This will be a short message. You see, our planetary consciousness is currently in a state of great fear and chaos. This negative energy is capable of causing untold amounts of trouble and destruction, if not reigned in, resolved and dissolved well in time. We – the awakened populace – have it well within us at this time to prevent things upon this planet from going down further south. So, I call upon you all for your kind assistance in this regard, during these extremely critical moments for our planet as a whole.
Join me for a moment in taking a few, really slow, really really deep breaths first. Center yourself. Find your inner peace. Your inner state of balance, strength, bliss, and contentment (to the very best of your ability). Then, once you feel complete, intend/visualize a beautiful blanket of love, light, peace, HEALING, bliss, abundance, safety and INNER STRENGTH enveloping the ENTIRE PLANET and ALL beings and elements upon it. PRAY that one and all be healed, assisted and uplifted to the greatest degree during this trying time. Then let go of this intention by expressing your utmost gratefulness towards all individuals who are doing even the slightest bit of good towards the world/humanity in any way, shape, or form, during this trying time.
Last, but by no means the least, send love and healing to ALL of those people that you deem as “negative”. Be they politicians or criminals or murders or rapists or paedophiles or your asshole boss or absolutely anyone else that you deem to be “evil” or "bad" in any way, shape or form. Send them your light, your forgiveness, your love – and imagine them all being guided towards the light, and the good. And towards doing the right thing. Send out the prayer/intention that this be so. Then let go. You will be surprised at the kind of things that begin to happen after you do this. Please remember that NOW is NOT the time to be harbouring negative feelings and emotions towards absolutely ANYONE - for doing so can be extremely DETRIMENTAL to ALL LIFE upon our planet. Such is best avoided.
Thank you, for you have now assisted the world in more ways than you can even as much as begin to imagine. Continue doing so whenever you get free time – and send out the intention/visualization that all individuals on planet earth be well fed, well hydrated, well sheltered, well healed, well strengthened (both physically and mentally), and most importantly well taken care of during this rather difficult time. Assist anyone in difficulty in any ways that you possibly can in any way, shape, or form during this time period as well. This is humanity’s greatest test – and only love, compassion, strength and UNITY will pull us through it. Thank you. Thank you. And thank you over and over again for your contributions towards humanity's spiritual ascension during this extremely trying time.
And so it is. And so it is.