Everything about Ghosts is True | Pine Cone

Sensing Ghosts


Ghosts are caught in-between, as lost souls who have, already died, but are, still addicted to others left here who, also haven’t let go of their attachment to the Ghost who died, and disappeared.

This really doesn’t have anything to do with one soul to another, because like all Codependent relationships with Mortal Gender Ghosts, clinging to something defines addiction to Illusions that aren’t, even real.

Only the dead can be one Gender or the other Ghost in a sort of Super Codependent Karma switching back, and forth from one Gender Illusion to the other, but both define addiction to something, that isn’t ever real. “Giving up the Ghost”(giving up the gender) happens to both the Mortal Gender Ghosts left behind, and the Super Codependent Ghost that, just left it’s Gender Body behind.

A regular Codependent Ghost relationship between visible gender, and a Super Codependent relationship between Ghost families, and the Ghost lost in-between Mortal Karma Gender without a Body, both define holding onto resentment-addiction to each other.

Mortal Gender Ghost Codependents define the human condition of unconscious resentment, so it’s, very normal to move right on without a Body into Super Codependency, still so filled with Gender-resentment for each other, that Earth is full of Mortal Gender Karma Ghost families that just haven’t experienced freedom from Resentment-gender Illusion yet, either in a Mortal Gender-illusion body, or lost in between unreality and a super-unreality in-between Both-gender Separation Illusion Mortal Ghost Bo-dies.

During these idea exchanges we, here have, already left our regular Ghost Gender Resentment-denial behind, and there are those that are, still clinging to their needy Codependency, and the ones who have left their Mortal Gender Ghost-addiction right here right now.

Mortal Gender Ghosts, and Mortal Gender Ghosts who “Give up the Lost gender ghost Illusion” and the Mortal Gender Ghost Families left behind, still clinging to Karma Gender Ghost switching-gender resentment from one to the other in deadly projection Super Codependency micro here the macro hate-condition Earth’s Gender-hate condition is in for us, all to experience who’s holding on and who’s letting go of Gender, the Ghost-giving-up definition of Duality, and Super Duality Karma caught in-between Super Codependency green-envy slimy nosy-picking gossip-clinging.

What’s missing on Earth Ghosting regular death gender Illusion-clinging and Super missing in-between Super Codependent Lost ghosting Karma in-between Mortal Gender is Light, Love and a Life free of Mortal Gender ghosting-addiction altogether, right into a Sentient Light Being Nothingness Lovingness condition that, also dwell on Earth and take up a lot less space and Blame-drama Shame-time needlessly Ghosting each other like the visible are addicted to clinging green envy’s hold on each other’s same mirror-double green envy slimy Ghost-nosy Mortal-picking, never giving up the Gender Ghost Mortal Gender ‘dead already’ Super-clinging.

If I am visible to other Ghosts, and myself in the Ghost mirror I am a Mortal Gender Ghost full of Codependent resentment, and if I am invisible to other Sentient Light Beings, and myself in the Love Mirror, we both live “Dead or Alive” on the same Earth.

Gender perceives Mortal Ghosting each other with mutual resentment clinging, and Light Beings, free of Gender Time Illusion perceive, you guessed it, the disappearance of the Duality Universe of all Ghosts waiting in lines of the dead, sick and dying Hate Ghost Gender-clinging Karma condition, and a chance to Super-lost Ghost in-between, just to Mortal Gender Ghost change it up to, still avoid the Light Love Life, that Mortal Gender Ghosts are Super Codependent-willing to hold onto with a Jealous-rage Triangle Ghost Family Earth-conditioned deadly vengeance.

Everything about Gender is true as any Mortal Ghost story we can Ghosts imagine we aren’t, already dead as Mortals already. Everything about Hate is true for Ghosts, and Gender because, both are dead as a door nail, and both are, so full of Love BS any Mortal Light, really defines a non-life from a Sentient Light Being’s mirror perspective free Earth Heaven Karma Gender Mortal ghost, free of resentment resending, and Super sending Ghost-denial BS_ all true, and in-between Lost Ghost Super Gender Karma-vengeance.

Einstein Ghosting Pine Cone theory of Codependent-Hate Gender-Relativity:
Mortal Gender = Ghost Hate Super Cold-hearted Karma-squired
Everything about Ghosts is True | Pine Cone Everything about Ghosts is True | Pine Cone Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 11/29/2019 11:29:00 AM Rating: 5

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