Monday, April 13, 2020

The Crystalline Grid | Kryon via Lee Carroll

April 13, 2020
From Kryon Ten – A New Dispensation

The Crystalline Grid

The Crystalline Grid is being shifted. Perhaps you would ask, "What does that really mean? What is the major shift?" It is a shift in information and Earth energy. Think of things that are crystalline, such as the crystals you love. They hold energy, don’t they? More than that, they may hold information. And what would be the largest piece of information that the Crystalline Grid would hold for planet Earth? It is the records of you and your history. It mirrors what you’ve done. Within the Crystalline Grid, you might say is the history of this planet and all of Human records of the past. The Crystalline Grid also contains the records of who you are, who you have been, and what you’re doing right now.

through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel