Does Good & Evil exist? Sadhguru
Mortal Shame Physical-role Shame Karma-hate Mirror-blame Human-illusion Patsies, just may want to reconsider calling one Good-gender innocent, and their mirror-double gender an Evil-nemesis. In fact since both Patsy-blame Shame-projection Human-stain Wrong-gender can, never make one Gender right, Earth may want to reconsider worshipping Mortal Shame Physical-role Shame Karma-hate Mirror-blame Human-illusion Mother-patsies in favor of High Light-frequency Vibration Universal Cosmic Light Existence Holy Spirit forgiveness nurturing Devotion Valid ID, instead of whatever the worse Mother-half evil swear, that live Right and wail Rage whine like at their Wrong victims.
Ashamed Earth Human-blame ‘Dead-remains’ really mirror that famed frosted glass where each ashamed gender keep pointing at the other with Patsy-fingers, all over the place, until melting glaciers appear where finger prints disappear as the human stains we, really are. Who gets the Victim-title, if Duality defines mirror-doubles, so who hates their mirrors the most if Both are wrong, and One pretends only Narcissist-might is right? Karma has a lot of work ahead of itself, if Earth Mothers named Earth-shame stain Blame-human Septic-refuse “Mother Earth”, where we all blame men for everything wrong, and we all deny deny deny Mother shame shame shame as if women have no evil hidden inside to match frosted mirror glaciers frosted finger-prints to balance Spiritual Sovereign Singularity Atonement equals.
First we would want to, honestly admit ashamed women believe they are right, and ashamed men are wrong, then admit men believe they are wrong, and women are, always right, just to get along. Who Blame-fakes looking good the most reveals who hides their shame worse than their patsies, so which is which in Earth Karma returns if both come back as the other and, still believe the same wrong man, right woman Anchovies/Pepperoni telltale switcheronis thingee-doo whopper-judging Denial-don’t wont’s. If Mothers claim the Shame-victim Earth Title, then authentic human innocents can, all agree it’s the women with the most likely projection-neediness to keep whining about winning the most in Hate-glacier Patsy-blame Kidnapping competition.
Blame shaming each other in frozen Time-illusion would remain normal Karma on Wrong Earth Iceberg, but each coming back again over, and over and identifying one Physical-role is, always right, and the other Physical-role is, always wrong needs a little more Atonement than usual, if we would begin to allow ourselves to remember, all the Love in-between Universal Cosmic Light Existence Valid ID, that we have to forget about once we return again on the frosted glass Earth-smear with hardly any Creative Intelligent Holy Spirit class at all. Oh Hell, let’s stop pointing, all over the same denied placement positioning and, just admit Earth is where Love forgot all about we, Karmic-Ping Pong empty ding dong dong dinger ding donger Fake Right Patsy Wrongers.
I have a sneaking suspicion about two Duality things, and one is that mirror-doubles can’t hide from each other, especially since they both keep coming back in Atonement fails, and the second one is, that there is a Third-turd Alien-party who pulls the Patsy-strings on gender puppets, so while we keep trying to kill each other, no one notices who is paying all the bribes for both to keep doing the same things, expecting different Patsy-blame Shame-projection Human-stain samo telltale switcheroni resultos. The only Insane-source of Killer-human Shame-stain Rage-whining begins from Spiritual jealousy, so women must be, very jealous of Spiritual men, and men must be, very jealous of Physical women?
I can hear the audience start to Roar-grumble Posse-now, so bad, that Heaven itself appears, more like a lightening, and thunder bursting, stomping, and clapping at the same Illusion-destroyer that the frosted glass falls, and reveals a broken mirror good luck for one gender, and bad luck for the other shame blamer patsy makers. I reserve the right to let you decide which is which, because one thing I have learned is that I can’t change anyone else, even though half of Earth, never stops trying, even for one Shameless/Blameless innocent/instant(hint clue maybe clueless right/wrong miming/mirror). Shame Shame Shame is full of the mini mees miming me in my Karma mirrors, but I, still can’t help wondering now, who is in charge, and who is Alien-hiding if they, even qualify as a Blame Blame Blame Man-who nother Pizza-clue?
Do aliens suffer Karma or is it, just Humans who keep getting infinite tries, and what if the evil-aliens are, so bad they get to keep harming Humans forever, while they laugh at us fighting like a single Codependent-mother’s sibling-rivalry Triangulation de-family Man Supply/Addicted-kids? Even though I get to amuse myself with the fun we all deserve, perhaps, at least I am certain about, new possible discernment, always comes from forgiveness, so at least I get an Atonement Holy Spirit humor chance to Ping right-less telltale Pong wrong-less Gender-free ONENESS Wonder in Timeless-reverie.
A Patsy-blame Shame-projection Human-stain | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/07/2019 11:33:00 AM