Archangel Michael on John Kennedy's Dream | Steve Beckow

Archangel Michael on John Kennedy’s Dream

November 22, 2019
by Steve Beckow

Extract from An Hour with an Angel with Archangel Michael, November 21, 2013.

“Now, when he returns, he will return as an interplanetary human being, and he will be very involved in the intergalactic councils for peace, harmony, cooperation and the establishment of intergalactic peace. That is what John Kennedy will return as, once again in male form, as a peacekeeper and ambassador.”

Steve Beckow: One person who was attempting to bring in radical change, to shut down the Federal Reserve, to declare the existence of the galactics and many other radical factors that he tried to change was John Kennedy. And of course he was assassinated for his troubles.

Can you talk to us about the contribution of John Kennedy and how far we’ve come since those days, please?

Archangel Michael: This one was and is a bright soul. Many of you have a very gentle spot, as do we, in your heart for John Kennedy, or for the being that you have known in this capacity. And this one was truly a leader and a pivotal person, individual, in activating change for the planet.

Now, let us be personal. So often, my beloved friends, you are hard on yourselves. And even though we continually say to you that there is no place for judgment, you so often judge yourselves harshly. And you think, “Oh, I don’t measure up,” or, “I don’t do as much as I could,” or “I could have…” “I should have…”.

Why do I bring this up? Because when you look at John Fitzgerald Kennedy you do not see a man who was the embodiment of what you define — not us — as perfection in every arena of his life.

There were what you would call human foibles, decisions that were less than perfect. And yet this one was such a catalyst for change, rather than speaking about the drama, the intrigue behind this assassination, just let us take this one incident and look at what that assassination brought to the forefront.

Not simply in the United States of America, but worldwide, it brought to the forefront the utter abhorrence of such violence, of such a terrorist, in the true sense of the word, such a terrorist action. The snuffing out of such a bright light followed by the assassinations that continued, acted as a catalyst to begin to change the hearts and minds of the people on Earth.

His life showed — and, yes, he was very much one of mine, and he still is, by the way — but his life, his positions demonstrated a desire for peace and yet a strength of principle that many lightworkers are coming now to understand.

There is not one of you that listens this night that does not deeply desire inner and outer peace. And yet you have also learned, and are learning, that boundaries and sacred space, sometimes even the line in the sand, are important and valuable to be enunciated, and to be able to stand in the strength of who you are to defend that sacred space.

The whole idea of nation-states, of borders, is ridiculous. But humankind has not fully reached that understanding or acknowledgement, and, might I say, acceptance.

And certainly at the time of John Kennedy that was not a common or acceptable notion. But the right for one to stand for freedom and for sacred boundaries was. He acted as a magnificent catalyst for change, for human rights, for the breakdown of color barriers, of religious barriers, of sexual barriers, of gender barriers.

There are moments, pinpoints, points of conjuncture, of confluence, that are turning points in the course of human history. And this one individual stood forward and said, “Yes, I will do that. And I will do that in my human way to the best of my ability.”

That is truly the legacy that this one gives you. It is the example that each one of you has this power and have chosen as wayshowers to be those catalysts for change. And what each one of you are doing, right now, is having more profound effect throughout the multiverse than you can imagine.

Did JFK consciously know the massive impact that his life did and would have, what that legacy would hold? No. Did he have insight? Yes. Did he have hopes and dreams? Yes. It was a turning point, and it was a turning point in terms of style, in terms of accessibility, in terms of the use and abuse of power.

There are many on your planet who have gone to lengths to attempt to ensure that the legacy of this family has been concluded. But it has not, because there are plans for John Kennedy to return yet again.

SB: As himself, Lord?

AAM: As a Kennedy. He is preferential to that name.

SB: Well, that’s very interesting. When Abraham Lincoln was shot, it took him a year on the astral planes to recover [actually 6 months]. (1) Could you tell us a little bit about John Kennedy’s recovery on the astral planes after the assassination? And can you tell us a little bit about what he will be contributing when he returns, as you just stated?

AAM: Because of the soul agreement, it was about a year. It was more like 15 or 16 months in what we would call a restful peace, examination, recovery, for this one to be prepared in ways to re-emerge and to come fully and completely into his spirit self.

