Divine Mother Speaks of Vulnerability (Part 1/4) | Linda Dillon

Divine Mother speaks of Vulnerability (Part 1/4)

November 25, 2019
by Sitara

A beautiful channelled gem shared by Elle from her personal reading with Linda Dillon.

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Divine Mother speaks of Vulnerability (Part 1/4)


Greetings, I am Mary, I am Mare, Universal Mother, Divine Mother, Mother of One, Mother of All – and yes, of course, sweet one, Mother of thee. Welcome.

Vulnerability is truly a very… [pause] … and yes, I speak of vulnerability, and so I also say to this channel to listen in, for vulnerability is part and parcel of being an ascended being ~ of Nova Being.

Throughout time and throughout our teachings – and certainly, sweet angel of blue, in your work with Mi-ka-el, with me, with the Forces, with everybody – there has been much emphasis on the layers of protection, on those layers that basically make you impenetrable, particularly to those that would wish you ill, let alone try and perpetrate it.

And these levels of protection are still in place – and that is important for you to know, to embrace, to understand. You are literally supremely defended, protected, encircled, enfolded. So it is not, sweet one, that the multitude of layers of protection has somehow failed, or has been diminished, or even taken away.

But vulnerability in the truest sense of this word that you use, regardless of what language it is, it is a desirable; it is a quality of openness. Of course you are penetrable for your heart, sweet angel, sweet daughter of mine, is as big as the all-outdoors, as big as this planet and even far, far beyond.

But in this sense of vulnerability, there is this sense of feeling that in fact one has been overlooked or forgotten – and, sweet angel of love, nothing could be further from the truth. For you are open, you are available, and you have declared this in all of your bodies so that you may be in the sweet reunion/communion, not only with we who surround you, but with your Star family and friends as well.

So it is not that you have been overlooked, sweet one, or that you have somehow had these protections removed.

What this also does to you is bring to your attention how important your beautiful physical body is to you, is to us, is to your forward thrust for it quite literally is your vessel – and it is the vessel that is the communicator, the anchor, the wellspring, the depository of love. And it is in this repository that you are actually communicating to the rest of the human race the beauty and the magnificence of what love really looks like, about how love behaves.

Now, let us talk about this injury, because you have said to all of us – yes, all of us – that to be injured, to be in pain – which is not to be minimised – is to literally feel like you have been overlooked, that this in no way feels like love.

And yet, one of the things you are doing is you have literally broken yet another layer – no, you have not broken your bones; there has been a slight, what you can think of as a spiderweb fracture/break, yes, across your toe and your foot – but what you have done is you have broken another layer of illusion.

And it was very important that you stay still, as much has been transpiring upon your planet in both the seen and the unseen realms.

So while I come this day not only to embrace you, sweet daughter of my heart, but also to reassure you, I reassure you that you most certainly have not been overlooked.

But you need to be aware, you need to be more fully aware of the vulnerability of this physical vessel so that you take, in and out of form – out of form has never been a problem! – but that you take, in form, also the diligent caretaking and attention to this beautiful form that you have chosen – that you have chosen, that we have chosen, that we have co-designed – and that is strong for the fulfilment of your mission, of your heart’s desires, of your anchoring of who you are, and who you wish to be, and where you wish to be.

Too often, in the realm of human reality, there is a sense of duality that humans tend to operate at one or the other end of the spectrum insofar as they are totally – too deeply, shall we put it that way – too deeply absorbed in the physical reality, not only of their own physical body and wellbeing – although that is simply indicative of being fully engaged in the physical realm – or there is the other end [of the spectrum] where the physical realm is almost taken for granted.

You are holding, you are anchoring, for your beloved self and for many, the middle ground where of course the care, the nurturing, the respect, the honouring, the attendance to your physical self is as important, is as necessary a component of the beauty, of the tapestry, this tapestry of Elle, not even taking into account all of your aspects, but taking particular attention and care of your physical reality.

And this is necessary as you are moving forth, because the entire planet is to be anchored in Nova Being. And that does not simply mean the youthfulness, the strength, the valour, the vibrancy of the physical body; it also means the attention.

I step aside for another who wishes to speak.

… To be continued in “The Magdalena speaks of Vulnerability (Part 2/4)”

Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Divine Mother Speaks of Vulnerability (Part 1/4) | Linda Dillon Divine Mother Speaks of Vulnerability (Part 1/4) | Linda Dillon Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 11/25/2019 02:51:00 PM Rating: 5

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