Simple Direct Easy-peasy | Pine Cone

OSHO: Don't Make Your Children Copies of Yourself

When a Mother puts taking care of children ahead of, even getting a life for herself codependent-resentment builds up in her and the children, in equal amounts of hidden-hate for each other, as much as the motivation for both to deny it too. The children, really feel this Mother-hate in every hidden way the Mother tries harder, as if she isn’t turning into a self-hate Narcissist-fail, and the children build Narcissism Mother-hate for getting the main Earth-message that, somehow the Mother’s unconscious misery is, all the Child’s fault to, never be able to do anything right.

Every codependent-resentment man/woman relationship on 3D Duality evil tiny criminal Gender Earth-sexual ID, also works exactly the same without children, but once a child is added to the self-HateGate Protection/projection Narcissistic Mother Earth-fail mix, no one escapes these two Simple Direct-on-Purpose Satanic ISIS Family Triangulation ‘divide and conquer’ unconscious mind-control, very painful main Earth takeover motives hidden in the inhumane Hate-machinery of the Human Statist Stasis Narcissist Mother/Hostage-child_Man/Woman relationship Status Quo.

When a Mother hides her self-hate for herself being projected onto her child-hostages, and begins to project this hate for her child, out onto her male-partner in transference with the Satanic Justice Blackmail system in this evil Crown-hate moxie bitter-mix, it feels like such a relief to a Mother to begin to blame the Ex-father for everything for, never being able to do anything right either. It feels just like this same relief feeling to cheat on another too, to cause the same jealous rage, to set up a relationship hostage as a Triangulation-patsy, instead of facing self-hate gone viral in Family Triangulation mixed in with regular Earth relationship Triangulation-patsy Crown Law non-justice Satanic ‘divide and conquer’ mind-control on top of everything else our Elite-owners make Sex-slaves out of, all of us, in every Proxy War international which way, and Earth Hate-projection Protection-crooked.

The worst human pain to endure is to become codependent-fused in relationship with another and, never be able to Love anyone, ever again, and especially the ones closest to us. Social norm Satanic programming hypnotizes, all of us so the Mother hates herself, and projects this hate onto her child, and then feel a sort of temporary relief to blame the ex-father, instead of getting caught hating her children, and at the same time she increases her unconscious self-hate out onto both her hated-child, and her hated Ex-husband, even though she experiences a nuclear meltdown, deep inside her unconscious self-hate Narcissism projections, the relief comes from many degrees of separation proof she has nothing to do with Quantum-co-creating, exactly what she was set up to do by the evil Satanists, who run every suffering unconscious human right into the inhumane Dark unconscious Earth Sex-game heavy gravity low light frequency vibration energetic MK Ultra mind-control.

What happens in every Satanic relationship set-up sting operation is, even worse-a relief-fail too. It really does feel like a major relief to simply cheat on someone, instead of facing self-hate Quantum co-creation projection-evil hate-ownership onto a Sex-partner. Cheating causes jealous normal-human rage-reactions in the, other Triangulation-patsy, so once this Simple Easy-peasy set-up occurs it’s, really easier than any direct-relief to, then make the Hostage seem like the crazy one who, never knew what hit ‘em.

Whether a child gets played this same Satanic-evil way, or an adult gets played this mind-control Satanic evil way, the Narcissist, always co-creates these Simple Direct Triangulation-blackmail/hostage situations and never, really can care again about anyone and, especially care about themselves either. If confronted over and over about not caring about anyone, the narcissist, just moves on to the next unconscious Hostage-supply, in Triangulation Heaven, where no one on Satanic Earth, ever realizes what makes the World go Hate-round, and Karma-round with no real Triangulation-fantasy Merry go round colorful~horsey-relief left of us.

All children face this Simple Direct Magic Hate-relief avoidance-experience, because we, all experience this same Simple Direct Triangulation if we, ever become sexually active, and if we don’t believe how evil the Satanist have become totally successful, try to think of one thing on Earth that is nurturing now, and how much evil it takes to plan all this out for thousands of centuries to kill off 90% of our brightest lights, and keep a few Sex-slaves around, who already sold their Satanic-minion Blackmail self-hate collectivist initiation Statist Stasis soul to improve/prove not, ever caring Cannibal-again.

We train a helpless little girl to become a little Princess, as if she can do no wrong, but we never realize that’s, exactly how to create an adult-child self-hate Narcissist the best, Mothers smother a child, until the Narcissistic-child Hates the Narcissistic Mother with, as pure an unadulterated hate, that was Protection-projected out, as when we treat a little helpless girl narcissist-in-training, as a Fantasy-princess.

