Elizabeth April Interviews Quantum Physicist, Deep Prasad (4/11/20) | Kat

By Kat, April 20, 2020

I just transcribed a fascinating video of Elizabeth April interviewing 24-year-old wunderkind, Quantum Physicist, Deep Prasad.

Deep’s credentials, according to his Twitter page, are Quantum Computing and Runiversic researcher, CEO of ReactiveQ, VP Tech UAP Expeditions. (1.)

What is inspiring to me about these “children,” Elizabeth and Deep, both in their early twenties, is that they are the embodiment of what the Pleiadian Security Council told Elizabeth the other day, in her Question and Answer video. (2.)

The question was, “How can we help our children and our loved ones through this process?”

The Pleiadians replied, “We deeply appreciate your concern for other humans, especially for the small ones. Your children are more equipped than you currently are. They will lead you into the new era. Please go within, work on yourself, your children know exactly what they volunteered for. And they chose you in particular, for a reason. Keep doing what you’re doing.”

I think you’ll enjoy this interview where Deep describes his new field of study called “Runiversic,” something that he invented, which accepts that all realities are valid: Wakefulness, Dreams, Consciousness, Physicality, all.

BTW – being an avid Sci Fi-er — what Deep describes is what a Star Trek viewer already knows about, like the “Holodeck” on the Starship Enterprise. A place where you go and dream up any world you can imagine, and then physically explore that world in Virtual Reality.

Gene Roddenberry, a WWI veteran pilot (who flew 89 combat missions in the Army Air Force), wrote Star Trek while he was working as a police officer in Los Angeles. I can’t find data verifying that Roddenberry had an “Alien” encounter, but “Reaching the Moon,” thank you, JFK, and Space exploration, were in the forefront of people’s thinking in the 1960’s. Quite a few “space” stories were written then that retain their popularity half a century later:

In 1964, Stanley Kubrick started developing 2001: A Space Odyssey, from his original screenplay, co-written with British Sci Fi author, Arthur C. Clarke. It was eventually released in 1968.

Lost In Space came out in 1965, Star Trek came out in 1966, then in 1971, George Lucas wrote and directed THX 1138, a story that takes place in the 25th century. Lucas then wrote and directed Star Wars, a film some may have heard of, in 1977.

Also in 1977, Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind was released. Then in 1979, Ridley Scott came out with his seminal Alien, and fast tracked we go into “Space, the final frontier.”

Those of a certain age were raised with the idea that space travel, advanced technology and extraterrestrials were just “normal.” So, according to Elizabeth April’s interview with Deep, those stories are now becoming our “reality.”

As a Trekkie and avid Battlestar Galactica fan, I say it’s about bloody time.

Peace, Light, Health and Abundance,

xo, Kat

Elizabeth April interviews Quantum Physicist, 24-year-old Deep Prasad 4-11-2020

Transcribed by Kat


2:36 Deep: Scientific Background… Competed in the National Science Fair, Grade 12… met many inventors of the year, very inspiring… He and his younger brother built ‘The Intelligent Adapter,’ allowing you to control different outlets in your home using the internet… years ago before other companies did it… got interested in tech entrepreneurship…

He is now doing Research in Science and advancing that field and applying it in a way that’s useful for people… so you get to do both… you get to discover and make really interesting things… so it’s really cool… worked with Brain Wave censors… moved into software side of things… worked in Artificial Intelligence… then in Quantum Computing… company I run is a research company funded by Bloomberg… it’s a Quantum Computing company…

5:00 A year ago, Feb. 1, 2019, I was working in my room… this is where I found for the first time the experience of losing motor control… no longer could move my body… I felt like I knew what was going to happen… one of the oddest experiences…

I found myself paralyzed… I saw these three Beings… let’s call them Beings for now… they were wearing white, very white, and no seams… white space suits… imagine their helmet joined with this and there’s no seam… these 3 things materialized… one and then two more next to it… for about 20-minutes they were showing a bunch of different things… a recurring theme were flashing these hieroglyph’s… sentences and paragraphs… must have shown me 10,000 of these things… no idea what language it was in… the only hieroglyphs I recognized, that they put in English was DNA, in capital letters and they showed that several times… (3.)