Assassination is a very particular aberration. There are those who would say that assassination takes place every day on the streets of Iraq, in Afghanistan, in the back streets of Chicago, Los Angeles, even Toronto, Japan. But there is a difference. And we do not minimize, ever, the taking of one’s life, of murder, of killing, not only to the individual who was killed, but to the individual who commits the act of the killing.

In fact, in many ways, the injury to the one who kills is even more grievous than the one who gets to return home. And you see this by the heavy situation of so many who are combatants having post-traumatic stress disorders.

It is a terrible, terrible burden to carry, and particularly when you believe that you have done so in the name of honor, because these are two discordant belief systems to have within you. But let us go back to assassination.

Assassination of a leader — whether it is a Lincoln or a Kennedy, it matters not; a foreign dignitary, but one who represents ideals, ideals that are in concordance and alignment with the Divine Qualities — the assassination (and they are carrying us in their very person, as do you, my beloved lightworkers), the assassination has greater impact because the action of the assassination is to try and kill, to eliminate those beliefs, those qualities.

And it isn’t that every individual does not carry some Divine Quality. But let us suggest that when there are riflemen killing each other in the caves of Afghanistan, that is not the intent, that I am killing the essence of who you are. And it is an assassination. And therefore the recovery… the injury is more grievous and the recovery is more lengthy.

Because so much has been sacrificed. And it isn’t just the ideals. It isn’t just the human life. It is the dream. It is that co-creation. It is the heart desire of creating a better world that is put to death, and that is grievous.

And just as it takes longer for that soul, spirit, to recover, so it takes a nation and a world, a populace, longer to recover. That is why here we are, all these years and decades later, speaking of this.

Similarly Martin Luther King. It was the attempt to destroy a dream, a dream of equality, of freedom, and a significant shift in the way that human beings operate.

Now, when he returns, he will return as an interplanetary human being, and he will be very involved in the intergalactic councils for peace, harmony, cooperation and the establishment of intergalactic peace. That is what John Kennedy will return as, once again male form, as a peacekeeper and ambassador.

SB: Wonderful. Well, there have been so many assassinations — Gandhi; you mentioned King; Kennedy, Robert Kennedy. Even Marilyn Monroe, it appears, was assassinated. Are the forces that did that — and I could name them, but I don’t think you probably want me to — are they out of the picture now?

AAM: Yes, they are!

SB: Right. So we needn’t expect this to continue into the future and lose such precious leaders as Kennedy was?

AAM: No. Now, does that mean that everything has been cleared out of harm’s way? What you are thinking of in terms of these dark forces have been, let us just say, removed and contained. Let us leave it at that.

But that does not mean… and that is why I have been very emphatic; not to instill fear, because there is no place for fear, particularly at this moment, where you are so close. But vigilance is a different thing. Chaos, for some, creates disillusion. And I use it in that sense, not just illusion, but dis-illusion, fantasy, ideation that has no basis in your reality or ours.

So, is everything out of harm’s way? No. Is there potential for someone who is extremely disillusioned, what you would call mentally displaced, or in a place of despair, to act out their real or imagined grievances against a political leader? That potential is still there.

That is why we say we are being very careful — yes, you might even say cautious — because of that tipping point of chaos. So the chaos is being managed. You may not feel that we are managing it well, or that your star brothers and sisters are not as involved as you would like.

But dear heart, yes, I guess this is an issue of trust. It is being managed, because we do not want any being going over that line.

So for us to say to you categorically “It is not possible for this to occur again” would not be correct. Is it likely? Highly unlikely. Is it possible? Yes, it is within the range of possibility.

But also know that those who have been positioned, and who have accepted those positions of leadership — and we don’t just mean political — that they are being protected, not only in the physical sense. If you come with me at night you see that we go to the Middle East, you see that we go to the Far East, you see that we walk the halls of the White House.

So, we are on the job as well. This is the true meaning of shift work!

