mudpots/paint pots, Yellowstone National Park
From inside the same One and, only One, same Spiritual Pineal Portal, there is no One for each separate Physical Pineal Portal, but from the outside the many insane Temporary Illusions know for sure they need to keep each other Physical, just in case we need each other’s escape-hatch back into an impossible way to return through our, own same one and, only individually planned Karmic freedom.
Imagine a Physical-nemesis with it’s own Portal hunting you down to use your Pineal Portal, and, all it has to do is Kill you, so other favorite physical icons exist in control over the Collective. Let’s say a Physical Icon to supposed freedom keeps us, all physically separate, where we, all get addicted to others’ escape to freedom back inside the same One, and Only One same well known Spiritual Pineal Portal?
Maybe we can imagine worshipping one gender Pineal-escape where the other gender have no Pineal Portals of their own? As Long as One gender guards the, favorite separate outside physical Portal back inside to freedom, we can imagine the, very condition our Collective split right in half_down the middle are fighting over with Compassion enough to cover Earth with a warm blanket at bed time… and sleep like a baby again.
Instead imagine something, very different than the outside Physical-separate Othering-Pineal Portal inside-perspective that, truly is the same Pineal Portal inside that, merely pretends Physical-separation doom, and gloom, just as it, all is right now. No one needs another’s Pineal Portal escape to freedom, so anyone who turns more within than, even seems possible from outside Collective Jealous-programming, no longer “Adam and Eve” needs others for anything, except to enhance our desire to turn within evermore, even more Theater-curtains for illusory Nemesis-certain.
Every one has one, and from the inside it’s very obvious it’s the same One and, only One same Spiritual Pineal Portal, but from outside we give all our Spiritual power to a Physical Icon, which sure reeks havoc ripping, and tearing up the raggedy Social Pottery Uses for, always looking outside for what, only abides inside in Duality’s ‘hide, and seek’ no One-loser, ever physical icon-separate Pineal Portal Illusion wins.
Suppose separate Christ is a Physical Icon to keep us from knowing our, own Pineal Portal treasure down deep inside us not, so called Vatican mind-control “Him demons”?
Suppose a female, actually believes we, all need a man, then, and voila; we have what we have, all co-created with children knowing they don’t have One either?
Suppose a male actually believes he can, never measure up to a physical Christ Portal either, so who do we turn to now, except to each other with the same vengeance in a similar physical upside down Spiritual measure of the precise Duality Physical torture we, all deny so well in all our wheeling and Karmic-nemesis dealing role-reversals from the same separation Outside-illusion repeating machine-gun on hellish War Earth.
Let’s forget about a Physical outside-iconic for just a silly moment, if that’s, even allowed here in Female-survival Lighter Mode, so bad no help will dare to enter our smoke `em if you got `em in your sites Kill `em if any time anyone can clean any man’s clock Battle field-trigger? Children living with battered demons of the unkind separatist enforcers would breath a huge sigh of relief, just knowing we don’t need parents any more now, because we have our own Pineal Portal escape back toward freedom reminders.
Thank you from inside the same One and, only One, same Spiritual Sovereign Singularity, as separate from the primordial ooze that, absolutely hates playing Patsy in everyone else’s outside mind-control Body/Mind Prisoner Religious-demon Karma Mud ‘fire in the fox-hole’ coyote switchback Pie Holes. This one made me quiver… and so it Earth-hate Shudder-should, just momentarily perhaps? Times up, just as Spirit-promised? Now back to ole separate needy Physical Icon Bully-blaming Codependent-comfort cling-on, pitifully Gender-buried in concrete ‘survival’?
I don’t cracked-pottery human-vessel think so!!!
Spiritual Oneness by the Physical Number | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/10/2019 11:09:00 PM