With Stress, We Can't Feel the Love | Steve Beckow

With Stress, We Can’t Feel the Love

March 28, 2020
by Steve Beckow

When you’ve changed your screensaver three times in a day, you know you’re in trouble!

Where is my morning coffee?

Not yet ready for instant.

Dang this lack of routine. No coffee…. What the heck is wrong with this world?

Thank you for sharing, mind.

That’s about the way it is, eh? Well, the way it is over here.

Offsetting the finger tapping on the desk are the wonderful conversations I’m having with people, the connections that are being made or renewed.

Especially the delightful pot-banging that takes place (no saxophones here) every evening at 7:00 PM, in honor of our medical workers.

You can actually hear me banging on a pot, at 0:50 here:

I was talking to one medical worker tonight who was complaining that no one knows what they’re doing at her hospital. The orders change hourly.

I got that she’s in a war zone right now. The virus is the “enemy” and it’s “a fight to the death” (literally).

The stress in her voice was palpable, from the long hours on and the lack of a day off.

Despite all that, she was curious to hear about the possible/probable takedown of the cabal by the positive military, under the cover of CV19.

I check in with myself and see that I also feel stress. And what I notice is that stress is like static on an old-fashioned TV. You can’t see the picture.

With stress, we can’t feel the love. That’s what shows up as missing when we’re under tremendous stress, as she is.

I’m seeing it in myself right now. It’s very difficult to get under the stress and feel the love.

Nevertheless I persevere.

I draw love up from my heart on the inbreath and breathe it out to the world on my outbreath. I get the benefit of feeling it as it flows through me and out.

Oh, yes, this is definitely the answer. My stress has disappeared and my stressful thoughts have vanished as well. I am back in the moment, when in the experience of this higher form of love.

This is very nice. Very much appreciated. It’s like winning a week at the Fontainebleau in Miami, all expenses paid. Sipping a coffee milkshake at poolside.

The merest touch of this love transforms my mood, relaxes me, and takes away my cares.

Why oh why do I not spend more time drawing up love from my heart? What could be more important, especially now?

Source: Golden Age of Gaia
With Stress, We Can't Feel the Love | Steve Beckow With Stress, We Can't Feel the Love | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 3/28/2020 11:17:00 PM Rating: 5

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