The little boy/man hostage training role, well that’s a, totally different story for them, but believe it when we say Narcissist Mother-male Hostage-training, already made Mother’s act like she Loved her little boy, more than she, ever could, really Love her Rage-jealous partner, already duped in Satanic soup, to be Hostage-ready, Blackmail-willing, and Wrong-able to, never be right, like a little Princess grows down, and becomes a Satanic Mother Castle Queen, just like any Reptilian eating-one-a-day child/man vitamins in Kuru-laughing dis-ease Statist Stasis Triangulation Hostage ‘divide and conquer’ Elite above-the-law evil Split-soul eat em, all yum yum yum up Supply.

OSHO: Marriage and Children

Who in their ‘wrong Earth-mind’ would, ever want to face how everything works on this tiny gender evil criminal ID planet from Satanic Hell? Just feel how everyone’s autonomic systems are, already shaking and quaking inside a collective, that can’t admit how much a simple and direct scene supplies, no jealous acting out relief at all. What’s a Mother to do when every sexual relationship, already made her Lover-hate go away in relief, the moment the Parent/Child Triangulation offers another way out as long as the Child, never lets go of Stockholm Syndrome sick-loyal ‘intricate and profound addiction’ to the same Simple Direct abuser, that made a bastard out of single Mother Earth-fail Ex-father World-wide Triangulation-high Statist Stasis Narcissist-owned children Mother-addicts.

When a whole group of females come together to pretend Ascension is a feminine quality Mother Earth Belly-bulging expectation, doesn’t this tell a self-serving motive the same way the Satanic symbol of the statue of Kidnapped DS non-liberty has advertised for women, only in Columbia Satanic MSM Cannibal Movies? Is there no end to, all the many ways we can’t avoid Triangulation-hate Narcissism mind-control, or are we all in this Disney cartoon, still making believe evil fantasies don’t ruin every child, already filled to the brim with a dire Satan Claws-need to ‘divide and conquer’ parents, just like they did, do, will hate onto children, as long as Parent’s are Bully-bigger, and anxiety children can, hardly deep-breath any more to mind control prove it.

Can anyone imagine how half of Earth worships their, own bodies, while the other half of Earth worships the Narcissist bodies too, yet all the while both halves blame children, and men for wanting to have Sex with their sex-addict manipulators, while the Narcissists don’t even care about Sex, and more than this, they can’t Love anyone anymore either, even and especially their codependent-resentment secret unconscious Fused-relationship self-hate Inner-selves. Can a male become, so obsessed on female body worship, that the more double messages, the more addicted anyone becomes, or is that just for female-pervert denial en Massachusetts, where everything manhunt-motive, really is the Satanic Triangulation male Patsy-hostage Conn Skull and Bones supply Crown Vatican DC Harvard-law.

This Collective unconscious, very personal Family Triangulation has billions more to do with Earth’s self-destruction, than any outside evil infrastructure, yet everything physical is, all the MSM focus on so, even this motive is to distract us, all away from what’s really on-going off Simple Direct focus daily False Flag-non News-fail. When a child favors the Mother Narcissist more, the underlying manipulation motive to make the Father/Husband jealous, really defines the Triangulation-relief. Later on when the child realizes this Child Usury, it’s already too late because, once sexually active, the Father is, already long gone, and the Mother is the only Satanic Triangulation-game left standing in tiny Duality evil gender criminal ID Manipulation-monopoly.

The whole Game is rigged, so the adult who is, still addicted to the Narcissist, doesn’t even realize the Wife/Mother made the Husband/Father jealous the more she pretends she loves her Child-hostage, more than her Wrong-man in her cheating child/other-man non-life love-lorn Lost soul Narcissism fantasy for all. No one member of a dysfunctional family survives unharmed in a bubble of denial glamor so, all three Humans play their unholy part in Triangulation, and the relief is, never long lasting, except while its working to separate everyone for life on Mother Earth Sex-slavery, in Satanic-elite Divide and Conquer Gender self-serving Cannibal Prison.

I try anyway I can to bring this main issue to others, but this time I am being as simple and direct as I can be yet, so far. I hope someone; any one will do, can enjoy real long lasting relief from seeing what’s, really going on, all over the Planet. I think if anyone gets upset, that this is the, only unconscious tell to realize how right I am about this, and if you ‘are’ upset it may mean you are the female Narcissist, or the jealous male-hostage, that manipulates everyone, or was manipulated, until you have to move on to other Hostage Supply resources in case you discover we, all really suffer our Triangulation-part in this unconscious Play of Consciousness main-core Mother-issue Earth Columbia migrant-invitation MSM DNC Satanic Low light frequency vibration Mortal Karma-repeat Groundhog Day Horror-movie.

OSHO: The Idea that Children Are Your Children Is Wrong

Simple Direct Easy-peasy | Pine Cone Simple Direct Easy-peasy | Pine Cone Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 7/11/2019 10:26:00 AM Rating: 5

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