I am Quan Yin, I am pleased to be here.
Today I want to talk about Ascension, what does Ascension means. We all know that this planet and humanity are going to ascend. The planet will ascend with the human race or without, she is ready to move on to the new dimension 5D. The dimension where she can be free from being abused, tortured and not being appreciated. Humanity needs to catch up with her, she is already ascending and almost there. The people on this planet need to understand what Ascension is. Ascension means that you are not leaving your body like before, where everyone who left this planet, they left their physical body behind. This time for the first time ever in the Galaxy, this planet and the human beings on the planet will be ascending with their physical bodies. This why so many energies are coming to Earth to help humanity raise their consciousness and their vibrations. Still a lot of people are asleep even these energies didn't wake them up. They need to understand that if they don't catch up, they will be left behind in this 3D reality.
The new reality the Golden Age of Gaia is coming and nobody can't stop it. The Negative Ones who have been trying to stop it for a very long time will not be able this time. Ascension will happen no matter what. Humanity needs to understand what Ascension really is. Ascension is leaving behind this illusionary reality that they have been living for many years. The reality that was all based on lies, which was not real and moving to 5D means going to a completely new reality where everything is based on love, respect, abundance and happiness. There is no poverty, no wars, and no disturbances, it's only peace and harmony. This where the humankind is going.
Meantime, they need try to adjust to new energies and raise their vibration daily by meditation. I mentioned in my previous message, it's very important to unite and do meditations in groups, it will help to raise vibrations quicker, and it's much easier than doing by yourself. I am looking forward to the New Age of Mother Gaia and Humanity. The age where will be only blissful happiness and a blissful reality, where everyone will be creating and manifesting love and light to the rest of Galaxy. The Galaxy and the rest of civilizations have been waiting for a long time to see what is happening on this planet now and they are here to help and assist with ascension. They are always here removing any obstacles, which would interfere with humanity and planet Earth Ascension.
I was grateful to be here.
Thank you
I am sending my love to all of you
I am Quan Yin and I will be back again.
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ascension | Quan Yin via Erena Velazquez
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/01/2020 06:12:00 AM