We are All of Us on Abaco
September 7, 2019
by Steve Beckow

The extent of the destruction on Abaco Island and other areas of the Bahamas mortifies me.
It leaves me breathless and in tears.
And yet is it not just one catastrophic piece of news amid repeated horrific mass shootings and mass struggles in places to push back tyranny?
We are all of us on Abaco. There are signs everywhere of things falling apart.
I can say this to you because you and I know the future of this planet: A gradual Ascension into a higher range of frequency, where suffering disappears.
You and I know that, in this process, some social breakdown is inevitable, the new replacing the old.
This time of chaos will see two worlds separate: One remaining in the Third/Fourth Dimensional vibratory range; the other vibrating at a Fifth-Dimensional level. (1) I have visited the higher states of consciousness. (2) I know that worry and fear do not exist there.
We have a context in which to hold the world’s suffering – and it is suffering.
But most people won’t know what’s happening to our world. They won’t know that two worlds are gradually and perhaps imperceptibly moving apart.
Meanwhile the hurricane on the ground now moves on, its destructive path heading up the East Coast to the Canadian Maritimes.
I confess I don’t know whom to give to. The Presidents Fund simply stole the money donated to Hurricane Katrina and Haitian earthquake victims. The Clinton Foundation also kept what was donated for Haiti. Government is corrupted. So much that was designed to help was part of the web of harm, now unravelling.
If you write in with your suggestions, I’ll post them. I’m left wanting to help but not knowing what to do.
(1) See “The Time of Separation” at http://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=Our_Situation_in_the_Golden_Age_of_Gaia#The_Time_of_Separation
I am in no way implying that people who leave the planet do not ascend. Of course they do, if at soul level they choose to.
(2) The Seventh at a Vipassana meditation retreat; the Fifth on numerous occasions.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
September 7, 2019
by Steve Beckow

The extent of the destruction on Abaco Island and other areas of the Bahamas mortifies me.
It leaves me breathless and in tears.
And yet is it not just one catastrophic piece of news amid repeated horrific mass shootings and mass struggles in places to push back tyranny?
We are all of us on Abaco. There are signs everywhere of things falling apart.
I can say this to you because you and I know the future of this planet: A gradual Ascension into a higher range of frequency, where suffering disappears.
You and I know that, in this process, some social breakdown is inevitable, the new replacing the old.
This time of chaos will see two worlds separate: One remaining in the Third/Fourth Dimensional vibratory range; the other vibrating at a Fifth-Dimensional level. (1) I have visited the higher states of consciousness. (2) I know that worry and fear do not exist there.
We have a context in which to hold the world’s suffering – and it is suffering.
But most people won’t know what’s happening to our world. They won’t know that two worlds are gradually and perhaps imperceptibly moving apart.
Meanwhile the hurricane on the ground now moves on, its destructive path heading up the East Coast to the Canadian Maritimes.
I confess I don’t know whom to give to. The Presidents Fund simply stole the money donated to Hurricane Katrina and Haitian earthquake victims. The Clinton Foundation also kept what was donated for Haiti. Government is corrupted. So much that was designed to help was part of the web of harm, now unravelling.
If you write in with your suggestions, I’ll post them. I’m left wanting to help but not knowing what to do.
(1) See “The Time of Separation” at http://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=Our_Situation_in_the_Golden_Age_of_Gaia#The_Time_of_Separation
I am in no way implying that people who leave the planet do not ascend. Of course they do, if at soul level they choose to.
(2) The Seventh at a Vipassana meditation retreat; the Fifth on numerous occasions.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
We are all of us on Abaco | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/07/2019 11:36:00 AM