OSHO: Intuition Leads You to Yourself ...
“Duality-ego Arguing-intellect”
The Human Brain argues with itself constantly, as the ego argues with itself by defending it’s own ineffectual logic, like the intellect censures others, as itself in constant argument to survive by itself-serving Duality-addiction untoward low light frequency vibration temporary non-life Dark shadow exclusive-temporariness.
Intellect is ego-driven fear-base defensive survival of Mortal Physical Gender Karma Illusion of separation Time, and Space, always in attack-mode to Divide, and Conquer itself, as the cell division reflection of all matter rotting away into Nothingness eventually, in spite of it’s own malevolent motives to survive on it’s own in all cases.
Unlike ONENESS Spirit telepathic Creative Intelligent Intuition, intellect argues, and reacts with censuring others the same way it, constantly argues with it’s ineffectual Duality-ego self. Duality abuse causes the limited human brain intellect to talk a lot without ever saying anything clearly, where interconnecting with all Sentient Light Being Creative Intelligence Intuition for~every~where in timeless reverie has a clarity of ONENESS Intention, that absolutely scares the crap out of another, trapped in the ego intellect Duality-survival mode reacting/arguing, all the time.
The Intellect defends, all Creation Matrix-motives to control freedom, and creativity, in fights to the death about every aspect of Creation limits to keep the Light of Love out of ego-fear business, and to keep everything the same, or else? Freedom and Creativity define the Intuitive motives in Spiritual devotion to destroy, ego destroy addiction habits, and to destroy limited Mortal Physical Karma Illusion temporary lack of Universal Cosmic Light Existence Holy Spirit Forgiveness nurturing Loving devotion.
Even the AI ones and zeros intimate either you is a one, or you ain’t a one argument in and of itself divided at the core of the two hemisphere human brain, and cell division multiplying more arguments at the core of Creation Matrix Control limited slavery in a prison-initiation mode. Holy Spirit devotion means devoid of ego, and the destroyer of Mortal Creation Karma Time and space, where only Intuition allows for the Intellect with compassion for the suffering limits, that never allows anything but Intellect to argue it’s half dead self-destructive embarrassing head off, right in front of the least benevolent threat to it’s hate-reactive censoring-motives.
“Oneness Spirit Clear Free Creative Intelligent Intuition”
(what a Pregnant sandwich Earth has to cope with in-between such polarized bread slices)
Creation Intellect makes soldiers out of helpless children, while Intuition promises freedom, and creativity as soon as anyone experiences a glimpse of Nothingness, that defines the absence of argument for the Creative Freedom of all ONENESS Spirit Conscience clarity
Hi IQ advances the more abuse anyone suffers, and Intellect can seem brilliant, until after a while we realize saying one thing, and the next moment arguing with more meaningless brilliance means nothing, really ever get’s said clearly, and that’s how Intellects run Duality Politics, like used car Creation-sales Age-lie so darn Shiny-clever manipulative quickly.
Intellect Argues with Itself, and Censors Everyone-else | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/21/2019 12:17:00 AM