Walking in God’s Garden | Heavenletters
APR 28 2020
God said:
Life appears before you. There is always something or someone. Someone, something appears before you. It is as if you are a king or queen of life, and every person and every event that comes before you can be compared to a subject in your kingdom. As a king or queen, you proceed graciously with all your subjects. Whoever appears before you, rich or poor, beautiful or not, you are gracious. As king or queen, your mood does not go up nor down depending upon who or what stands before you.
If you knew the royalty you are, you would greet life more graciously than you perhaps do now. You would take life more gently. You would accept life as it comes. You would not be affronted. What would make a king or queen lose their equanimity? A king or queen would not run off in a huff. They would see what is before them just as part of life. Royalty would give a hearing to all who appear. As king or queen, you might or might not accede to your subjects’ wishes. You might like one subject or one topic more than another, and yet you would give each one fair due. As one subject after another passes before you, you wouldn’t keep thinking about the previous presentation. As your subjects move on, so would your thoughts.
All manner of things come before you, king and queen of Reality. Whatever appears before you, you remember your manners. Kings are great gentlemen, and queens are great ladies. They serve their subjects. Kings and queens are not always thinking about themselves and what appeals to them.
They are courteous at every occasion. They are serving a greater good than themselves. They have an office to perform, as you too have an office to perform. You serve on My behalf. You serve the Greater Kingdom.
It is that simple. Whom do you serve if not Me?
Sometimes life brings you sunshine, and sometimes life brings you rain. Through sun or rain, you serve. You do not grouch about the rain, As you serve Me, both rain and sun serve you.
Whatever life hands you, it is for you to work with. Life is like the subjects that appear before kings and queens. You know that life moves on and that each episode stays before you but for a short time. You do not shake your fist at the rain, for it serves a purpose, and it does not rain forever. You appreciate the sunshine, and when it passes, you know it will come back.
Some days are more favorable than others, yet you shake hands with each. Favorable or unfavorable, it is your day, and your life is made of days. You say hello, and you say goodbye. You do not lash out at any day. You do not run away in the middle of it. You do not curse it. No matter in what guise your day appears, it is your day to tend to. The day is your garden.
Your garden changes. It has beautiful flowers and greenery. Each bloom lasts but a short time. And there are weeds even in royalty’s garden. Your eyes do not fixate on the weeds. You glance at them. All the while, as you tour your garden, you grant your heart nourishment. You take unto you that which engenders joy, and you do not give much mind to that which aggrieves you.
You know you can focus only on one thing at a time, and so you focus on that which is worthy of you, you, a king or queen walking in God’s garden.
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Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
Walking in God's Garden | Heavenletters #2473
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
4/28/2020 12:22:00 PM