When you identify as the body, the mind is the limit.
However, when you identify solely as your true nature, that of Pure Consciousness ,you become limitless.
Therefore, abide as Pure Consciousness or Unconditional Love. How to do that? Simply observe everything such as your surroundings, thoughts, and actions without judgement nor claiming ownership of them. Don't even have expectations from anything or anyone. As a result, mental silence will start to gradually settle in, bringing along happiness, peace, and bliss along with it. Self-Enquiry, as advised by Sri Ramana Maharshi, serves as a HUGE catalysis in bringing about the state of mental silence.
As Pure Consciousness, you are already everything. Thus, there is no need to claim anything. When you judge something or someone. you judge yourself because you, as Pure Consciousness, are THAT which you judge. That which is judged is just another form of YOU, THE FORMLESS REALITY !
Such is the paradox of life: Infinite Forms are Derived from that ONE FORMLESS REALITY. Therefore, separation is an illusion whereas Divine Union is the Eternal and Changeless Reality.
Below is the book that have set my mind free of doubts. Its sole purpose is to understand who you truly are and how to practice self-enquiry to bring about a state of thoughtlessness. Afterwards, it is no longer needed unless you need some encouragement to keep on striving to liberation: Sahaja Samadi (permanent abidance as (Unconditional Love/Pure Consciousness).
Book: Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi
URL: https://selfdefinition.org/ramana/Talks-with-Sri-Ramana-Maharshi--complete.pdf
Message by H. Breton
Submitted to Voyages of Light
Be Limitless | H. Breton
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/02/2019 08:35:00 PM