The mirror metaphor - How all things are reflections of your inner being
One of the best Sex Abuse treatment centers in the World is, so sensitive to the need of violated victims, that have little children alter personalities split off that take the shame and Rage/torture-pain of denigration, dismay, and loss of innocence provide a safe environment for women with female dorms, and female workers, so as not to trigger them while they are facing what happened to them.
Victims recovering unlearn desensitization to, all the regular norms that, actually define every Sex Abuse act that violates all men, and women, little boy’s and little girl’s hidden rage, and torture-pain that the elite program us with to cause, all our hate for each other to divide and conquer Mother Earth Gender. Now the definition of Mother Earth male, and female gender is 100% Sex Abuse Rage and torture-pain_denied.
The point of Gender isolation for sexually abused women in recovery is to, even have a separate dining room, so as to avoid harming them during their tender going back through the total shaming violation pain, that even one instant can cause an innocent, more pain than than any human can, even begin to want to, ever face, ever again. Out of the 1% successful recovering females, that try to face Toxic shame, and terror have to wait many decades before it is, even possible to go back through such awful pain without committing suicide, before getting through recovery.
There are absolutely no male-sensitive healing provisions for the 100% sexually abused male Mother Earth half, and we wonder what makes men so desensitized to feelings when their alters act out hidden alter-rage, and torture-pain? We might humorously intimate that little child alters run every aspect of, every ego system on Mother Earth Both-gender split-soul halves. The main healing modality for enticing little alter children to come out and remember is to repeat back what any heroic victim secretly utters, as a way top use active listening in a totally deaf World of desensitized elite-programmed 100% denied-nurturing World in-hate-making common.
45 year old to 65 year old victims have at least a chance to make it through the best safest treatment centers, but most treatments fail most victims as if barbaric psychiatry misdiagnoses is another well planned programming follow-through to trigger University Satanic-fail in most cases. If you are either gender on Mother Earth you are sexually abused, and acting out your raging alter’s, every shame, and Rage/torture-pain of denigration, dismay, and loss of innocence whim. Our secret 100% Sex Abuse Matrix is acting out this normal bias to make sure nobody is safe to, even want to try recovery, and it is working perfectly for the Satanic elite, and killing the Matrix at the rate of overpopulation acting out Family-hatred viral-fantasies plus plus plus.
I started Sex Abuse recovery in my forties in poverty-groups of unprotected females from my, even being allowed there, so while the women silently raged on me, no one realized how terribly ‘unsafe’ it was for a rare male unprotected Sex Abuse Poverty-victim getting blamed for, all their alter’s projections. None of the female safeguards are provided anywhere in, or out of recovery in Normal Sex Abuse continual shaming-male triggering-abuse, thus the reputations, that females rely on altogether, as if ‘male’ defines the Sex Abuse Rage-shame and torture-pain definition of Man…on Mother Earth as man-hate 100% denied.
We might, also humorously admit Mother Earth is 100% effed? Sex Abused Adults act out rage shame, and torture Toxic-pain onto children, without any consciousness of their Satanic programming to keep violating Mother Earth progeny into, ever increasing little boy/little girl alters filled with mature-elemental Karma-haunting malevolence. Anyone can read this shocking news, and not, even be bothered by ‘denying it as usual’, because even after 30 years of intense recovery of my little child 338 alters, here is my Christmas Gift from Holy Spirit this year@ the age of 75 years waiting long enough to be able to cope with myself in my Sex Abused Eat Mother-skinned alive, still?
No Wonder I renounce the Sex Abused World we Mother Earth drown in? Brushing teeth with tooth paste foam triggers, all Sex Abused children choking back the Europeein years of BJ Brexit dental fears, but there are, so many unconscious Satanic triggers like 666 Disney/Holly limp cartoons that activate so much rage re-minds, that TV is defined as 100% Sex Abuse both-gender Alter babysitter/makers, desensitized-parent PTA denied-BS.
