Assisting Humanity (Part 1) | Aseim

This message is meant for anyone and everyone interested in assisting all of humanity (AND our beloved planet) during this highly critical time period in our planetary history.

Nearly all spiritually awake people are by now well aware that the majority of (spiritually) asleep humanity is now (over)due for a COLOSSAL mass awakening of sorts. And as far as spiritual awakenings go, this one is expected to be something of an outright unprecedented challenge.

Nope. Not if YOU were to have your say. And have your say you most certainly will, make no mistake about it.

For you see, your reality is shaped and created entirely by your thoughts, intentions, feelings and beliefs. And accordingly, your global reality is crafted, manifested and ‘made real’ through the collective thoughts, intentions, beliefs and feelings of EVERY SINGLE PERSON on planet earth.

What’s more, positive and loving thoughts, intentions, feelings and beliefs (such as love, joy, bliss, gratitude, positivity, peace, abundance, well-being and the like) are hundreds of thousands of times more powerful than negative thoughts, intentions, feelings and beliefs. And what this means is that, a considerably small number of positive people can positively influence global events for the entire planet’s benefit! Isn’t that downright incredible?

What this means is, that just a few of us spiritually awake folk reading (and acting upon) this can change the entire planet’s future for the better. Imagine that – you can now assist the entire human race, all living beings on planet earth, and our very environment itself – just by sitting within the comfort of your home and putting out happy thoughts, loving intentions, and positive vibes! No wonder they say charity begins at home!

So, how exactly does one go about saving the whole world?

Here’s how. Part one –– sit or lay down in a comfy space. Get as comfortable as you can – it’s hard to create reality when you’re on shaky grounds. Part two –– relax yourself. And by that, I mean, relax your entire body. Take deep breaths – deep breath in, deep breath out – one after the other – until you’re fully at peace and essentially, chilled out. Part three –– make sure that the place where you’re doing this is cozy, comfy, relaxed, and overall nice and enjoyable to be in – to whatever extent it is possible. Note that you can do what I am about to tell you to do absolutely anywhere – even in your bathroom. But it’s just that, having a happy and comfy atmosphere makes it so truly easy to think up and put out happy thoughts, feelings and intentions!

Now that you’re done setting up and settling down, it’s time to get down to business. First, send out an intention that the entire planet be covered in the beautiful energies of love, light, peace, joy, abundance, well-being, and healing. You can also visualize this if it helps – whatever works! Next, you must FEEL to the best of ability, this energy assisting every living being, as well as the entire environment of your planet. Imagine/visualize all of the people and the animals and the birds and the bees and the fishes and the trees everywhere on planet earth receiving these energies and feeling uplifted, assisted, healed, benefited, ‘blissed out’ – and most importantly – (feeling loved and connected as ONE) – in unity and in togetherness. In prosperity and in joy.

Next, do the following 8-step process AT LEAST ONCE. After that, the more you do these 8 steps, the more powerful and incredible our collective reality experience will be! (But if nothing else, just once is STILL way better than nothing!)

Here are your steps:

STEP ONE: Imagine/visualize/intend/feel ALL the secrets that have been hidden from humanity for so long getting exposed smoothly, continuously and consistently in a rapid succession.

STEP TWO: Imagine/visualize/intend/feel ALL news media outlets telling people the full and complete 100% TRUTH about what exactly is going on, what exactly has been going on, and why – as also WHO are all of those people who have been/had been lying to humanity about EVERYTHING.

STEP THREE: Imagine/visualize/intend/feel the COMPLETE AND TOTAL TRANSFORMATION of ALL INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE SERVED/ARE SERVING DARK/NEGATIVE AGENDAS -- from all spheres be it politics, law, media, pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, science, police, armed forces, military intelligence, education, etc. -- into POSITIVE, LOVING and BENEVOLENT human beings. Furthermore, imagine/visualize/intend/feel them all saying and doing the RIGHT THINGS (i.e. things that assist and work in favour of all of humanity and planet earth) during this particular time.

STEP FOUR: Imagine/visualize/intend/feel the ENTIRE planetary populace remaining calm and peaceful during this entire process – and most importantly – all of them being FULLY TRUSTING of that incredible future that is about to unfold for one and all on planet Earth. This is by far THE MOST IMPORTANT SECTION of this entire exercise.

STEP FIVE: Equally important as above, imagine/visualize/intend/feel the ENTIRETY of humanity staying calm, balanced, positive, forgiving and most importantly – SUPPORTIVE, CARING, UNDERSTANDING, COOPERATIVE, EMPATHETIC, LOVING AND HELPFUL towards ONE AND ALL during this process and after.

STEP SIX: Imagine/visualize/intend/feel humanity being thoroughly loving, FORGIVING and compassionate towards ALL who have taken dark/negative actions against them or anyone else. Note that this is a HIGHLY CRITICAL STEP without which the spiritual awakening of humanity cannot and WILL NOT proceed any further. Basically remember the immortal words of the Christ: “Forgive them, for they know not what they are doing.”

STEP SEVEN: Imagine/visualize/intend/feel the entire world changing rapidly to bring health, abundance, peace, love, vitality, harmony, joy, prosperity and well-being to ALL HUMANS, ALL LIVING BEINGS, ALL RESOURCES (air/water/land etc.) as well as the ENTIRE PLANET at large.

