the entire galaxy and all the planets.

My friend, who is a gifted psychic, immediately turned to me and said, “Oh, this is real.”

“It is?” I asked. Seriously?! “You mean the reptiles and the Humans?”

“Oh yes,” she said, matter-of-factly. Like, where have I been that I don’t see these guys?!

In her video, Elizabeth verifies that this was indeed so in Ancient Egypt: That Humans, reptiles and the Anunnaki walked on Earth together. Not pleasantly.

JUPITER ASCENDING came out in 2015, and I was only beginning, back then, to understand the whole reptilian/shapeshifters who control-Earth-idea.

JUPITER ASCENDING was written and directed by the very gifted Wachowski brothers. The first Wachowski film I saw, which is a masterpiece on so many levels, was THE MATRIX. It’s where the term “red pilling” comes from.

FYI, in THE MATRIX, Laurence Fishburne, who played the wise, guru-like ‘Morpheus,’ holds out both his hands to Keanu Reeves’ ‘Neo,’ who is ‘the One” that can bring down the illusory-machine-matrix. In each upturned palm, Morpheus offers Neo a pill.

Morpheus says, “You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland and I show you just how deep the rabbit-hole goes.” Neo chose the red pill, hello.

Q loves to use Matrix terms. “Red pilling.” “See how deep the rabbit hole is,” etc.

However, I’ve never actually listened to anyone chat about reptilians so clearly until Elizabeth’s video. She confessed that she made a video in 2016 about reptilians but then got scared and took it down, which was very wise. So many Lightworkers have been targeted or attacked to diminish our shining, and Elizabeth confessed that she’s been psychically attacked many times.

Elizabeth emphasizes what so many have said: That Third and Fourth dimensional beings, which is what reptiles are, cannot hold the light and ascend to the beautiful, radiant Fifth Dimension.

An image I’ve always loved is from the film STARDUST, that stars Claire Danes, Michelle Pfeiffer and Robert De Niro. Danes plays a Star that has accidentally fallen from the sky. Pfeiffer plays a wicked witch who can remain young if she cuts out the Star’s heart and eats it (YUK.)

In one of the last scenes of the film, after a rollicking battle for three quarters of the film between the Star, with the help of her Prince, and the Witch, with the help of her two evil sisters, the witch is very near to achieving her goal. Holding the Star captive, she approaches her with a very sharp blade, when the Star asks her young Prince to hold on tight to her and close his eyes. When he does, Danes does what all Stars do—she Shines.

By the force of the pure dazzling Starlight, the witch disintegrates into a million pieces.

Being a movie buff, it’s how I’ve always seen Nova Gaia coming into being. Our gorgeous, pristine 5D planet is revealed in a flash after the utter disintegration of all that is darkness.

As in the end of the LORD OF THE RINGS: RETURN OF THE KING. After Gollum, holding the One ring, falls into the lava of Mount Doom, the evil Sauron is defeated, and he and his Orcs disintegrate.

Disintegration in a flash of all that was evil and the instant reveal of all that is Good, is a common theme in too many books and films to list here. Point is—light is more powerful than darkness and Elizabeth April emphasizes that Humans are a threat to reptilians, which is why everything in their old-controlled-3D world was designed to keep us repressed, confused, afraid and in darkness.

Happily, thanks to Starseeds, Lightworkers, Gatekeepers, Angels, channels, and people “waking up,” the Light factor on Gaia increases and shines more brightly every moment and the dark has already been defeated.

As with everything—please take what you can use and leave the rest. Believe it, don’t believe it. Up to you. I only offer the information with love.

Peace, Health and Abundance for all — Goddess, Sovereign, Free,

xo, Kat

Elizabeth April video — Reptilians: The Truth, It’s Time 5-4-20

Transcribed by Kat

Elizabeth’s introduction: As with everything I say take it or leave it… Do I believe every one of you have reptilian DNA? 100%… I want to set an intention for this video… By understanding this aspect of yourself you then have full control over operating it… we all have the reptilian brain… we all have that fight or flight mechanism within us… it’s no longer a time to be stuck within this 3rd dimension… that reptilian brain and DNA keeps us anchored into this reality… I’m going to give you an affirmation will allow you to dismantle your reptilian DNA… everything in this video has been channeled directly from Source… I do not do any external research coming from this reality…

4:35 When I got introduced to reptilians… BTW, this is either my direct experience or channeled experience… once again, take it or leave it…

