An Association Between the Reval, Disclosure, and Ascension?
September 23, 2019
by Steve Beckow

Is there an association between the Reval, Disclosure, and Ascension?
The Company of Heaven says there is.
Archangel Michael explained in 2015:
Archangel Michael: Disclosure is very close and it is already underway. Understand that this is in tandem also with the reconstitution, the Revaluation, the entire shift in what you think of as the reality of everyday life on Earth. (1)
First Disclosure and the Reval. Michael told us in 2017:
Archangel Michael: Is there an association between the Reval [and] what you think of as Disclosure, which means the world community – yes, through leaders, coming together to say, “We welcome you”…
Steve Beckow: So a group disclosure…
AAM: Yes, we have said that before. So, a group disclosure and the ability to ascend as one rather than feeling that, “We are the Mother’s chosen ones and we get to go.” It is the ability to go as one.
So they are all like locked puzzle pieces. You are correct.
Steve: So how does the Reval… How can I say this? I’m trying to find out how they are linked up.
AAM: Think of it in this way. If you have a child – well, you do have a child – and you say, “Now you’re old enough I’m going to give you an allowance of a dollar a week. And out of that dollar a week I want you to be responsible to pay your Cub Scout dues and to take out the garbage and walk the dog.”
There is a sacred contract there and you are teaching responsibility because you have judged and you have discerned that your child is ready for that. It is not that you have removed your support or that you’re not watching very closely over them and then you monitor that. …
AAM: So yes, we have said that before: A group disclosure.” (2)
In the course of his comments, he confides that there will be several waves of abundance, not just one (i.e., the Reval).
AAM: That is why we have also said, (this is an aside) there will be several waves of abundance. So we give you the allowance and we see how you do.
If in your spiritual maturity, you go forth, and we believe you will (we strongly believe you will), [in the belief] that this unfoldment is underway and that you are demonstrating, not simply a primitive attitude or a tribal attitude but more of a global, universal attitude, then you are ready to not only meet with your star family but participate with them, their technology, their gifts, in community, to go forth in the next phase in the building of Nova Earth.
So then it becomes a cooperative venture, not something that is laid on and not something that you are doing all by yourself. It is an expansion that is beyond measure. Then in that expansion, you are also ready to reach a higher level of enlightenment. (3)
From the galactic side, our star family joins the celestials in acknowledging a tie between the three events. Here is Zalishia of the Pleiades, for instance, talking to Earthbound Star Soul:
EBSS: When might we see the RV?
Zalishia: It is all tied [together]. When we say that things are literally under way – we mean exactly that, that things are well under way. There will be very little of what you think of as public disclosure or discussion about the shift in wealth management, but it has already begun. (4)
I imagine that the thinking is that the Reval and the rising vibratory levels of love energy being beamed to us will raise spirits and hope, preparing the ground for acceptance of the arrival of our star family.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 21, 2015.
(2) AAM: Synchronicity Among Reval, Disclosure and Ascension – Part 2/2” March 23, 2017, at
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) Zalishia of the Pleiades in a personal reading with EBSS through Linda Dillon, Feb. 18, 2017.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
September 23, 2019
by Steve Beckow

Is there an association between the Reval, Disclosure, and Ascension?
The Company of Heaven says there is.
Archangel Michael explained in 2015:
Archangel Michael: Disclosure is very close and it is already underway. Understand that this is in tandem also with the reconstitution, the Revaluation, the entire shift in what you think of as the reality of everyday life on Earth. (1)
First Disclosure and the Reval. Michael told us in 2017:
Archangel Michael: Is there an association between the Reval [and] what you think of as Disclosure, which means the world community – yes, through leaders, coming together to say, “We welcome you”…
Steve Beckow: So a group disclosure…
AAM: Yes, we have said that before. So, a group disclosure and the ability to ascend as one rather than feeling that, “We are the Mother’s chosen ones and we get to go.” It is the ability to go as one.
So they are all like locked puzzle pieces. You are correct.
Steve: So how does the Reval… How can I say this? I’m trying to find out how they are linked up.
AAM: Think of it in this way. If you have a child – well, you do have a child – and you say, “Now you’re old enough I’m going to give you an allowance of a dollar a week. And out of that dollar a week I want you to be responsible to pay your Cub Scout dues and to take out the garbage and walk the dog.”
There is a sacred contract there and you are teaching responsibility because you have judged and you have discerned that your child is ready for that. It is not that you have removed your support or that you’re not watching very closely over them and then you monitor that. …
AAM: So yes, we have said that before: A group disclosure.” (2)
In the course of his comments, he confides that there will be several waves of abundance, not just one (i.e., the Reval).
AAM: That is why we have also said, (this is an aside) there will be several waves of abundance. So we give you the allowance and we see how you do.
If in your spiritual maturity, you go forth, and we believe you will (we strongly believe you will), [in the belief] that this unfoldment is underway and that you are demonstrating, not simply a primitive attitude or a tribal attitude but more of a global, universal attitude, then you are ready to not only meet with your star family but participate with them, their technology, their gifts, in community, to go forth in the next phase in the building of Nova Earth.
So then it becomes a cooperative venture, not something that is laid on and not something that you are doing all by yourself. It is an expansion that is beyond measure. Then in that expansion, you are also ready to reach a higher level of enlightenment. (3)
From the galactic side, our star family joins the celestials in acknowledging a tie between the three events. Here is Zalishia of the Pleiades, for instance, talking to Earthbound Star Soul:
EBSS: When might we see the RV?
Zalishia: It is all tied [together]. When we say that things are literally under way – we mean exactly that, that things are well under way. There will be very little of what you think of as public disclosure or discussion about the shift in wealth management, but it has already begun. (4)
I imagine that the thinking is that the Reval and the rising vibratory levels of love energy being beamed to us will raise spirits and hope, preparing the ground for acceptance of the arrival of our star family.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 21, 2015.
(2) AAM: Synchronicity Among Reval, Disclosure and Ascension – Part 2/2” March 23, 2017, at
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) Zalishia of the Pleiades in a personal reading with EBSS through Linda Dillon, Feb. 18, 2017.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
An Association Between the Reval, Disclosure, and Ascension? | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/24/2019 12:43:00 PM