One of Deep’s drawings on his experience with the “Beings”

It changed my life… my belief system changed overnight… people I connected with changed… so many things changed… at the same time I started living this double life… but now I’m starting not to live it… now everybody around me knows what happened… so I don’t have to hide anymore… and now I’m here talking to you… [laughs]

7:15 Elizabeth: It’s so cool to have someone who’s so deeply connected to the Scientific field and Scientific realm with so much experience… having these kind of experiences… because for me… I went to University and stuff too… but I’m not a Scientist… a lot of people still look at me as that crazy Alien Lady…like “they’re real”… but when someone like YOU says that it gives a lot of weight…

Deep: It gives people pause a little bit more… it doesn’t stop really arrogant Scientists… who might think I’m a crackpot… but it’s actually rarer than I expected…

8:00 Elizabeth: Let’s talk about this new field of study that you have created and put together… if you were to sum up Runiversic… this new thing you’re creating… what is one aspect of Runiversic that people could comprehend or understand…

8:40 Deep: Runiversic is the study of experience, and therefore realities… so let’s look at the other fields of studies we have first:

Science—which is the study of the physicality of nature… Science has all these assumptions… if you believe these assumptions you can act on them and then exploit something about the Universe or Nature… so this applies to other fields of studies too…

Math—which is the same thing… Math assumes there are patterns to the Universe… less so about the physicality… it’s saying there are these symbol systems that we can believe and reliably use… we use them and exploit it… same with Philosophy and Language…

9:34 Runiversic is another field like that… where it’s a different aspect of Nature and we’re studying it and we want to exploit it…a different way of thinking… but it gives real world results like all these other fields do… the fundamental thing about it is that it doesn’t discriminate between any of the realities that we experience in the day to day life…

For example, when we go to sleep tonight… all of us, all the listeners… we’ll end up in our own respective dream worlds… where nobody can technically just jump into it… as far as we can tell… no physical way that the real waking world can just move in… in current Scientific traditions, and Scientific way of thinking and generally…. we believe that these worlds are different… we treat them differently… we say, “Oh that was a dream, I’m going to take it less seriously, it’s less real”… or if somebody sees… let’s say, Mantis Beings in a meditative state or a DMP state…

Normally it’s just written off… so in Runiversic we actually flip the script… we say that anything you experience is just as real as anything else you experience… so these beings are real… your dream characters are equally as real as like, let’s say a person walking down the road… if you actually believe that thoroughly it changes a lot of things…

11:16 Elizabeth: That’s huge… so then let me ask you… how would you go about measuring an experiential world and different states of reality? Is that more quantifiable or qualifiable… in the way that… are you talking to people and saying “What was your experience? How did that apply to your life? How did that shift you? Or is there actually technology where we can Scientifically that realm? How do you measure?

11:45 Deep: That’s a great question… It’s actually both. Not only are we relying on people’s descriptions, like, hey “This is what happened to me. I saw these beings…this is what they did”… not only are we taking that information and that information to us is very useful… it’s the person’s experience of a reality that I don’t have access to… we don’t… but not only are we doing that…

We also want to develop technologies that let us understand these realms better… in the short term something that we can really quickly start developing are Virtual Reality technologies better…

Imagine if I can reconstruct my dreams really simply.. like when I wake up I have these sensors that help me remember and reconstruct these sceneries… we will get there eventually in one day… where I can put on a sensor and for let’s say 6-months straight… it learns the patterns of my brain and it figures out that when Deep has this brainwave, it means this kind of dream, or this image… obviously it would be based on how I record it. …

Eventually it would learn… how to start interpreting my dreams… imagine if you could map that directly… you had an Artificial Intelligent program that maps that to the Virtual Reality world and now you can start exploring it…so you can start exploring different Physics, different Metathemes and information…

Wouldn’t it be cool, for example, if we could record what every dream character of every single human on the planet has ever said over the next seven days?… imagine all the information that would tell you…

13:40 Elizabeth: How would you relate that to measuring consciousness?… Do you think that say… dream world can really be interpreted and translated by our brain function and our brainwave… but does studying the field of Runiversic have anything to do with studying consciousness? What’s your opinion on consciousness? Can we study it? Is it a field of measurement for us in this reality? Does our consciousness create this reality? Where are you at with consciousness? And how does that apply to Runiversic?

14:15 Deep: Part of consciousness, the idea of it, is what sparked the development of Runiversic… Runiversic exists based on research that I did in Philosophy and Physics… and I realized that they’re looking at the same problem just with a different set of language and tools… but it’s the same thing…

So combining it I realized, OK this is what it’s pointing to… what Runiversic assumes about Reality and Nature… there’s a Quantum Physics interpretation… that we can get into in a second… but then there’s the hard problem of Consciousness that was proposed by David Chalmers… (4.)

15:00 It’s very simple and all it asks is, what is it about my brain that maps to these specific experiences that’ll happen in my lifetime? All the feelings I’ll have, all the dreams, why these physical neurons instead of these neurons? What is doing the mapping in the background? What is special about that? That is what the hard problem of consciousness asks.

