Mortals are filters getting cleaned back Home again in the Light of Love, before returning here as baby filters to help filter Earth Dark Goo from dirty parent, and clogged adult filters and, as children filters become clogged up with more Earth Dark Goo, 70 year old filters, too clog-stopped up, return back Home to the Light of Love to get their Karmic filters clean, to come back as refreshed baby filters again.
Unborn Light of Love, and baby-born new filters, on up to worn out old filters, all have the Light of Love inside at their same Mutual Sovereign Singularity Center. Mortal filters, who become apprised of Earth Dark Goo, and talk about it to other Mortals, who are connected to the Light of Love inside themselves, both clean their filters enough to be able to work again, almost as well as if they returned Home, directly into the experience of the Light of Love to get their New Karmic filters, replaced again.
When someone close returns to the Light of Love, anyone who remains here, and shared Goo and both connected while here inside the Light of Love Listening in Delight mutual Sovereign Bonding interconnection, are able to feel that sensate Light of Love for each other as True Spirit Friends. Spirit Friends of mine, like this remain connected through the Mystical Light of Sensate Love Spirit Friendship.
Mortal filters who, don’t talk about Earth Dark Goo, and don’t listen to others about their Goo-experiences, never get their filters cleaned here, and stop being able to become refreshed. Half the job of filtering Earth Dark Goo is to Talk with other filters, and Listen to other filters to share in The Great Filter benefits of getting cleaned without having to prematurely return back to Bodiless Karmic total replacement. Plus Delight Spirit Friend Bonding sustains a connection through the Light of Love, that remains constant, no matter what stage of Unborn, to Mortal, back to Unborn filtering-operation either one is working at Karmic Atonement in.
Love behavior then is self-disclosing Earth Dark Goo for each other, and Listening with Compassion, and genuine regard to other’s, that want to clean out some Goo from their filter too. Clogged filters, that don’t share Goo, and won’t listen with acceptance to another’s Goo Gobs, not only become fake, and more filled quicker but, totally miss half of the reason for filtering here in this Permanent Earth Dark Goo second’s Karmic Place away from Home.
When a fake filter constantly tries to manifest more desired Plus Earth Dark Goo, from not accepting this is the Goo place for filtering, even when that faker gets to their desired fantasy same Earth Dark Goo Manifestation, they never are able to talk/validate Goo and, never make decent unassuming Spirit Friends, from The Secret-type Positive-thinking Power-trip BS-attitude with prejudice hypes, still. Fake filters are control freaks of the worse judgmental unkind, and are so clogged up, already they are, always scared to death to stop pretending everything is OK, and just needs to manifest what they seem to think any Mortal has Power-over.
All all a l l ALL Manifestations are co-created by unconscious Goo, and fakers are the greatest unconscious Goo Farmer-silos that, by their very unkind competitive judgmental nature clog the crap out of everyone else’s filter, who get too close to avoid such Volcanic Goo eruptions. Judging others best works by censuring Goo talk, by ignoring them and, never talking Goo is the best “The Secret” way to manifest more Goo for everyone else, to do an unwilling Mortal fakers clean-out for them too.
We know Goo Filter Fakers are angry-clogged up inside, and when a Goo talker gets too close to a group of fakers, we can take on their hidden anger, when we get scorned with death stare censor, along with, never Goo sharing to send another, even better Judge-mental-tripping “The Secret Manifestation Goo-infestation Unconscious-message”. This is exactly what is happening to me right now in this group of angry fakers, and I’m taking on Goo gobs of anger when it’s not even mine to filter clean out. Feels like my Zombie-growing up Home-goo, Clobber-doozie all over again.
So what’s the message Holy Spirit?
I am caught looking outside myself again, when Light of Love will, never become manifest, because all manifestation, no matter how “The Secret-great” we can Power-imagine will, always be a disappointment, because The Light of Invisible Love inside Helpless Surrender is our real absolute unborn infinity Light of Love Home for~every~where in Timeless~reverie?
I suppose a group of fakers isn’t the right place to ask about where to go for Spirit Friendship, and, even if I posted a sort of insulting-ad for a name to begin my, own blog, even that is, still looking for Manifestation-infestation visible-outside, not inside where the Invisible Light of Love cold-conks unconscious fakers. We could work together for once, and ask Patrick for help with another Goo-speak site, where everyone can validate Filter Goo-talk without judgmental censor?
So what is a solution Holy Spirit?
I could get the message, and turn within to the Light of Love Goo-filter “The Great”, and stop settling outside as a filter, and pass initiation to upgrade to a ‘whatever comes next’ if I, just plain let go Manifestation Goo, altogether? Instead of changing an air conditioner filter again, for example, I could buy into a whole new free-energy type ‘cool’, with a replicator to take care of, all Mortal limited Unconscious Goo, and the Angry-fake Transfer-makers, too filled up with Goo, who won’t talk, wont Listen, and can’t feel compassion anymore, like a bitter rage old worn out ready for The Great Filter total Baby-refresh?
Mortal Fake-groups can’t, just leave One alone here so, like all Duality Mobs culling out One seems like the best dis-compassionate solution, more like Child-sacrifice, that when Pine Cone presented, never got validated once here, yet? This can mean this group, actually condones Child-sacrifice, and that’s a good motivating idea, that I will, never be welcome here, unless I get ground up in a Mc Donald party favor manifestation, or fake being an exploited Girl-goo Filter for some Corporate-ad demographic-empathy, guaranteed?
The Great Filter | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/20/2019 08:53:00 PM