You are the Heart of Awareness | H. Breton

Notice how every time you are finished talking, you revert to silence. No matter how much noise is made, it all must always come back to silence. Even in between the end of one thought and the start of another, there is a gap namely, mental silence. The meditative practice of self-enquiry gradually increases this gap due to the obliteration of vasanas (inner tendencies), acquired throughout many lifetimes, including this one. The attainment of sahaja samadhi (permanent and natural/effortless abidance as pure awareness) results in a dead mind (thoughtless mind). Sages such as Sri Ramana Maharshi, Ashtavakra , and Nisargadatta Maharaj have attained to this state. If you are interested in destroying all your vasanas (habits of mind/inner tendencies) and attaining liberation in this life, I highly recommend reading their books and practicing their teachings. Earnestness is a must if success is to be had.

In the case that you feel you are always mentally active, eventually you will come back to mental silence when you enter the state of deep, dreamless sleep. After all, who doesn’t like to be free of thoughts? Why do you think just about everyone loves to sleep? This indicates that all yearn to be free of mental agitation and be still like a wave-less lake. Therefore, mental silence is your true nature. Mental silence is the ground state that you must always be come back to from an excited state (mental activity). To be mentally silent is to be thoughtless. Don’t run away from your true SELF, but rather, merge with the Heart of Awareness. Focus on your awareness, no matter in what situation you find yourself in. Even when you are talking, walking, working, and eating, hold on to the feeling, “only the body is talking, walking, working, and eating. I, Mental silence/Pure Awareness am doing nothing, for can Pure Awareness do anything if it is the entirety of creation.” You can only do something if you are separate from that which is to be done, but Pure consciousness is all there is. Otherwise, how would animals know when they are being hunted? How would plants be able to have defense mechanisms to protect itself against insects and pathogens? You are oneness. You, being the Creator, have always remain aloof from your creation, but due to the identification with the body/mind, you feel as if you are personally involved with it. But in reality, you are like the audience that is watching a movie namely, the unfoldment of your own creation. Though all sorts of events may take place in the movie, you, the Absolute Observer, remain unaffected.

After all, mental silence is the background from which the movie of life runs on. If there is no mental silence, there is no Pure Awareness, and if there is no Pure Awareness, there is no creation. No creation = no creator for the creation and the creator are one and the same. Finally, no creator = no "you" for you and the creator are also one and the same. Hence, the meaning of the popular quote, "I AM THAT I AM". You are everything and everything is you.

H. Breton
You are the Heart of Awareness | H. Breton You are the Heart of Awareness | H. Breton Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 7/15/2019 12:10:00 AM Rating: 5

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