Message from the Angels 09/07/2019
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
You have all heard the saying, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” We would like to give you another one,
"When the heart is ready to receive the answers to your prayers help and guidance appears.”
Your prayers are beautiful to us because we hear the love in each and every one of them. We work very hard to answer the true desires within each and every one, but you - yourself - are in charge of how much you are capable of receiving. You are in charge of how strong a "signal" you send out with your prayers and how much you are able to receive. There are ways to pray that are more powerful than most of you were taught.
First of all, you need not get on your knees – literally or metaphorically. You are not begging a God outside of yourself who needs your subservience and worship. You are, instead, calling upon the very power that gives you life in much the same way as the cell in the body sends the body a signal about what it needs. So, when you pray, remember, you are one with the power that creates universes. You are not simply a child of God; you are an embodiment of God’s love. God wants for you what you want for you, as long as it is loving. Say your prayers with conviction, knowing you are worthy, they are heard, and if you believe – on all levels of your being – you will receive.
It is more powerful to pray for what you deeply, truly want, rather than just what you want to be rid of! Instead of “Dear God please get rid of my horrible coworker,” try, “Dear God, help me find peace with my coworker.” That might involve the coworker leaving, you getting a better job offer, you learning not to take this person personally, or even at times, them having a change of heart!
Rather than praying, “Dear God get rid of this disease,” try “Dear God, I intend to be fully healthy and vital. Boost my faith. Give me courage and confidence to believe so I can receive. Guide me and hold my hand every step of the way.”
Instead of, “Dear God I need help with this debt! I need more money,” try, “Dear God, I want so very much to believe in your abundance and constant supply for me. Boost my faith. Help me feel your constant love. Thank you for all you have given me. I am grateful for all I do have. I am ready to receive more. Open my heart so I may. Help me pay all my bills with grace and ease and be open to receiving my dreams.”
Pray from your heart. Pray for what you really want, not what you think you should want, say, or have. Sincere prayers have more energy!
Lastly, wait for your prayers to be answered in a state of faith and trust. Know that they will be answered in the right way and right time. Rather than worrying about whether or not they will be answered, assume you will get “that or better.” Assume everything that happens is part of the answer. Assume things are going well! Enjoy your life. Wait for guidance.
In truth, every thought, every word, every action emanates an energy from you and that energy is a true “prayer.” When you pray formally, talking to God, you are not handing a petition to an external God. Rather, through the energy generated by your heart and your words, you are sending signals – prayers – out to the universe and awaiting the honest echo in return.
Your prayers dear ones are your emanations. Positive, loving, confident, expectant, grateful emanations are the strongest prayers of all.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels
Source: Visions of Heaven
How to Pray More Powerfully | The Angels via Ann Albers
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/07/2019 09:08:00 AM