Nothing Visible Can Make Perfect Evil Better | Pine Cone

The Little Prince and The Fox

The perfect woman hates herself, and everyone else, by never accepting anyone the same way she, never accepts herself, so into her fantasy World we go, from where she justifies her Toxic Shame as her perfect escape fantasy from her own self-hate projected abused-conditioned unconscious Awareness.

The perfect Earth hates herself, and everyone else by, never accepting anyone the same way she, never accepts herself, so into her fantasy World we go, from where she justifies her Toxic Shame as her perfect escape fantasy from her, own self-hate projected abused-conditioned unconscious Awareness.

Everything about perfect females on a perfect Earth fantasy is a perfect Toxic Shame visible projection, where nothing visible can make Perfect Evil Better, and least of all, never Aware of just how much we all suffer the perfect Mother fantasy; you guessed it, by never accepting anyone the same way ‘we’ never accept ourselves, so into her perfect mirror we go, from where we, all justify our Toxic Shame as our perfect escape fantasy from our, own lack of Enlightening Compassion.

Nothing is Kind on Evil Earth’s Gender-hacked lack of Nurturing Compassionate acceptance so everything visible is, already perfectly Evil that, simply can, never be self-battered Better-projected. Gender is the, very visible Evil-judging problem, and can, never make itself better, because we ‘are’ the best separation rendition of Toxic Shame separated in linear Time-illusion, so unconscious we, actually define the perfect lack of Awareness of, just how perfectly Evil our other Duality-lifetimes remain a Karma-projection Gender role-reversal escape-fantasy.

The most perfect thing about becoming addicted to visible Evil, is the more we try to make Gender better, the more unaware we become of our own self-hate unconscious projected mirror-double Toxic Shame projections. Karma is at it’s best when visible-addiction takes over trying to make Perfect Evil Better, so one by one we wake up and realize we, never leave Earth so we agree to become invisible as Enlightening Compassion, actually defines the lack of Everything Visible can make Perfect Evil, never Mortal better-less.

I can fancy this invisible-friendly idea a little visible better-less, from directly experiencing, very visible Evil gets so upset at me for, even mentioning acceptance, without any fantasy-need to escape Gender Evil here. Maybe I am beginning to enjoy Enlightening hearing enough to actually seer~see how much we, visible gender suffer from, always tying to make Perfect Evil Better? If the perfect Evil motive is to, always make Visible Evil Better, even this motive reveals, just how much we hate our present mirror-double projections of our unaware perfectly Evil Ashamed>shaming others, as our Karma repeating fantasies, by throwing more Gender at the Gender problem?

Perfect fantasies hide all this Evil from anyone visible making their unconscious escape from Awareness, and the real problem is where fantasy self-serving voices may not be who they say they are, and what’s worse is that Enlightening Compassion, never stands a chance to wipe the killer-slate atonement-clean once Time separates Evil in Gender-dissonant amnesia small doses, as required by each unkind Shocked-user level of shame, and guilt perfection better-ness addiction.

If there was any Visible nurturing of acceptance on Mother Earth, everyone would enjoy unconscious Evil Gender, so much everything Visible would make us, all the “Best Perfect Evil” Quantum-expectation judges, that we, almost are co-creating escape-fantasies Perfect Evil Better, already. If Mortal Evil is livE backwards, what is Mortal Life, except the perfect oxymoronic fantasy New Age Deception/Controlled Opposition/Perfect Evil Better triple whack-a-mole embedded Condottiere Free Company mercenary cold-hearted Elite-minion escape artist.
Nothing Visible Can Make Perfect Evil Better | Pine Cone Nothing Visible Can Make Perfect Evil Better | Pine Cone Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 11/28/2019 12:27:00 PM Rating: 5

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