Let’s start with 2010, when I had my first abduction experience… late 2011 I got introduced to the Galactic Federation… I had another meeting with them in 2012… the Galactic Federation came to me… I was just hanging out meditating in my dorm… when a huge light being walked into the room… this being told me, telepathically, that they needed my help… I was, alright, let’s go… he takes me to this place… not a ship… we just kind of sat in space… I was in my astral body, he was in his astral body… he opened up like a television screen… he showed me all these clips… like watching a movie…

All of these clips of these of giant humanoid dinosaur-type beings… they were on different planets… every time they showed me clips of these dinosaur type humanoid beings they were always taking over… sometimes they had guns… I thought it was kind of funny that they carried guns… I didn’t know that an interdimensional being could carry a gun?!… I thought that was an Earthbound thing… I saw them time and time again in war zones… taking over entire civilizations…gaining access to money, power and control on all different terrestrial planets… all over the Universe… in all different galaxies…

7:50 So this Astral being told me, he said… if we allow what is happening right now to continue to take place… these beings will do the same to humans… the same to this civilization… and I said, OK, well what do we do??… what’s next? How do we stop this?

8:15 So he had to show me a little bit of the history of this species… he was showing me the draconians, the arcons, the reptilians… there are an infinite variety of many different types of reptilians in the universe… NOT ALL REPTILIANS ARE BAD… but we’re going to be talking about Humans and planet Earth and reptilians and it’s not a lovely story…

8:43 After he showed me a lot of these clips he said, “We need your help now…”… I said where are we going?.. he said just follow me… we zoomed at the speed of light, and hurtled into planet Earth and all of a sudden we’re in this very dark space… there were 16 or 17… a group of different light bodies… in a triangle formation… and this llight-being said, “this is your light tribe… your warrior tribe…” and we’re going to go confront this species… and I said, what?!?… here I am at the age of 20 while this is going on… OK I’ll just follow your lead…

When he went into the formation there was only one space left, in the front, so I realized I was the leader of this little light formation… we all came together in this ball of light… and we went down in planet Earth… we went in this cave… there was this huge crowd of reptilian beings… in their physical bodies, not astral bodies… we had spun into the 4th dimension… which is where reptilians exist in the physical… imagine a concert of hundreds of thousands of people… but it was all black, it was all dark… so when we popped into that cave we were the only thing that lit that cave up… we literally lit the cave up… all I could see below us… maybe about 10 feet below us were heads… blacked-out heads… I knew that those were all the reptilians…

12:15 Once again, instinctively, intuitively, I started speaking to them in this loud booming telepathic voice… I couldn’t have planned what I was going to say to this crown of reptilians but I said, something like…

We know who you are, we know what you’re doing,

you’re no longer allowed to get away with what you have been doing

to planet Earth and the Humans…

and if you continue to do what you’re doing

we’re going to take you down…

you’re not allowed to be here anymore…
and it’s a good time to start planning your exit!…

12:53 That was it! Like I just confronted them. My light tribe was behind me. We weren’t looking for a battle… we just wanted to tell them—get out of here… you can’t be here anymore… and with that… it was so powerful, I’m like, oh damn… (giggles)… and with that, right at the end, we were planning on exiting… it was so wild… these reptilian beings started jumping and they tried to grab us… and pull us down… I didn’t even know it was possible… in the astral realm and 4D… they started jumping towards us to pull us down…

It was the craziest experience because as they jumped to pull us down… take us down into that vibration… the closer they got to us the more I could see every single detail of their faces… each one of them looked different but similar… dinosaur-humanoid, lizard-humanoid… so wild… as they got closer I could see their defining features, scales, flat noses, horns… and they tried to grab us… in that moment we all got together in that ball… we spun around and popped back into the 3rd dimension… and I was thanked by the light-being who brought me into all of that… then I went back in my body and I’m like, what was that?!?!?

