A New Spiritual World by the Andromedans
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
What do you sense of the world around you?
What do you sense of the world within you?
Where do your beliefs arise from and how do you formulate the life you create on the Earth?
These questions invite you to gaze deeply at everything you perceive yourself to be, as well as evaluating the world in which you are the centre of. The way you perceive your inner and outer world as well as your responsibility within your reality is the key to the way you navigate all that is the Creator. The key to navigating the Creator is to realise that your sense of the world within and around you is constantly shifting and fluctuating as you gradually accept the expansiveness that is your nature. Acceptance is a tool which can be gifted to all areas of your reality both spiritual and physical; it is to sense the expansive nature of the Creator in all that you are and do.
Your expansive nature is the limitless possibilities, opportunities, creations and wisdom which are the Creator. Therefore, nothing is fixed, a certain way or motionless. Everything has a flow, movement and limitless possibilities. Can you recognise the Universe of the Creator in this way? More importantly, can you recognise yourself in this way? Can you recognise the world you exist within, in this way? It is possible that you cannot, or maybe only partially, this is natural because of both the intensity and density of the Earth’s structure and reality. Mother Earth and the reality of the Earth invite you to move beyond all that you currently sense and into a new perception of all that is.
At this time of ascension, it is as if you are entering through a tunnel emerging into a new world. You are not leaving your current life behind or even parting with the Earth, instead it is that you are expanding your ability to sense the world around and within you, thus perceiving a new reality for yourself. This ascension shift is strongly connected to your ability to embody the flow, movement and limitless possibilities of the Creator’s energy. To do so is to move beyond the way you currently perceive yourself and reality, even beyond your beliefs of how the world is and should be. We the Andromedans invite you to be conscious and aware of all the belief systems and thoughts you create and affirm about how the world is and should be. This mind frame only holds you in the space of a fixed and motionless reality. The affirmation available to you is,
‘I eternally exist in the flow, movement and limitless possibilities of the Creator.’
This statement can be declared when thoughts of how the world for you is and should be. The practice will transform the way you sense the world within and around you thus allowing you to experience the limitless possibilities, opportunities, creations and wisdom of the Creator. Be aware that your mind may need time to decipher the new world and reality emerging before your eyes both on a physical and spiritual level. If you become confused or despondent know that time is needed for your mind to adjust and accept the expansive energy of the Creator you are now requesting to embody, experience and live as on the Earth. Returning your focus to reconnect with the flow, movement and limitless possibility energy of the Creator will affirm greater clarity and peace within your being during this transition. Repeating the affirmation, ‘I eternally exist in the flow, movement and limitless possibilities of the Creator,’ during meditation and then allowing your self to sense the opening of your being and the flow of the Creator’s energy through you will assist greatly. Invite yourself each time to contemplate what you see, sense or acknowledge as you experience the flow, movement and limitless possibility energy of the Creator. Be aware that each time you meditate to connect with the energy your experience may be different. The more you can become accustomed to the energy of flow, movement and limitless possibilities of the Creator the easier it will be for you to embody, recognise and create from within your reality.
Imagine what you could create from the divine flow, movement and limitless possibility energy of the Creator. What reality would you live? What type of person would you be? What would your experience of the Earth be like? It is important to take time to truly contemplate your integration and creation with these qualities of the Creator. With contemplation you will begin to realise that even when you imagine what you or your life would be like you are creating an energy and experience that is fixed, a certain way or motionless. In order to enter through the tunnel and create a new spiritual world for yourself and others on the Earth and the inner planes, there is a need to focus on the energy of the Creator in the present moment, realising that this energy is constantly shifting and fluctuating. Therefore, accept an idea or insight as your own, as your reality and experience. Then let it flow, be limitless and filled with motion so it may develop into something greater and more expansive than you can currently perceive. Let it be filled with the qualities of the Creator of limitless possibilities, opportunities, creations and wisdom. Let the creation be guided by the Creator, as beautiful, powerful, blissful and infinite as the Creator wishes! In truth you are surrendering that which you sense from the flow of the Creator allowing it to pour with abundance into your being and reality.
There is still a need to focus upon that which you wish for and desire in your reality, this is essential. However, notice when you become engrossed on a fixed circumstance, experience or creation. If after a while there is no movement or flow, the there is a need to realise you are limiting or even rejecting the limitless possibilities, opportunities, creations and wisdom. If this is your reality, then these is a need to connect as much as possible with flow, movement and limitless possibilities of the Creator. ‘I eternally exist in the flow, movement and limitless possibilities of the Creator.’ It is not only connecting, it is to exist within these sacred qualities of the Creator.
Once you begin to grasp and experience that which we, the Andromedans, speak of you will begin to view the world within and around you anew. This will mean that situations and circumstances across the world which seem immovable will begin to transform. Humanity will no longer acknowledge themselves and their realities as being fixed, a certain way or motionless, thus a new spiritual world will appear for all to experience. When we speak of a new spiritual world, we are referring to a world that is based upon the spiritual nature of each and every being present upon the Earth. Imagine this for a moment, it is an extremely exciting idea and concept; a world that is based upon the spiritual nature of each and every being present upon the Earth. We invite you to meditate upon this idea and acknowledge that which you perceive, then connect with yourself as an existing eternally in the flow, movement and limitless possibilities of the Creator, what appears for you then? To eternally exist in the flow, movement and limitless possibilities of the Creator is to empower yourself, the world and the ascension process of all. This is a powerful experience and transition of ascension to experience now.
If you wish to understand or experience more of what we have shared with you today, please call upon us the Andromedans and we will lovingly surround you, sharing all that is appropriate.
In constant support and love,
The Andromedans
More from the Andromedans
A New Spiritual World | Andromedans via Natalie Glasson
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/09/2019 10:24:00 AM