It believes that consciousness is mediated or has something to do with the physical neurons… that was David Chalmers, one of our best philosophers… one of his underlying assumptions.

In Runiversic we take it a step further… we say that now enter Quantum Physics… in Quantum Physics there was this famous argument between (Albert) Einstein, he was like the realist camp, and the (Niels) Bohr camp the Quantum Physics guys… (5.)

16:12 Einstein defined physical reality based on a specific set of rules… and everybody agreed on these sets of rules… including the Quantum Physics guys… but the problem was that… or the joke was if you agreed on these sets of rules then the Quantum Physics guys were agreeing or claiming that sometimes there is no physical reality… if I’m not measuring something I can’t say it’s physically real…

Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein, late 1920’s

16:40 Einstein famously said “I like to believe that the Moon is there when I look at it.” …One of the implications is that it’s not there if you’re not looking at it… and so he said that you’ll never have experiments that prove Quantum Physics is a true phenomenon… because if you could prove it… then we can no longer say the Moon exists when we’re not looking at it… We’ve done experiments that have proved that… we’ve done these experiments after Einstein died… this is the cutting edge of Quantum Physics… these experiments and closing the loops… we know for a fact that Quantum Physics is a real phenomenon…

17:23 Going back to reality… I realized that holy cr*p… the Quantum Physics camp… the people who were talking about reality, they were right… I followed their arguments… now connecting to the hard problem of consciousness… what Quantum Physics is telling us is that the only things that are real… that are physically real… are what we measure…

If we’re dreaming and we’re in the dream world… the only thing that are physically real are what we’re measuring… my dream characters, my dream surroundings, my feelings and thoughts… and because I’m not measuring the real world… the waking world that you and I are in… then, according to the Quantum Physics interpretation, that world doesn’t exist… it’s not a physical reality…

And I thought about that and I wondered if there was a way to test it? And there is…and that’s what I was talking about earlier about moving something from the real world to the dream world… try to take like an apple from your kitchen and then just drop it into your dream world… and show it to your dream character… you could say I could do it but you couldn’t… your dream characters would think you’re crazy…it’s impossible…

18:43 Elizabeth: It’s kind of like having a lucid dream… you wake up in your dream and you’re telling everyone in the dream, “Hey this is just a dream,” you’re telling your dream characters, “This is not real, this is an illusion…” they’re like “You’re crazy, this is real, we’re in it right now…” it’s similar to like going around to your friends and family saying “This is an illusion, this is not real”… and they say “We’re living it…we’re here, this is real”…

I do believe that this reality is an illusion to a certain extent [Kat note: Think the movie, The Matrix]… and I also similar believe that dream world is an illusion as well… it’s cool with Runiversic you’re trying to prove that this dream world and these experiences that only you are having are also real… this leads me to another question… it’s about Wave-particle duality… I want to explain this in laymen’s terms: (6.)

19:53 Elizabeth cont.: Basically Wave-particle duality within Science … states that the physical world are particles… a solid state of being… and the non-physical world, the energetic, vibrational world is the wave function…we’ve got particles, physical, we’ve got non-physical we’ve got wave… what I’ve experienced… is that when I was around 18 or 19 years old I would walk down the streets of Toronto and I would see entire sky scrapers in a wave… and I’d ask my friends if anyone else was seeing that?… and they weren’t… I needed to be in a state of wave myself in order to see the physical world as a wave form… and I’m only ever able to do that… see different elements in a wave form… [long explanation]…

21:40 Elizabeth cont.: I believe that is actually us ascending to a new vibration… actually tapping into this wave function only through non-observation of this physical reality is where we’re able to tap into that wave form….

My question to you is do you believe that it’s possible to become the wave? Do you believe as a physical being that we’re able to change our perception and our measurement within this physical reality in order to tap into that wave frequency?

22:15 Deep: Yes, absolutely… but you might not like how you can do it according to me… the easiest way you could do that is if I stop measuring you… then you immediately start behaving like a wave… according to my perspective… if somehow you could be so sentient you could experience yourself as you become the wave, as I’m not measuring you… you should report back and tell us what happened.. we want to know.. that’s one of the most pressing questions of Quantum Physics, pressing questions… is what goes on when we’re not measuring something… but yes I do believe you could do it eventually…

Deep cont.: I like what you had proposed way back when like to me.. and I didn’t believe you could do it… you said that you can almost still your mind enough and control it so that you changed your observer position and then you no longer disturb the wave function.. the Quantum State that behaves like a wave… that might be possible…

23:47 Elizabeth: I think it really is possible… you’re still a physical thing but you choose not to measure… [long discussion here]…

26:27 Elizabeth Question: How is it possible to study all the realities?