14:25 So that was my first real confrontation and experience with reptilians… after that experience… I was introduced to them very lightly in 2011 when the Galactic Federation that told me that there is this species taking over Humans… but they didn’t go very much into it…

14:50 Then… after that… I started to look into the illuminati… I was directed to all these different resources online and the different illuminati symbolism and understanding that these reptilian beings are actually shape-shifting into Human form and they’re controlling every aspect especially the mainstream… and I would start to breakdown the illusion of this Matrix… I would watch a music video and I would recognize all the signs… B&W floors, sign of trialnge… so clear and evident in every way possible and it kind of freaked me out…

15:40 Then in 2013 I wanted to dig deeper… I was getting good at astral traveling… I went back in Human history during a deep state of trans-meditation… and I went back to really see… how have the reptilians… How did they get here? Who are they really? Why do they have such a strong desire to overtake Humans?…

16:20 So once again, in a deep state of trance… I went back into Human history… what history tells us is that the Timelines are false… the most significant Timeline I went into was Ancient Egypt… all of a sudden here I am in 2013 and I go back and I see Ancient Egypt as it was… along with the Human beings who looked extremely short… I also saw 10 to even 25-foot Humanoid beings… who I now know as the Annunaki… so along with the giant Humanoids… there was these dinosaur-type reptilian beings…

the weird thing is that both the Annunaki and the reptilians were walking around with Human beings… the hierarchy I was aware of was the Annunaki were the revered ones… they were looked up to like Gods… and the reptilians who were also huge like 10-feet tall… they were kind of the managers… they did the bidding of the Annunaki… and these reptilian beings were really cruel to Human beings like slave owners… so I’m looking at this whole scene… how wild is that… we were walking around with them and there is no record of this…

18:34 So I actually questioned this… I went to my Galactic Federation and said, “OK, if like, the Annunaki and if these reptilians were walking around as Ancient Egypt was being developed… why don’t we have a record of them during Ancient Egypt?… The GF said, “It was illegal for the Humans to depict the reptilians in their true form… in hieroglyphics as well as in statues… so they always depicted them in different forms… they did say there was a couple of artifacts that humans risked their lives back then… to give us that information now… a lot of the Pharaoh’s and gods were depicted as these huge statues… turns out they were really that tall….

19:47 What ended up happening was… it was so cool I’ll never forget this visual… here I am scanning all through ancient Egypt… taking a look at the dynamics… all of a sudden I see these three HUGE flying saucers… kind of… a little bit more flat… coming down over the pyramids… and it was the frickin’ Galactic Federation… they came down and they gave the Anunnaki and reptilians a message… they said—you are no longer allowed to be here and interfering with human beings anymore… and you have to get off the planet…

So, surprisingly, the ones who had all the power, the Anunnaki, said, Ok, cool, sure… we’re getting off… there wasn’t too many of them… but they sort of felt like… that what they wanted to get out of humans and this planet they got… so they left super-willingly… and I’m like, OK… cuz they had all the power…

21:00 the reptilians… no frickin’ way… they did not want to leave… and something that they said the Galactic Federation at that time was… we aren’t leaving this planet because this planet is ours…

and the GF said… we know this planet was originally yours but it’s no longer yours moving forward… and I was super confused by this… cuz I’m like, what?!… what do you mean this planet was originally the reptilians?!… so I stopped that vision… I stopped that flashback of Human history mid-vision… and I went back even farther… Now I want to discover how the reptilians got here…

22:00 And I went back to dinosaur times… and boom… there you have it… low and behold there are these dinosaurs as we know… and there was also a very thriving race of draconian reptilian basically humanoid dinosaur beings that were ruling over the land at that time… I don’t know how they originally originally got here but I can verify that these reptilians have been here long before humans… long before apes were ever here… so in a way you have to have compassion for them… [Kat note: Earliest dinosaurs recorded 245 million years ago] (1.)

22:40 Because this planet was kind of given… from the Galactic Federation to this experimental species… us… this hybrid species… and the funny thing is that Human Beings have Anunnaki DNA within them… the Anunnaki helped to create us… Human Beings have Pleiadian DNA within us from Ancient Atlantis and Lemuria…

23:00 So here we are these little tiny fragile Human bodies… and yet we are ten-times more powerful because we have been advanced rapidly from high vibrational interdimensional beings… and these poor lowly reptilians have had to evolve one stage at a time… and to be honest… because they do not allow themselves to overcome the fear… it’s not being scared of something… it’s the attachment to power, and control and greed… and because they will not let go of that attachment… they will not ascend… and they aren’t ascending and they cannot move forward as a species… so they are stuck… and they believe that this planet is theirs…

23:49 and all of a sudden the Human beings go from a slave race… and they (reptilians) go from free Sovereignty… at that time when the Galactic Federation came down and basically freed us… so back to Ancient Egypt and the GF coming down telling the reptilians to get off… so basically because the reptilians said, no way, we’re not leaving our own planet… the Galactic Federation told them…

