The Saga of Life | Heavenletters #4791

The Saga of Life | Heavenletters

AUG 22 2019

God said:

Behold the sunlight of the Universe. Made of light, its light shines. It shines on you, and it shines through you. The world is a grid of light from sea to sea. I sent My Light to Earth in the form of everything, and Earth is lighted up by your very Being. I flung My Light to Earth, and you arose, so the world is covered with My light in the form of you. I blessed Earth with you, and the Earth blesses you as well. Everything is reciprocal in the world. You are honored to be in the world. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to be alive on Earth. Be alive in love, and further the existence of angels. Be one. You reach everyone, and everyone reaches you. All are connected and connected deeply.

No one is a stranger to you. Strangers do not exist. Everyone is yourself. You have heard that before. Everyone is a meeting-ground for everyone.

There are cycles on Earth, and you also go in cycles. We can say you go in helixes. You entwine, and you eclipse. You whiz around the Universe even as you think you are bound to Earth. You were swept to Earth, and you rise from Earth. Earth revolves around the Sun. You spin. You zoom even as you feel you are in slow motion. The Earth is captivated with you. It sings to the High Heavens, and you dance on the Earth. What are you celebrating, you and Earth? You are celebrating Life, and you celebrate Me. You dance, and your arms reach to Heaven. You take big steps. You leap high, and you do hand-stands to Heaven.

What is going on in the world? You are going on in the world. You promised to meet here on Earth, and it is yourself that you meet. It was ordained that you would meet here on Earth and declare Earth Heaven. You are heavenly creatures lifting up the Earth and propelling it to Heaven. Heaven does not descend. Earth rises. Do you feel its rising now? Do you feel yourself riding the Earth like an elevator? The elevator door opens to Heaven. You are the door-opener. The door was never closed, except in your thought. Open this One Door, and all doors open wide.

The doors are symbolic of your heart’s opening up like the blooming of a flower. You are the rose in bloom, beloveds. Your cheeks are roses. Your eyes begin to see that you are on the top floor, the top floor for now. There is always another elevator of yourself to take. Just the same, you are risen. You are risen to your knees in surrender to the beauty of life, the opportunity of it, this very opportunity of it. The saga of life as you have known it is ceasing to exist, and now all the Earth is fertile ground. It is good soil, aerated with good will.

Now you are rising as in a balloon, and the whole world comes with you. What I have said would happen is happening now. Look high, and you will begin to see what you have long longed for. It is in front of you now. Life flings you to Heaven, and you alight, and here you are, wrapped in light, full of light, emanating light, having fun with light, discovering the Source of Light and twirling light around like a baton, and, suddenly, you are illuminated, and now you know what you are made for. You are made for the same as what you are made of — light and nothing but light, and so say I.

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Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
The Saga of Life | Heavenletters #4791 The Saga of Life | Heavenletters #4791 Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 8/23/2019 10:59:00 AM Rating: 5

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