SB: Or night jobs. Let me put it another way, Lord, that, as a person who…. [choking] Boy, I’m still… still affected by the memory of that day! As a person who was absolutely enrolled in what John Kennedy was trying to do, the death of that vision of the New Frontier, of the world at peace that he was bringing in, I don’t think I could tolerate or stand or get through, unscathed, another repetition of something like that. It was so — [choking] … sorry — it was so impactful on me.

AAM: Yes. But, my brother, you did not give up the dream.

SB: No. I was very inspired by the dream. I’ve always been very inspired by Kennedy.

AAM: And that is what we can only call sacrifices (2) have accomplished, that while these malign forces believed that they could assassinate the dream, they didn’t. If anything, what they did was raise the level of the commitment to the dream to the ideal.

So there have been many scenarios — and we speak of Kennedy this day — but there have been many scenarios to try to smear his name, but they have not succeeded.

SB: Boy, I agree with you there. There are people who romanticize Kennedy; there are people who say he was King Arthur. (3) Did he make a significant contribution to the planet before being John Kennedy?

AAM: Yes, he did.

He would not choose to have you know how many times he had been on the planet to effect radical change. But this venue, this assignment was not new to him, not since the very beginning.

SB: Well, I hope he’s listening in. And I’m sure he is.

AAM: He is right where you are, dear heart!

SB: Well, I certainly acknowledge the impact he had on me. There’s no doubt about it. It was as if a breath of fresh air had entered every scene — social, political, economic; every scene you could think of — and when he was killed it was as if the stodgy side of things was reasserted. And it was very difficult to take, very, very difficult to take. And I do honor the man, Lord.

AAM: It was as if the dark curtain of death had descended once again, trying to smother the light. But it didn’t, and it hasn’t.

Sometimes it takes a while for the phoenix to rise from the ashes. But you, collectively and individually, not ‘are rising’; ‘have risen’. So now you are only beginning to recognize that, and recognizing that you are and you can and you will continue to fly free.

Do not allow this image of chaos to pull you down. Look at it. Observe it. Know it for what it is. It is radical change. And then look to your hearts and look to each other. And the love, and the knowing of who you are that is blossoming and flowering and growing there! There is no stopping you.

SB: Oh, I’m sure that’s true. What would Kennedy himself have liked to see happen as a result of his presidency? What would he like to see go forward that acknowledges his plans and his desires?

AAM: He had a dream of peace. As I have said, yes, his heart was emerald green; it still is. But he is completely of the blue ray. And his dream of peace was fitting for a man of his culture to act as a catalyst for change. His dream was to see the complete cessation of what was termed the ‘cold war,’ and for the nationhood to come together in ways that were cooperative to truly engage in the exploration and the welcoming — because he was fully aware of the extraterrestrials, your star brothers and sisters — to fully engage with them.

Now, was it packaged as space race, as jobs, as economic growth? Yes, but that was not the kernel of the dream. The dream was a world of peace engaged with your star brothers and sisters in economic freedom for all. That was the gift that he brought.

Go in peace, dear hearts.

SB: Thank you, Lord.

AAM: Farewell, and take my gratitude and blessings.

SB: Thank you, Lord.

AAM: Farewell.



(1) It took Abraham Lincoln six months to recover on the astral planes:

“Just after the end of my life as Lincoln, I spent most of my time adjusting to the inner planes and compensating for the means by which I experienced the transition which was quite unexpected and a real jolt. In a situation like that , you don’t have the normal opportunity to prepare the vehicle for death. And so it takes quite a while on the inner planes to adjust. … In earth time it would be at least six months. It could be longer though – it could last as long as two years.” (Abraham Lincoln in Robert B. Leichtman, The Destiny of America. Marble Hill, GA: Ariel Press, 1999; c1979, 157.)

(2) John Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln were what is often called a “sacrifice soul,” one who has agreed to suffer in order to bring attention to a widespread vice, crime, or conspiracy. See “Sacrifice Souls and Soul Contracts,” August 16, 2012, at

(3) Although I can’t find the reference at the moment, the Council of Love has said that John Kennedy was Lancelot at Camelot.

Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Archangel Michael on John Kennedy's Dream | Steve Beckow Archangel Michael on John Kennedy's Dream | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 11/22/2019 01:57:00 PM Rating: 5

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