You don’t have to leave the planet… but you can no longer interfere with Human beings… or you can’t be seen… this is important… you can’t be seen by Humans… so the GF kind of exiled the reptilians underground… this is where you get the start of the underground tunnels… and underground cities… and the cavernous type of civilization that the reptilians have been living in… for years and years…

24:53 So the whole point is… YOU CAN’T BE SEEN BY HUMANS… so what the reptilians did… they went underground… some of them left… the higher vibrational ones… so they went underground… but they developed technologies and they started inter-breeding with certain Humans that they felt were the strongest… and they started to create not only just a Human-reptilian bloodline on the planet… but they also started to create technologies where they were able to shape-shift into a Human being… without the need to have the bloodline…

25:40 So originally, before the technology… it was the bloodlines… so there’s two ways reptilians can shape-shift into Humans… one half is if a Human being has a higher than normal reptilian DNA bloodline… a reptilian soul can kind of split their soul in their body and, in a sense, possess the body of the Human being who has the high amount of reptilian DNA…

and when that possession happens… and it doesn’t happen too often… when that possession happens there are a lot of reptilian traits of the greed and the power and the attachment and the control that all come out in that Human… it’s like that reptilian possession triggers the reptilian functionality of that Human…

So this is why it is so important… for all… every single one… no matter what language, culture, race, background… EVERY SINGLE ROYAL FAMILY ON THE ENTIRE PLANET… decided to keep it in the bloodline…. Hmmm… and I believe that the reason why is that keeps the reptilian bloodline pure so that the possession and the control and takeover can happen…

27:00 Now recently, they’ve created technology, in the past hundred years or so… where they can actually… they have a device… I don’t know much about it… but the device basically shifts them into a holographic form… I literally can’t even describe this device… it’s a 4D technology… it shapeshifts them into a Human body that you can touch… but it’s a 4D hologram…

So they’re like… the reptilians are saying… the Humans aren’t seeing us but we’re still in control… and that’s been their main motive this entire time…

Every aspect of this entire society is built around the control and the suppression of Human beings because we are far more powerful than they are… therefore we are a threat… I cannot express it enough… WE ARE A THREAT TO REPTILIANS… so they’re trying to take us down…

And you know what? kudos to them because they’ve succeeded… wow have they ever succeeded… music industry, celebrities, politicians, religions… OMG, crazy… they really have… and now they can’t succeed anymore… they can’t move forward anymore…

28:30 So let’s go back to 2013… I was so curious about this… my #1 thing when I was waking up to all this information was… How many of them are there?… How common is this?… and at first I was like, oh, cool, no big deal, they’re just the 1%ers… nothing’s ever going to change… it’s always going to be this way… way too big to take down… that was my perception… but then eventually I wanted to see for myself… I needed that proof… So, in 2013 I said to my reality… I said… I want to see a reptilian shapeshifter… here I was, going to University in Hamilton, Ontario…. McMaster University… It’s not a small town but it’s not LA…

29:38 I was taking the bus to and from my apartment… after I put the call out… I want to experience this… I want to see them firsthand… I want to know that they’re actually here….

I was on the bus… and there was this woman looking like she was straight out of the 1930’s and ‘40’s… she wasn’t that old… maybe like 45 years old… perfect pink hat… white gloves… sitting there… it was so odd… she was put together… she wasn’t homeless… legs were crossed, her hands on her knees… very proper… and I got a weird feeling about it… wearing pink but I got very dark vibes from her… I closed my physical eyes and opened up my third eye… and it was one of the most grotesque visuals I’ve ever seen in my life…

31:00 There she is sitting there… and behind her is this huge ugly dark almost black shadow reptilian entity that is latched onto her back… it’s latched onto her…. and I’m like OMG this is a reptilian possession… what do I do? What do I do?…. I opened my eyes again… to see if she noticed me… and she didn’t… so I closed my eyes again… and I started shooting light into her… not aggressively but with love…. I’m like, your loved… you deserve Freedom… you deserve Sovereignty… you’re a Human too… we love you… so much white light… like a concentrated 60 seconds…