26:35 Deep: Yes, great question…first of all we need a method that works wherever we go, whether you’re in the dream world or the physical Universe right next to mine and yours right now… that’s one of the things I was trying to focus on as well.. what do we need to do that will study reality keeping in account we will eventually move to other Universes… our own culture will change in a couple of thousand years… how do we reliably move into these other Universes and study it?

The idea is to first… we have 3 basic steps… the Scientific method and instead we have the Runiversic method…

The First Step is to describe everything… no bias… no trying to explain it… describe vigorously… in philosophy, there’s this guy, I love him… he’s a super genius philosopher, logician… his name is Ludwig Wittgenstein… (7.)

28:50 He was so obsessed with the truth and being well defined with the truth… sometimes he would get so frustrated that he wasn’t teaching his students the truth…He would say things like, “In Philosophy most questions we ask are useless because they’re asked incorrectly.”

29:25 So using Ludwig thinking, I would ask, “What is beauty?” and he would say that is a dumb question that’s like asking what is the weight of sound.. you have to be more rigorous… So “Why does symmetry in Nature elicit a dopamine response in the brain?” We interpret that as beauty, right? But that is actually what is going on.

Step One in the Runiversic method is to describe.

29:55 Step Two in the Runiversic method is to be able to categorize it… let’s say you saw Greys… or you saw Mantis Beings… let’s say you had a Spiritual encounter or a very technological one… because in the UFO paranormal field it’s all over the place… my experience was both super technological but also extremely Spiritual… so I would categorize it as such… and then after that…

The Third Step is to explain it using Science and words and Mathematics… and if we fail to do that we have to update our Science…until we come up with the right Physics to describe it then we can move forward…

31:35 Elizabeth: Regarding how do we study realities… studying the brain and studying the neuropathways of the brain… I guess this is Step 3 of Runiversic….

We know that Science has proven for a long time now that… the brain cannot differentiate between a dream and a real-life living state… our memories are skewed based on how we remember them… say I’m sitting here and a tall Grey being came into the room and something was hooked up to my brain… and you study the same phenomenon in dreams.. do you think that would be an applicable Scientific method to study different realities? Or are there so many variables…

32:55 Deep: It would be very difficult to study.. think of how hard it would be for me to describe my dream for you so well that you know exactly what I saw… I can’t even remember most of what I saw… let’s say abduction experiences… those are different.. that is part of what Runiversic can work with.. a lot of times those experiences will feel physically real.. in those cases we can learn a lot…

33:36 Let’s say I hook you up to an EEG sensor [Electroencephalography monitoring method to record electrical activity of the brain]… and you go to sleep overnight and I just want to measure your brainwaves as you sleep… and I want to try to figure out what you’re dreaming while you’re sleeping… like I said I cannot go from the physical world into your world while you’re dreaming… you can’t talk to me while you’re dreaming…

I’ll never fundamentally be able to know what it is that you’re dreaming… no matter how many brainwaves I measure… that’s why we have to rely on description until we develop telepathy really well… and that’s coming up in the future…so that kind of telepathy can be replicated technologically…. I don’t know how but that’s my guess… so if we can do that I can send you my thoughts from what I dreamt… now we can start researching it…

It really gives people (word?) a voice and usefulness… we can use everybody’s stories unlike Science where it’s kind of like shutting out anyone without physical evidence…

35:35 Elizabeth: If dreams are no different from reality, which is what Runiversic basically says… what do you think about simulation theory… is this reality real? Does proving something real really matter?…

35:50 Deep: It doesn’t… I think it’s a trap to say that our simulators are more real than us…or their simulators are more real… it’s all equally real… I don’t think there’s a finite to existence… the idea is that I can’t see that as a sustainable model…

…I don’t think the Universe is a simulation, I think it’s way weirder than that…

Another of Deep’s drawings of his ET experience in ‘19


(1.) Deep Prasad, bio UFOFEST


Deep Prasad, Twitter


(2.) Elizabeth April Video: Q&A 4-13-20 by Kat, Golden Age of Gaia


(3.) Deep Prasad a Scientist confesses to having an encounter with extraterrestrial entities, 12-9-19


(4.) Philosopher David Chalmers on consciousness, the hard problem and the nature of reality


(5.) Einstein, Bohr and the war over quantum theory


(6.) Wave-particle duality


(7.) Ludwig Wittgenstein, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy


Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Elizabeth April Interviews Quantum Physicist, Deep Prasad (4/11/20) | Kat Elizabeth April Interviews Quantum Physicist, Deep Prasad (4/11/20) | Kat Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 4/20/2020 11:36:00 PM Rating: 5

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