A Mother's Fear Of Red Pill Awareness
My Mother was a Bully, and I was her son addicted to her with fear Shame-rage, just as she was my Mother addicted to me with fear Shame rage. My Male-fear of my Mother of all Male-fear deep inside our Collective unconscious mind Co-creates Mother-replication mirror-doubles of her in, all others, all the time, every time in the same Bully friends, Bully Wives, Bully Feminist groups, Bully children, and forever fear-driven, ever increasing Bully-Earth Mother fear experiences.
My 3 Wives were, all Deep State Kidnapped American World-wide Role-model Narcissist Bully-earth Set-standard Mother-fear Man-haters too, and so were, all our children, even before they went to Feminist fountainhead Nazi mind-control Liberal Male-humiliation mind-control Deep State Bully-Earth Mother-fear Male-victim World-wide continuation Sex-schools.
Each of my sons had the same Bully-earth Mother-fear Male-victim experiences as I did too, while each of my Bully-daughters cloned their same Bully-Mothers as mine, to take male hostages in similar Blackmail Male-victim Marriages with the same insane results doing it all over again en masse MSM Feminist Earth Mother-bully style with children as addicted to Narcissist Mothers, and Bully Mothers addicted to Child-hostage Supply in the same overall Codependent-resentment Fused-hate relationships as Male-victims suffer under the Deep State Police Statist Slave-stasis too.
All my Grandchildren-infestation gone-viral were the same generational Bully-earth Mother-fear Mother-victim replications as we, all were in Feminist fountainhead Nazi mind-control Liberal Male-humiliation mind-control Deep State Bully-Earth Mother-fear Male-victim World-wide continuation Sex-schools. Now my Mother-replication children get to watch their same Bully replication children Co-create Mother-replication mirror-doubles of my Mother in, all others all the time, every time in the same Bully-friends, Bully-Wives, Bully Feminist-groups, New Bully child versions, and forever fear-driven, ever increasing Bully-Earth Mother fear experiences.
My son Freddie was adopted after his Mother-bully abandoned him before my Mother replication 1st wife took over where the bio-first one left off, so we discuss how his Mother, Alice(my wife) Bullied him, just like my Mother did, a sort of male-bonding alchemy is happening in Spiritual Gratitude to escape Male-hostage ‘thrown under the Nazi-bus’ and sleeping under bridges from advanced PTSD, called Deep State hoorah Normal Traumatic Stress Disorder Satanic-veteran Homeless-imprisonment under the American Medical Murder Mafia Cancer-puke Family-funds depletion Secret Space Program Associations
Freddie sees his son co-create the same Bully Girl friends, as Freddie did, that I had to sit back and watch self-destruct under the Alice-addiction Bully-narcissist, now Freddie and I agree, that we, never have to be afraid of each other, ever again, because we have World-wide Normal Traumatic Stress Disorder Bully-earth Mother-fear Male-victim in-common and, all we had to do was admit how afraid we are of our same Mothers, who represent to us the Mother of all fear imbedded in Single-bully Earth-family victim-children, already anyway in a Universal Karmic Understanding.
Universal Karmic Understanding
What a huge Freddie/Pine Cone Belly laugh relief it is to go, even deeper, and be able to see together-bonding, that he and I, both were Bully Mothers ourselves in past lifetimes, so we came here to, directly experience the harm we did to everyone on Earth before, as a way to admit our Mother fear, and be able to enjoy male bonding alchemy sort of behind Deep State Bully-earth Mother-fear Male-victim enemy lines. Of course right away my mind wanted to focus on Daughter-bonding too, but not one female generation seems to be able to admit they are Bullies like their Mothers, and wives, just like my wives, their mothers can’t seem to bond, except as man-hater Earth Family Sex-slave Godless Mother Goddesses(another good example of advanced Narcissism-justification Nazi-hiding South Pole Wealthy Alien-bred Cold-hearted run away).
What’s the best place to hide malevolence, if not under the false name of any seeming kind ‘unkind’ organized money grubber motive? United Nations blowing off the World, EU Zombie Piss bureaucrats, Red Cross collecting blood for Cannibal hand-carries, W H O to kill of the sick and dying slaves faster, Motherhood for Man-hate family gangs, Democracy to Man-hate like a Mother Nazi Bully, DEA to protect the George Bush Drug-line, family planning to kill more babies, before the cannibals eat us, and need we go on if you get my Male-bonding drift-same alchemy behind enemy lines gift?
We have to ONENESS Wonder if, all the women can see that they were, all men before to come back and, directly experience as Bully-women what they did before as men to harm women before too. Do men go out for cigarettes and, never come back, or have a “Woman on the other side of town thats good to me”, instead? If all women suffer Male-abandonment maybe we, all can accomplish a little Freddie/Pine Cone Universal Karmic Understanding, in lieu of being able to admit Daughters are Mother-replication Bullies, just like men are, all “I want my Mommy Boo Hoo Halloween Bully-addicts scared, ashamed, and Deep State-enraged in Gender-free Enlightening Compassion common; Uh Oh ONENESS Wonder Duh_Ascension Huh?
Bully-earth Mother-fear Male-victims | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/28/2019 09:17:00 AM