Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Daily Teachings of the Masters | September 25, 2019
Daily Teachings of the Masters
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
You are consenting to more.
You are consenting to full allowance.
Now more does not mean you are hoarding things.
More does not mean, "Oh goody, more for me."
"More" is in terms of empowerment.
"More" is in terms of understanding your truth.
Because when you understand your truth, that you are already in alliance with Divinity, you are already in alliance with all that goes before you, that ever has been, that will come to be, you can relax in your knowing and trust that as you serve your divine presence, as you will serve your Holy Self, as you come into remembrance that you are serving one and all, in all moments in all ways, then this is the life that will then serve you.
Art by Ellen Love Vaman