Men aren’t the problem, we are the solution to, finally get recovery from all the shame, and ridicule for a penis, that continues through, every male shame/blame hazing-daze. Satanic programming of Both -gender little-ones is the problem, and we are the raging victims picking on each other like the eye-plucking Buzzards victims have 100% tooth brushed become foaming at the alter-mouth Brexit-BJ memories.
Men are terrified of women, and women are terrified of men, and for good damned 100% Both-gender mirror-double Alter Sex Abuse self-hate projection-acting out, all over this Pine Cone World-renounced denial-place. Our Satanic World leaders mirror our 100% Sex Abuse normalcy bias denied, while our crummy recovery mind-controlled treatment-abusers mirror our 100% lack of nurturing anywhere on Mother Earth, and especially the Mothers, who personify Sex Abuse acting out alters, all over the money personality disorder business industrial Titanic multiplex main Panic-alter Satanic ice berg sinking Mothership.
Gradually as Holy Spirit nurtures my abundant forgiveness miracles working through, and for me, here I am ready to face another level of awareness, that most alters, never even hear about on Earth. Everything outside is a non-nurturing trigger for controlling alters, so we, never recover, and stop denying our-self hatred projections everywhere in our present 100% denied Sex Abuse on Mother Earth alter-ship sinking, so when I hear self-serving channelers mention Sex Abuse denial, maybe, just maybe Holy Spirit devotion will begin to get a little outside help from other worldly anti-friend child-fantasy denial-distractions.
Sugar-Pine, and Cone-spice; everything Matrix-nice, ta 100% fool ya, until we face it, so let’s face the Satanic-violation pain mirror altogether with the ole WWG1WGA whoops a daisies flower-tripping, instead of waiting for our co-created Icon Satanic leaders to get their, own Sex Abuse alters in some denial-free real-recovery. So ya think anyone on Mother Earthship hasn’t been Satanically Sexually Abused Titanic-still? If Hospitals define Medical-Mafia Murder, and are the center for Satanic Abuser to pay for the Secret Space program, how can any leader enjoy sensitive nurturing in a sort of Murder-cleaner service for the mob, so where triggering is all we get, as more alters increase over 100% Karma-exponential Satanism?
No matter if your name is either Gender the Satanists own everyone lock stock and barrel ‘whatever that means’ yet owning another defines Sex Abuse by the, very nature of using slaves for Sex from the victim’s perspective, never the alter Mother’s Love Ownership-signature. If you pay taxes, face death and had a Mother, all three define Sex Abuse Ownership, and makes us addicted to abuse acting out inside, every denied Child-alter acting out, that ever split off to play hide and seek the good better best in the decades it takes to, even begin to try facing old violation torture recovery. This means that everyone comes back in Karma Sex Abuse denial too so whoopie effing do; we sure do surpass the 100% Sex Abuse mark at this Matrix Karma add-on denial-extra rate???
Every Christmas season when the days get shorter, and colder, as the nights get longer and darker Holy Spirit devotion and I go deeper inside to clean house where no Gender, ever goes, so Merry Pine Cone Christmas to, all and to stillness all a good silent night? I am, ever so grateful for Holy Spirit Forgiveness-nurturing devotion ID, and for observing everyone acting out Sex Abuse alters screaming for relief here, so this treatise is for your alters, not for the Adult hosts, still in denial waiting for recovery to begin some time sooner, than alter-later now, we all hope?
There is no outside Sex Abuse Form-nurturing like Holy Spirit Forgiveness-nurturing inside, that knows exactly, when to say what has, never been said on Earth, until Today, of all pretty near Christmas Pine Cone World-house in side-job cleaning WWG1WGA Ascension-service. Thank you for also including, all Karma-alter come backs healing along with us, that have, actually been waiting for centuries where one “Q”-place on Earth stops censuring little children in desperate need of Healing ONENESS in the Spirit of forgiveness, the arch enemy of Sex Abuse-ownership Satanism at it’s Mother Earth’s Toxic shame-finest fear-vengeance Gender Rage-control normal bias projection-ridicule Crown DC DS-swamp Potentate-rate.
100% Mother Earth Sex Abuse | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/20/2019 12:46:00 PM