32:00 I opened my eyes… and this woman is up against the window of the bus …she has this face like she just got shot… the most painful face you can ever imagine… you could tell this thing was fighting me… so I kept doing that until it was my stop… but I’m like damn, ok… when I checked in with my Cosmic Family… I said this woman isn’t a political figure… she’s taking a bus… doesn’t have too much influence… so are everyday people possessed by reptilians as well?… they said… not a huge majority… they said that they have been implanted in Human beings to just kind of mess with people a little bit…

The next week I found another reptilian shapeshifter on the bus… almost a homeless man… doing this weird thing with his hands and then he got up and yelled at people… but I didn’t do any energy work on him… so that was my first experience with reptilian shapeshifters…

33:51 After that I started to breakdown the illusion of this society… and really see through the lies… and the illuminati and the shadow government… and the thing is they’re so proud to be in this little culty club of theirs… they’re so proud of the power that they have that they flaunt it…

34:20 …most of the politicians, most of the celebrities,
most of the very powerful shapeshifters in society…
they literally have to sell their soul…
you hear about these stories…
but literally that’s exactly how it happens…
they have to sign a contract…
to sell their soul
to exit out of their body…
to allow a reptilian entity
to enter their body
so that the reptilian can just be them…
and sometimes it’s split…
sometimes they’re half the Human soul
and sometimes they shapeshift into that reptilian…
and so they literally have to sign a contract to say
I allow this to happen for fame, for money, for infinite exposure…
And literally they get fame, money and infinite exposure
they lose themselves…
they lose their Sovereignty…
it’s the worst type of thing imaginable…

35:20 After I started open up about the truth of reptilians and seeing them in my reality… I got psychically attacked… which I’m actually grateful for because it allowed me to be a master in my own right… discernment, light and dark… so I needed to go through that…

35:40 FF to 2014… I dated a full-on reptilian shapeshifter… I thought OMG I literally called in and experienced a shapeshifter… just be careful what you ask for… this man came into my life… super-Spiritual… Reiki master, massage therapist, hippie… twice my age, I was 22 he was 44… extremely charming… women would swoon over him… very Alpha manly-man… rode motorcycles, chopped wood… like this movie star… had this aura to him… sociopathic charming… I didn’t see it, I was so naïve…

what I believe is that I’ve been so psychically attacked even in childhood… in my dream space and my reality, oh my goodness… after the 2013 I had a reptilian being enter my University roommate and she made my life a living hell for a year… really messed up…

37:50 I believe that they tried everything… everything to bring me down before I stepped into my power… because it wasn’t until 2016 when I started publicly speaking on the internet, on youtube, on Instagram, on facebook about all of this information.. they tried everything to take me down before I became a teacher and stepped into my power… so their last tactic was getting me through my heart… with this man… romance… that’s where my vulnerability was…

38:41 …I won’t go into all the experiences with this reptilian-man-shapeshifter… I’ll tell you a couple of things… this is the R-rated part of video… but I also want to tell you too… most likely if you’re watching this video you are a Lightworker… you are here to change things… you are a Starseed… and most likely you have encountered a reptilian shapeshifter in your life… most likely they have tried to take you down… most likely you will be like… OMG that boss I had… that ex-girlfriend… crazy… you’ll put the dots together and then release the trauma of it…

39:15 The main aspect of him was he was extremely manipulating… everything I thought was right within my soul he would turn around and say, no you’re wrong because of this… I lost all aspects of myself by the end of the year… because he manipulated and controlled everything…

the weird thing that I only caught years later… he would plant all these seeds in my life and he would try to brainwash me against my best life… he was traditional with this thinking… like the woman is in the kitchen and she cooks and cleans… I know, I can’t believe I was in that either… he would always put down creative males… you know who are creative and artsy… musicians… I didn’t realize it at the time but he was literally describing it to a tee the relationship I went into after I dated him who I almost got married to… he was a music producer in Toronto…

once again this reptilian shapeshifter he knew my future, he knew my contracts and he was twisting them all… you don’t want to hang out with your friends because they’re all gay and they’re going to turn you gay… he had this really intense fear that I would turn gay on him… he took all my future aspects that I wasn’t even aware of… and said you don’t want any of that… when I was with him… every aspect about my reality was controlled… all of my dreams were projected dreams or illusory dreams… reptilians can set up a dream and take you through scary events or extract information from you… quite messed up…

42:14 reptilians are known for blood and sex rituals… I didn’t realize he was feeding off of my essence… and I didn’t realize until after this relationship… that this is what they do… they target high vibrational, especially psychics… this has gone on for centuries… they target psychics and very powerful human beings… because we have unlocked more than normal DNA… they feed off our energy and vibrations… the easiest way to feed off our energy and vibrations is through orgasms… I didn’t realize why I was so exhausted after we connected in that way…

(Further discussion of their physical relationship… yuk… TMI… love you Elizabeth but too X-rated to transcribe!!)