STEP EIGHT: FEEL the emotions and physical sensations that you would experience if all of the things that you visualized/intended above were ALL happening RIGHT NOW RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. Once this is done, your job is done! Thank yourself and feel grateful towards yourself for a job well done and this entire process is complete!

Once you are done with these, you may include any/all of the bonus steps provided below. Each of these bonus steps aids and assists in the greater planetary transition and transformation that is meant to happen right after humanity’s initial awakening. You may send out these intentions/visualizations as many times as you like or can – whenever you get free time. Every little contribution matters! (But if nothing else, doing these just once is STILL WAY BETTER than DOING NOTHING!)

Here are the remaining (bonus) steps:

STEP NINE: Imagine/visualize/intend/feel the ENTIRE PLANETARY ENVIRONMENT being restored to COMPLETE AND TOTAL PERFECTION. Crystal clear lakes and oceans with abundant pure, sweet and fresh water; abundant trees and greenery and fruits and flowers everywhere; animals, birds, and fishes living in joy and harmony with one another as well as with humans; crystals becoming commonplace; oxygen levels rising high, and all of the atmosphere and soils being purified down to their very atoms.

STEP TEN: Imagine/visualize/intend/feel the ENTIRETY of humanity becoming abundant in everything from health, wealth, food, water, shelter and incredible new technologies – to love, peace, harmony, togetherness, co-operation, creativity, and SO MUCH MORE!

STEP ELEVEN: Imagine/visualize/intend/feel creative new systems and solutions being brought up to replace ALL outdated systems – and those outdated systems being replaced with newer and better systems. These include education, healthcare, energy, education, science, spirituality, transportation, food, water, rejuvenation, and absolutely anything and everything else that you can possibly think of that needs a good shake-up and a fix for the better.

STEP TWELVE: Imagine/visualize/intend/feel new and amazing spiritual and scientific technologies and advancements being finally released to the Earth’s populace – which will make life EXTREMELY SIMPLE and delightful to one and all – in every single aspect of life imaginable. Some examples of these would be free wirelessly transmitted energy; personal spacecrafts; teleportation devices; time travel ships; replicators; etheric communicators; purer and high-energy, high-nutrition, high-frequency organic food and water; sound/light frequency based healing and manifestation technologies; thought-controlled artificial intelligence based devices to get ALL of one’s everyday tasks done; and the like.

STEP THIRTEEN: Imagine/visualize/intend/feel kind-hearted, compassionate, loving and forgiving souls emerge as spiritual teachers, healers, guides and leaders for all of humanity at large – as the process of spiritual awakening continues to unfold ever more powerfully (yet peacefully).

STEP FOURTEEN: Imagine/visualize/intend/feel every single person on the planet waking up to the TRUTH of WHO they REALLY are – as also the truth of how POWERFUL they really are – and accepting this in ease and grace.

STEP FIFTEEN: Imagine/visualize/intend/feel ALL people on Earth RECOGNIZING and REALIZING their FULL POTENTIAL as a divine human being, as the energies of awakening shine bright upon one and all.


STEP SEVENTEEN: Imagine/visualize/intend/feel extraterrestrial disclosure happening and all human beings peacefully and joyfully learning the fact that they are not alone in this universe – and have never ever been. And that they now have a grand chance of becoming a part of a wonderfully large, benevolent, kind and loving galactic family composed of myriad beings – many of them highly advanced both spiritually as well as technologically – AS ALSO greatly willing to assist us and join us in our journey ahead. Imagine humans meeting their spirit guides, guardian angels, other angels and archangels, teachers in spirit, as well as their entire soul families and twin flames. Imagine these beautiful and benevolent beings landing here in their crafts, assisting us, and sharing themselves and their lives and their worlds with us.

STEP EIGHTEEN: Imagine/visualize/intend/FEEL humanity becoming a part of this grand galactic family and joining the Galactic Federation accordingly – and then joining the great universal/multiversal/omniversal family and federations and councils as well!


Imagine/visualize/intend/feel humanity restoring its innate and intimate connection to Divine Source – the source of all creation.

STEP TWENTY: FEEL the emotions and physical sensations that you would experience if all of the things that you visualized within the above steps were ALL happening RIGHT NOW RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. Once this is done, your job is done! Thank yourself and feel grateful towards yourself for a job well done and this entire process is complete!

Congratulations! You have now put yourself successfully on the VERY BEST TIMELINE THERE IS towards achieving planetary ascension, soul advancement, and the spiritual/technological evolution of the entire human collective as well as planet Earth at large. What’s more, you have also put HUMANITY ITSELF on this INCREDIBLY AMAZING AND WONDERFUL EVOLUTIONARY TIMELINE! Go forth now in the FULL KNOWING that you WILL experience this timeline now anyhow – and that you have now assisted humanity in a greater way than you can even as much as begin to imagine right at this moment. Though you WILL FOR CERTAIN come to know of this one day in the very near future, ONE HUNDRED PERCENT. Thank you. Thank you. And thank you.

And so it is. And so it is.
Assisting Humanity (Part 1) | Aseim Assisting Humanity (Part 1) | Aseim Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 3/24/2020 10:05:00 PM Rating: 5

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