Sheldan Nidle: The GFOL Starfleet and Its Deployment – 7/8
October 18, 2019
by Steve Beckow
More lenticular clouds, probably cloaking spaceships
Sheldan Nidle, in his Galactic Federation of Light: Updates Archive 1997-2007, published a most absorbing catalogue of our star family’s spaceships and their deployment, etc., etc.
I think I’m safe in saying that you won’t find this kind of information in any other place than Sheldan’s archive.
Sheldan was hit by a ray that has left him convalescing (I’m sorry. I don’t know the exact nature of the ray). We look forward to his complete recovery.
You can donate to his medical bills if you like to:
Their paypal email is and their website is:
Surrounding the First Ring
Surrounding this First, or Inner Ring are several spokes that consist of a number of special Liaison and Defense Fleets. Their purpose is, first, to supervise and, then, to take effective countermeasures whenever necessary.
Our purpose is to refuse your Secret Government continued use of any weaponry that may pose a threat to our Earthly Allies. We have set up interplanetary ‘Stations’ to close any Inter-dimensional Stargates and to carefully monitor any artificially created distortions in Time’s natural waves.
Here, bear in mind that Sequential Time is actually a construct created by its inhabitants’ collective physical requirements within the dictates of the overall Divine Plan. In this, natural patterns occur in the way Time and Light coalesce to form ‘space’ – the stuff that produces realities. Dark, limited-conscious societies have used these natural patterns to construct fearsome weapons that alter realities, mutate the Vibrational Dimensions and warp or constrict the flow of your Sequential Time.
Your Secret Government has co-opted the work of many of your inventors and scientists, and merged it with a number of the Dark Off-World technologies. (Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation, “Update,” June 25, 2002, through Sheldan Nidle, Galactic Federation of Light: Updates Archive 1997-2007, at
Second Ring: Non-Human Support Groups
The Second Ring of Fleet components is headquartered on Mars. These support groups consist mainly of sentient Beings who are not Human in form. Many of them will be introduced to you soon after the beginning of the “First Contact”. Others will wait until you are restored to “Full Consciousness”.
Within this second series of the Fleet are included some small, planetoid-sized Motherships, whose purpose is to augment the research and observations being done by the innermost ring of ships. They also have a number of tasks involving watching over the weaponry and technology that, in the course of the past decades, has been given by the Forces of Darkness to your Secret Government.
Most of this technology was supplied by the off-world former Anchara Alliance Star-Nations, Star Leagues and Star Empires whose ships are also to be found here now cooperating with the Forces of Light.
On Mars, a network of underground and surface Bases acts as the ‘Control and Command’ segment of this exceedingly diverse Fleet. These Galactic Federation personnel are also busily preparing Mother Mars for your arrival en masse, after your journey to full consciousness is completed. (Ibid., June 25, 2002. Same URL.)
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
October 18, 2019
by Steve Beckow
More lenticular clouds, probably cloaking spaceships
Sheldan Nidle, in his Galactic Federation of Light: Updates Archive 1997-2007, published a most absorbing catalogue of our star family’s spaceships and their deployment, etc., etc.
I think I’m safe in saying that you won’t find this kind of information in any other place than Sheldan’s archive.
Sheldan was hit by a ray that has left him convalescing (I’m sorry. I don’t know the exact nature of the ray). We look forward to his complete recovery.
You can donate to his medical bills if you like to:
Their paypal email is and their website is:
Surrounding the First Ring
Surrounding this First, or Inner Ring are several spokes that consist of a number of special Liaison and Defense Fleets. Their purpose is, first, to supervise and, then, to take effective countermeasures whenever necessary.
Our purpose is to refuse your Secret Government continued use of any weaponry that may pose a threat to our Earthly Allies. We have set up interplanetary ‘Stations’ to close any Inter-dimensional Stargates and to carefully monitor any artificially created distortions in Time’s natural waves.
Here, bear in mind that Sequential Time is actually a construct created by its inhabitants’ collective physical requirements within the dictates of the overall Divine Plan. In this, natural patterns occur in the way Time and Light coalesce to form ‘space’ – the stuff that produces realities. Dark, limited-conscious societies have used these natural patterns to construct fearsome weapons that alter realities, mutate the Vibrational Dimensions and warp or constrict the flow of your Sequential Time.
Your Secret Government has co-opted the work of many of your inventors and scientists, and merged it with a number of the Dark Off-World technologies. (Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation, “Update,” June 25, 2002, through Sheldan Nidle, Galactic Federation of Light: Updates Archive 1997-2007, at
Second Ring: Non-Human Support Groups
The Second Ring of Fleet components is headquartered on Mars. These support groups consist mainly of sentient Beings who are not Human in form. Many of them will be introduced to you soon after the beginning of the “First Contact”. Others will wait until you are restored to “Full Consciousness”.
Within this second series of the Fleet are included some small, planetoid-sized Motherships, whose purpose is to augment the research and observations being done by the innermost ring of ships. They also have a number of tasks involving watching over the weaponry and technology that, in the course of the past decades, has been given by the Forces of Darkness to your Secret Government.
Most of this technology was supplied by the off-world former Anchara Alliance Star-Nations, Star Leagues and Star Empires whose ships are also to be found here now cooperating with the Forces of Light.
On Mars, a network of underground and surface Bases acts as the ‘Control and Command’ segment of this exceedingly diverse Fleet. These Galactic Federation personnel are also busily preparing Mother Mars for your arrival en masse, after your journey to full consciousness is completed. (Ibid., June 25, 2002. Same URL.)
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Sheldan Nidle: The GFOL Starfleet and Its Deployment (7/8) | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/18/2019 12:24:00 PM