Love Is All | Heavenletters
JUL 13 2019
God said:
When you let go of everything you hold to yourself, then you are pure love shining. Love in your heart is known when everything that has blocked it gets out of the way.
Love needs no bolstering. Love is not something you try.
Love in you is like a shining sun. The sun shines no matter what. Only sometimes it is obscured. You cannot do anything to the love in your heart but obscure it. You cannot alter one inch of it. Love is not a dress that you can alter according to your vision or style.
Love is not a hunter that must narrow itself down and aim at a target. Love is not a focus. If love were a focus, it would have to separate itself from that on which it does not focus. Love does not separate. Love embraces. It has a wide lens.
Love is not a miser with a tightly-clasped change purse. Love is an open envelope filled with endless thousand-dollar bills that waft themselves out and land everywhere. Love is love, or it is not.
Sometimes you feel so far away from love that you are reduced to effort. Often it is your ego that is far from love. Believe Me when I say that you are pure and total love. Love doesn’t get squelched. Your ego does. With or without ego, you are love, but your ego competes with it. Your ego thinks love is something you have to get.
Ego wants you to be a lady bountiful who dispenses love, only where — according to her view — it is well-deserved. But love is not doled out. It is given. Love is not charity. It is love. Love gives itself freely. Not just here and there. Love emanates. It is perfect in its roundness. It radiates out like the light from an unshaded lamp.
Love is not custom-made. Love is universal.
When you sequester love, your heart aches. Love cramped is love cramped. Loosen your love. You have had enough withholding it. You have withheld it from yourself. You have loved yourself least of all.
Love is not meant to be the value you set on yourself or anyone. It is not to be saved for a rainy day or the perfect occasion. It is not conserved. It is not braided. It is to be let loose. Like long hair relieved from combs, it is meant to fall wherever it falls. Love has its own grace.
Love cannot be held on to, or, if it is held, it can only escape your grasp.
Love is like flowing water that knows no highlands nor lowlands. It only knows to flow and so it flows everywhere. There are no channels to love.
Love is an everyday phenomenon. It is the very sustenance of life. Therefore, the occurrence of love is not spectacular, although, like the dawn, it is spectacular every day. You are love, and love is eternal. Follow My thought.
Without the existence of love, you would not exist. You could not move. It is love you move towards. You seek the substance of yourself. You seek it everywhere. All the while, it is yours to give out everywhere. The source of love dwells within you, and from you it pours. Cast off its anchors. Let it go its own way. It really doesn’t need help from you.
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Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
JUL 13 2019
God said:
When you let go of everything you hold to yourself, then you are pure love shining. Love in your heart is known when everything that has blocked it gets out of the way.
Love needs no bolstering. Love is not something you try.
Love in you is like a shining sun. The sun shines no matter what. Only sometimes it is obscured. You cannot do anything to the love in your heart but obscure it. You cannot alter one inch of it. Love is not a dress that you can alter according to your vision or style.
Love is not a hunter that must narrow itself down and aim at a target. Love is not a focus. If love were a focus, it would have to separate itself from that on which it does not focus. Love does not separate. Love embraces. It has a wide lens.
Love is not a miser with a tightly-clasped change purse. Love is an open envelope filled with endless thousand-dollar bills that waft themselves out and land everywhere. Love is love, or it is not.
Sometimes you feel so far away from love that you are reduced to effort. Often it is your ego that is far from love. Believe Me when I say that you are pure and total love. Love doesn’t get squelched. Your ego does. With or without ego, you are love, but your ego competes with it. Your ego thinks love is something you have to get.
Ego wants you to be a lady bountiful who dispenses love, only where — according to her view — it is well-deserved. But love is not doled out. It is given. Love is not charity. It is love. Love gives itself freely. Not just here and there. Love emanates. It is perfect in its roundness. It radiates out like the light from an unshaded lamp.
Love is not custom-made. Love is universal.
When you sequester love, your heart aches. Love cramped is love cramped. Loosen your love. You have had enough withholding it. You have withheld it from yourself. You have loved yourself least of all.
Love is not meant to be the value you set on yourself or anyone. It is not to be saved for a rainy day or the perfect occasion. It is not conserved. It is not braided. It is to be let loose. Like long hair relieved from combs, it is meant to fall wherever it falls. Love has its own grace.
Love cannot be held on to, or, if it is held, it can only escape your grasp.
Love is like flowing water that knows no highlands nor lowlands. It only knows to flow and so it flows everywhere. There are no channels to love.
Love is an everyday phenomenon. It is the very sustenance of life. Therefore, the occurrence of love is not spectacular, although, like the dawn, it is spectacular every day. You are love, and love is eternal. Follow My thought.
Without the existence of love, you would not exist. You could not move. It is love you move towards. You seek the substance of yourself. You seek it everywhere. All the while, it is yours to give out everywhere. The source of love dwells within you, and from you it pours. Cast off its anchors. Let it go its own way. It really doesn’t need help from you.
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Source: Rainbow Wave of Light
Love is all | Heavenletters #1121
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/13/2019 10:09:00 AM