43:50 I started having vivid flashbacks and recalls to many past life rituals that I was a part of as a psychic clairvoyant virgin… and these reptilians cults and groups exposed themselves right before they killed me… I was a sacrifice… I was psychic myself and I lost all my psychic abilities… I literally sought out psychics and sought out information… every week… finally one of them… she was a card reader… she pulled out the devil card and said your partner has an attachment on him… and I said, OK, cool, and I didn’t believe her cuz I didn’t want to… I asked for a sign… I was hosting a Halloween party… I was standing on a chair reaching for something… and he came up beside me… he had really blue blue blue eyes… and he lifted me down from the chair and right before he does… he looked at me and he said, “you’re my girl, right?… you’re mine…” And right when he said you’re mind his blue eyes completely flickered and they shifted into full-on reptilian eyes… and in that moment I knew… and it literally… we had a whole conversation that night… I never told him I saw his true form… who knows what could have happened?…

46:36 So that’s my experience with reptilians… so now I want to talk about right now… what’s happening with these reptilians…

47:00 So I need to let all of you know

that as the vibration on the planet rises

these reptilian beings cannot hold their form anymore…

their technology does not work in 5D…

they can’t shapeshift anymore…

they literally can’t…

If you look at reptilian celebrities… oh, all of a sudden Adele cancels her whole world tour after ten super fans see her shapeshift into a 10-foot tall reptilian being… oh look, JayZ in an airplane shapeshifts into a giant reptoid… OMG Queen Elizabeth… Justin Bieber… like you name it, guys… just do a little research… do a little digging… you’ll find the facts and truth that validates my own experiences… but once again… if you’re triggered… that’s OK too…

OK – couple of thing I want to rift off but then I want to give you an affirmation that will allow you to dissolve your reptilian fight or flight brain… we’re teetering between 3D and 5D right now… that reptilian brain anchors us into the 3D it’s time to completely dissolve that to allow us to have a choice…

48:15 First of all not all reptilians are bad… I have worked with a few reptilians who are connected with the Galactic Federation and they’re really awesome…

Also, as a matter of fact, each and every one of you are reptilian… OMG… and the reason why is because you have reptilian DNA… but you also have Pleiadian DNA… and Angelic DNA… and Anunnaki DNA… and Grey DNA… and that’s OK too… the less fear you have the more ability you have to harness what you were given…

Unfortunately we have all been triggered into this fight or flight with every single aspect of our upbringing… that we currently don’t have control over what aspects of our DNA we want to unlock… and unfortunately all we’ve been working with and all we’ve been accessing is our reptilian DNA… and it’s time to stop that and it’s time to liberate yourself to be in full control and full mastery of whatever DNA and expression you want to step into…

So by understanding the darker aspect of who you are… and naturally what is within you and loving what is within you naturally… you are able to disengage it…

50:45 Are you ready to finally disengage your fight or flight mechanisms? Are you ready to finally shut down your third dimensional attachments and connections and that fear and that rage and that attachment and that control mechanism that you have within you?

I hope you are cuz this affirmation is going to do it for you… and I just want to say that it’s not all love and light after you say this affirmation… you might have to purge-out some darker aspects of yourself after this affirmation… I’m going to say it to all of you… it’s going to take a couple of times to repeat this… hopefully you say it and repeat it intentionally… feeling the vibration behind it of pure love… and also… sitting in meditation… right before bed… only say it if you’re ready to really do it… this is the perfect time in quarantine…

Here’s the affirmation:

I choose to disengage my reptilian DNA
so that I have full Sovereignty
over every aspect of my reality…

Now I sat for a long time and I worked with that affirmation.. the last part is most important… so that you have full Sovereignty over every aspect of my reality…

Thank you all so much… I finally put it out there it was super nerve racking… but I love you all so much… keep up the high vibes…


(1.) Earth’s Earliest Dinosaur, 12-5-12, LiveScience

Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Elizabeth April Video: The Reptilians | Kat Elizabeth April Video: The Reptilians | Kat Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 5/07/2020 05:10:00 AM Rating: 5

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