Narcissists And Their Flying Monkeys
Mother-mercenary Narcissist Family Triangulation depends on Codependent-hate Supply
My Mother and I worked together as One to shun her husband/my father out of the family, so he couldn’t trust either of us, because what made me evil was her evil, so there was no one left in the family he could, ever trust again.
Our Mother-mercenary used Family-triangulation to create sibling-rivalry Codependent-hatred between us, as her Narcissist Blackmailed Child-hostages Supply, so there was no one left in the family I could, ever trust again, no favorite kidding around left of us.
Mother-replication Daughter-mercenary Clones use Family Triangulation Narcissism, like a teen age Mother-half a longer swear, so there is no one left Alive free from Earth family-Duality Triangulation Satanic Supply-addiction, so Trust is out of the handy dandy Red Lipstick sucky question.
My Wife and Son worked together as One to shun me out of my adult family the, same, so I couldn’t trust either one of them, because what made my Son evil was her evil, so there was no one left in the family I could, ever trust again.
When I imagine I can trust my adult brother instead of his evil Narcissist wife, remembering anyone involved in Duality-mercenary BFF Triangulation are not to be trusted and, especially me, and my sick-loyal addiction to Family-abuse and, all Family-replication Earth-Hate Duality-hostage Mortal Supply Impossible Triangulation Denial-varieties.
A New Age Puppet-mercenary uses Flying Monkey Group Triangulation working together as One, to shun anyone different out of the Kool Aid Cult, so No can trust any of them, because what makes one monkey drink evil is the Narcissist “See no evil, Hear no evil, Say No evil” whole Evil-monkey drinking Kool Aid Group, so-double-mirror soso there isis-merc no geopolitical one left there anyone could, can, will, ever be able to Monkey Group Supply sick-loyal trust Flying-Middle East Proxy War free in Peace of Love again.
Satanic Earth Narcissist-blackmail BFF Triangulation, Thrives on Earth Hostage Mortal Supply soso mirror-double isis-mercenary Duality Abuse-addiction, and our Mortal Bo-die remains Stockholm Syndrome Monkey BFF Triangulation sick-loyalty W-ar A-buse R-ape too.
The Animals - We Gotta Get Out Of This Place
Narcissist Triangulation Thrives on Duality Mortal Supply | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/22/2019 12:15:00 PM