Who Could Think of a World with Birds Singing? | Heavenletters
AUG 10 2019

God said:
Tell Me, who could think of the singing of birds but I? Who could have thought of such joy as this, such beauty of sound, so in rhythm with the beat of the Universe? The sweet song of birds sings that all is well. Birds sing that I, God, am taking care of everything, and that everything is on cue.
Birds sing My song. Listen and hear. They sing: ‘”God is love, and God loves you!” Their songs have many variations, but that is the sum and substance: ‘”God is love, and God loves you.”
And birds also are singing that they are very happy communicating the song of My heart to you. What a natural thing it is for birds to sing according to the sun!
Birds know what to sing and when to sing it. And now you know to listen. It is important that you listen. Go outside and listen to the singing of the birds, for they are singing to you. They want to be heard. They want you to hear them. It is exhilarating for My birds to have an audience. They like to sing for you. They are My messengers just as much as you are, only they have been better at it than you.
They do not question. They do not ask: “Am I on cue? Should I really sing? Who am I to think I can sing? Am I on key? Am I singing too much? Nobody will want to listen.” No, My beloved birds do not go to the volumes of steps that you do. They merely sing for the glory of God. So, in that sense, they don’t care if you listen or not. Singing is the thing, although they do like it when you listen.
Birds sing in delight as they announce the world to itself. How close to Me and all of nature are the birds! They sing well and they listen well. They do not intellectualize Me. They don’t try to make themselves something more than they are, or less.
If a bird is a red cardinal, it sings for My joy and entertainment. If a bird is a sparrow, it is glad to be a sparrow who sings for My joy. The sparrow does not envy the red cardinal and wish for the color or voice of a cardinal. Oh, no, the sparrow acknowledges its worthiness to Me just the way it is. You might say that a wren is not ambitious because it doesn’t want to be anything more than it already is. It doesn’t even occur to a wren to want to be a cardinal. You might say that you have higher standards than a wren because you desire more. A wren doesn’t have low standards, beloveds. It’s simply that a wren values himself. In that sense, his standards are higher than yours! Frankly, a wren doesn’t care what you make of him. He recognizes His connection to Me. He covets no more.
If you were more content with yourself, you would be more like a wren.
A red cardinal is not stuck on itself. It is happy with itself. It’s happy to be a red cardinal. Only humankind thinks a cardinal is more than a wren.
All birds know their worth, and they know yours, and yet they are not dependent upon what you think of them. It matters not one whit. A bird simply knows it’s wonderful because I know the wonder of it.
Now if you will only know your wondrousness, how happy you would be. And how happy I would like you to be.
Permanent link to this Heavenletter: http://www.heavenletters.org/who-could-think-of-a-world-with-birds-singing.html – Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
AUG 10 2019

God said:
Tell Me, who could think of the singing of birds but I? Who could have thought of such joy as this, such beauty of sound, so in rhythm with the beat of the Universe? The sweet song of birds sings that all is well. Birds sing that I, God, am taking care of everything, and that everything is on cue.
Birds sing My song. Listen and hear. They sing: ‘”God is love, and God loves you!” Their songs have many variations, but that is the sum and substance: ‘”God is love, and God loves you.”
And birds also are singing that they are very happy communicating the song of My heart to you. What a natural thing it is for birds to sing according to the sun!
Birds know what to sing and when to sing it. And now you know to listen. It is important that you listen. Go outside and listen to the singing of the birds, for they are singing to you. They want to be heard. They want you to hear them. It is exhilarating for My birds to have an audience. They like to sing for you. They are My messengers just as much as you are, only they have been better at it than you.
They do not question. They do not ask: “Am I on cue? Should I really sing? Who am I to think I can sing? Am I on key? Am I singing too much? Nobody will want to listen.” No, My beloved birds do not go to the volumes of steps that you do. They merely sing for the glory of God. So, in that sense, they don’t care if you listen or not. Singing is the thing, although they do like it when you listen.
Birds sing in delight as they announce the world to itself. How close to Me and all of nature are the birds! They sing well and they listen well. They do not intellectualize Me. They don’t try to make themselves something more than they are, or less.
If a bird is a red cardinal, it sings for My joy and entertainment. If a bird is a sparrow, it is glad to be a sparrow who sings for My joy. The sparrow does not envy the red cardinal and wish for the color or voice of a cardinal. Oh, no, the sparrow acknowledges its worthiness to Me just the way it is. You might say that a wren is not ambitious because it doesn’t want to be anything more than it already is. It doesn’t even occur to a wren to want to be a cardinal. You might say that you have higher standards than a wren because you desire more. A wren doesn’t have low standards, beloveds. It’s simply that a wren values himself. In that sense, his standards are higher than yours! Frankly, a wren doesn’t care what you make of him. He recognizes His connection to Me. He covets no more.
If you were more content with yourself, you would be more like a wren.
A red cardinal is not stuck on itself. It is happy with itself. It’s happy to be a red cardinal. Only humankind thinks a cardinal is more than a wren.
All birds know their worth, and they know yours, and yet they are not dependent upon what you think of them. It matters not one whit. A bird simply knows it’s wonderful because I know the wonder of it.
Now if you will only know your wondrousness, how happy you would be. And how happy I would like you to be.
Permanent link to this Heavenletter: http://www.heavenletters.org/who-could-think-of-a-world-with-birds-singing.html – Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
Who Could Think of a World with Birds Singing? | Heavenletters #2805
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/10/2019 12:24:00 PM