The Art and Need of Love Emanation by Archangel Gabriel
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings, I, Archangel Gabriel, bring forth the pure and loving vibrations of the Angelic Kingdom as an energy and source of strength and empowerment to support you. Many of you already know the power of love, recognising that a focus upon love encourages awareness of your oneness with the Creator. I, Archangel Gabriel, wish to emphasis to you in my communication today the strength and necessity for a focus upon love; the love of the Creator.
I am known as an Archangel devoted to the embodiment and expression of love. Through the continuously awaking presence of love I support the development of children, the manifestation of creativity, music, art and anything that encourages the soul to sing with joy. When you allow yourself to be truly in the presence of love, meaning as the presence of love, anything and everything is possible. Imagine a world for yourself and others where anything and everything is possible. Love is the embodiment and expression that sets you free.
It is important for me at this stage to state that the love I speak of is the love of the Creator, a love at the source of all that is the Creator. A love akin to the natural rhythm of existence, infinity and creation. When you experience love for yourself, other people, animals, plants and so forth, however strongly you feel this love, it is akin to less the 1% of the Creator’s love that is available and present in the Universe of the Creator. To embody the love of the Creator is a vast mission and yet you are already the embodiment of the Creator’s love, recognition of this is all that is needed. A focus upon love in action, encourages your self-awareness of the love you embody as well as the transformation that can be created in the world around you.
The Need for Love Emanation
As you gaze into your own reality, the realities of those around you and the lives of humanity, it is easy to recognise that love is needed. Love has the power to dissolve anger, to make decisions with clarity, to understand what is best for everyone, to heal physical, emotional and mental wounds, to inspire courage and create oneness. I, Archangel Gabriel invite you to make a list of all the areas of your reality, those around you and the world where love is needed. Think of this as a healing technique for yourself and the world. When you have created your list, you will begin to recognise that love is greatly needed on the Earth now. You know this already without making a list, however your list will allow you to contemplate exactly where and how love can create transformation and a greater recognition of alignment with the Creator. When you recognise the need for the Creator’s love to be present then this fuels your desire to be love in action on the Earth for yourself and others. You begin to realise that it is your responsibility to be love, not only will it be fulfilling for you in a way you had not imagined, it will be fulfilling for others in your presence.
While there are so many areas on the Earth and situations within the civilisation of the Earth that require healing, the love of the Creator has an even greater purpose. The love of the Creator is required to create freedom mentally, emotionally and physically. A freedom in the expression of the Creator, in alignment with the Creator, for all souls on the Earth. This means a freedom to follow your intuition, to create from your inner well of love, to be a presence of love and all it may manifest upon the Earth.
Love is needed to release the limitations and boundaries that hinder the spiritual, mental and emotional growth of humanity. Many people feel trapped and unable to see beyond their current reality. Some are limited by their bodies or minds, by the lack of money or the control of others. Each person also creates limitations for themselves, holding themselves back from all the possibilities they are capable of. Habits within the consciousness of humanity of how to act, react and exist in the world also creates decline or an experience of being trapped. Another hindrance is a focus upon fear, which not only blocks the creation of experiences, it blocks your energy field, chakras and alignment with the Creator. When you are in fear, acting through negative habits, feeling trapped or blocked in any way you are only living a small percentage of the life that is available to you. Freedom can feel as if it is unobtainable.
What is freedom anyway? In my view, it is the experience of existing on the Earth as your truth, following your inner guidance, acting with courage to access fulfilment and being in alignment with the Creator. It is an experience of the divine flow, ease of creation, a strong sense of bliss and a feeling of connection with all, especially yourself. It is a responsibility that sets you free with each moment you dedicate. An experience and existence of being in harmony with yourself, the world and the Universe of the Creator. When you embody and emanate love, you exist in harmony with all that is the Creator, everything in your life becomes harmonious and you experience freedom. With this process all false beliefs, illusions, negativity and wounds of all forms will be healed and released.
There is a need for humanity to inhale deeply and release all that hinders and blocks them from within their beings and all that controls and limits from outside their bodies. The time to do so is now and love is the key to this healing process.
The Art of Love Emanation
The art or process of love emanation is essential now in this time of Earth’s evolution. Love emanation is to radiate love from your being through your thoughts and actions as well as imagining love emitting from your soul. It is to engage with a sacred and precious space within you which is your divine and intimate relationship and connection with the Creator. When you discover this space within you, you recognise the constant and eternal presence of the Creator and the bountiful abundance of love that is available to you. The key to emanating love is to first connect with this sacred space within you, to experience it fully as a sanctuary. It is a space of rejuvenation, healing and creativity. It is from this space that your power and clarity are born from as well as your inner knowingness. The second key is to be conscious and aware of the presence of love and this sacred space within you as a flow of energy that moves naturally, easily and enjoyably through your body and energy field. You may experience this as feelings of joy, relaxation, positivity, bliss or as sensations in your physical body, you may simply feel like smiling. However, you experience the presence and space of love, it will be an enjoyable state that may create healing, bring clarity and new understandings. Sometimes the presence of love can instigate a powerful release or detoxification of all that no longer serves you, allowing you to reach a space of contentment and peace that was unobtainable before. Once you have accessed the space of love within you, wherever you recognise it to be, and experience the presence or influence of love within your being and body, whether subtly or impactfully, then you can begin love emanation.
Love emanation is to put love into action.
How you put love into action is entirely up to you, it is your opportunity to be creative. The simplest exercise is to imagine yourself as a beacon, light bulb or the sun. Imagine, sense or acknowledge the space of love or the feelings of love as a light or colour that shines outwards. This can become almost like a game, everything you touch is filled with love, everything you think of is empowered by love, every action you take is fuelled by love. Even your choices and decisions are born from the space of love within you. It is a process of transporting the love you experience within you, which may simply be your appreciation and connect with the Creator, into the outside world. This will take practice and constant focus before it becomes second nature. You are already a beacon of love, the process I am encouraging you to experience is to be aware of the power you have within you and how it can impact your world and the world around you powerfully.
To summarise:
The art of emanation is a release of something so precious from within your soul; the love and oneness of your being and the Creator. It is an expansion of yourself beyond what you know love to be and an experience of your powerful loving nature which is infinite and blissfully impactful for all.
First connect with the sacred space of love within you, to experience it fully as a sanctuary.
Be conscious and aware of the presence of love and this sacred space within you.
Put love into action through your thoughts, actions, reaction and a focus on being a beacon.
The Results of Love Emanation
As more and more people focus upon the art of love emanation, they will begin to see the impactful results in their lives and the world around them. Love will be in the air! Situations that seemed unable to be resolved will unfold and be healed. People will act from kindness and peace rather than anger and greed. In truth the world will begin to transform into a reality that all wish for.
The result on an energetic level will be that you and each person practicing the art of love emanation will be transported to the next level of love consciousness for soul, body and mind. This will create monumental changes for all. It is not that you will leave the Earth, it is that you will be more fully present on the Earth as love creating transformation. Through the process of love emanation, you will be guided to face the unknown energy of love, a higher and more profound love than you have ever experienced. You will be invited to move through the presence of love as a journey of discovery, remembering that love is infinite. There is so much still to explore in and as the presence of love.
With loving vibrations,
Archangel Gabriel
More Archangel Gabriel
The Art and Need of Love Emanation | Archangel Gabriel via Natalie Glasson
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/06/2019 11:55:00 AM