We Have the Time to Reflect
July 13, 2019
By Steve Beckow
How are we to coordinate our humanitarian initiatives?
What happens if we have two people wanting to do a Universal Basic Income (UBI) for the same country? Or underwrite the same medical system?
Michael asked me not to set up a Lightworkers Conference, which would have helped coordinate our efforts. That conversation follows:
Steve: Every time I’ve mentioned the Lightworkers Congress, you’ve been kind of lukewarm. Is this something you’re lukewarm about?
Archangel Michael: That is correct. How perceptive of you, sweet one!
Steve: Oh thank you. Well then, let me let it go. Probably others will do it.
AAM: That is correct. It is more of a meeting ground, more of a social activity. Trying to harmonize the desires, the needs, the priorities of a large group of people is not your bailiwick. … There will be another that will pick it up, so do not worry about it. (1)
Yah, not me.
Mind you, that was before he asked me to do other post-Reval work anyways. I’m certain I wouldn’t have had the time or space to create and run a congress even if I were suited for it. On another occasion, he said:
“There is only so much that, as a human being, any [one] can manage. Yes, there will be a different kind of busyness in future years, but not if you are lying on the ground dead. ” (2)
Not in the cards.
Or getting triggered because I’m overtired and want out. That kind of thing can best be handled, I think, at the very outset by not accepting too many assignments. This is the time when being savvy will really pay dividends later.
I’m to have no more than seven people report to me – aside from the presidents of the various companies. I’m to keep my paws off administration. I’m beginning to see the reasons for Michael’s requests.
I’m glad to be thinking these matters through now. Changing things too much and too often later tends to demoralize others, in my view. What directive should they be following? How have my interests shifted? they may wonder. What should they be doing? I’d like to avoid giving rise to this kind of confusion.
We’ll need something like the Lightworkers Congress as a forum where lightworkers can come together to study and discuss global trends in relief and restoration, urgent situations, best philanthropic practices, etc.
It can provide a means of discussing and coordinating lightworker initiatives around the globe, where coordination is helpful.
It can offer crash courses in subjects like cultural and religious sensitivity, conflict resolution, decision-making, donor etiquette, etc.
It can bring lightworker humanitarians together to simply chat and socialize, where in their ordinary lives meeting each other may have become more difficult and constricted than before. I look forward to someone doing it.
I think we also need an organization the equivalent of Transparency International that will help us know where corruption still exists among countries we’re planning to help. Or we can underwrite TI to do the work.
And we need someone to start a flexible database that can record the various lightworker projects underway, their scope, their cost, etc. to promote partnering where advisable and desirable.
I encourage people to be thinking of the services that will need to be provided. We may not have the money to afford them now, but this – as far as I’m concerned – is the time to be discussing them.
After the Reval, it’ll be hard to get our attention. But now we have the time to reflect.
Send your comments in to “Contact Us” at http://goldenageofgaia.com/contact-us/. We’ll post the most helpful in “Writers Corner.”
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 6, 2018.
(2) Ibid., Feb. 5, 2016.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
July 13, 2019
By Steve Beckow
How are we to coordinate our humanitarian initiatives?
What happens if we have two people wanting to do a Universal Basic Income (UBI) for the same country? Or underwrite the same medical system?
Michael asked me not to set up a Lightworkers Conference, which would have helped coordinate our efforts. That conversation follows:
Steve: Every time I’ve mentioned the Lightworkers Congress, you’ve been kind of lukewarm. Is this something you’re lukewarm about?
Archangel Michael: That is correct. How perceptive of you, sweet one!
Steve: Oh thank you. Well then, let me let it go. Probably others will do it.
AAM: That is correct. It is more of a meeting ground, more of a social activity. Trying to harmonize the desires, the needs, the priorities of a large group of people is not your bailiwick. … There will be another that will pick it up, so do not worry about it. (1)
Yah, not me.
Mind you, that was before he asked me to do other post-Reval work anyways. I’m certain I wouldn’t have had the time or space to create and run a congress even if I were suited for it. On another occasion, he said:
“There is only so much that, as a human being, any [one] can manage. Yes, there will be a different kind of busyness in future years, but not if you are lying on the ground dead. ” (2)
Not in the cards.
Or getting triggered because I’m overtired and want out. That kind of thing can best be handled, I think, at the very outset by not accepting too many assignments. This is the time when being savvy will really pay dividends later.
I’m to have no more than seven people report to me – aside from the presidents of the various companies. I’m to keep my paws off administration. I’m beginning to see the reasons for Michael’s requests.
I’m glad to be thinking these matters through now. Changing things too much and too often later tends to demoralize others, in my view. What directive should they be following? How have my interests shifted? they may wonder. What should they be doing? I’d like to avoid giving rise to this kind of confusion.
We’ll need something like the Lightworkers Congress as a forum where lightworkers can come together to study and discuss global trends in relief and restoration, urgent situations, best philanthropic practices, etc.
It can provide a means of discussing and coordinating lightworker initiatives around the globe, where coordination is helpful.
It can offer crash courses in subjects like cultural and religious sensitivity, conflict resolution, decision-making, donor etiquette, etc.
It can bring lightworker humanitarians together to simply chat and socialize, where in their ordinary lives meeting each other may have become more difficult and constricted than before. I look forward to someone doing it.
I think we also need an organization the equivalent of Transparency International that will help us know where corruption still exists among countries we’re planning to help. Or we can underwrite TI to do the work.
And we need someone to start a flexible database that can record the various lightworker projects underway, their scope, their cost, etc. to promote partnering where advisable and desirable.
I encourage people to be thinking of the services that will need to be provided. We may not have the money to afford them now, but this – as far as I’m concerned – is the time to be discussing them.
After the Reval, it’ll be hard to get our attention. But now we have the time to reflect.
Send your comments in to “Contact Us” at http://goldenageofgaia.com/contact-us/. We’ll post the most helpful in “Writers Corner.”
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, June 6, 2018.
(2) Ibid., Feb. 5, 2016.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
We have the Time to Reflect | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/13/2019 10:32:00 AM