Grace | Pine Cone

How to Become Available to Grace? Sadhguru

Competition/Business/Hate wipes out Grace, Mercy, Love, Kindness, Lovingness and Criminal Caring Compassion Toxic-shame Poisons the Water Course Way within any Earth Intuitive Innocent Individual semblance of Absolute Unborn Infinity Independence.


If a Poor Earth victim doesn’t feel the same inadequacy, as any rich fertilizer shamed Narcissist, with no Grace, Mercy, Kindness, Lovingness, Caring Compassion, Spiritual Sovereign Singularity, within a Universal Cosmic Light Existence telepathic Creative Intelligence ID, then anyone in the middle of total social-norm Earth-inadequacy has no idea how an insignificant Pine Cone feels outside both ends, and the middle about Coldhearted Collective Competition/Business/Hate unconscious Consciousness-in Common, but I certainly do.


What regular coldhearted competitor, business, hater on Earth in Collective Hate Mob unconscious Consciousness, even can admit how inadequate is our hollow empty hungry angry statist stasis, without getting shunned blamed jailed killed beaten battered to death kicked down the road to the town dump thrown in Earth septic tank for rejects, and disemboweled to rot alone out back on this Earth desert of undead life, to prove just how inadequate and ashamed it, really feels to, not measure up to Sociopathic Mother Earth Psychotic self-hate Cannibal Narcissism?


Holy Spirit forgiveness nurturing acceptance is toasting roasting and burning away my Earth-fail roasties, so burn baby burn in the sacrificial Earth raped-ape conflagration alone as the same rage inside all of us howls with intergenerational Mortal Karma Earth-ghost Haunt-whining like SHTF through a tin horn spewing guts, all over the drapes that keeps a Love Light Life from shining Grace, Mercy, Love, Kindness, without any Pine Cone Earth Intuitive Innocent Individual semblance of Absolute Unborn Infinity Independence.

Roaring lame-twin Duality criminal caring compassion Conflagration Flameout

I smell something… I feel something… Thousands of mistake lifetimes of inadequacy is burning in this Toxic-shame sacrificial wake up, without one idea how Innocent Grace keeps, all our floating miracles glued together in vortex spinning within cooperating cellular vortices, as if Time were real, and hate wasn’t our main Mortal Karma Gamble Motive. Thin yellow snake creepy crawly up inside me dreaming along with this conflagration of Hate-spinning Earth-Shame constant immoral batter shaming, makes me wanna puke BUTT for, all the gut roiling dragon breathing A-holiness, that replaced Pine Cone Grace before.

Roast our Toasties

A sea of faces remember my myriad feces-mirror of discontent, and so do I, right now, right here burning in my own self-hate lifetime fires, a-1, a-2, a-3, a-4 and the Grace-less bands played on and on… I guess this is the, only way, not to pretend(compete compare do-Hate-business) Shame-any more, Butt woe-man it sure does stink in here from all the rotten egg jokes, that turned as black, as all my Raven-coldhearted shame-burned my blind-eyes, turned-black as Normal Traumatic Stress Disorder Earth-coal.

Burn babies Burn

Thank you Holy Spirit for showing me how innocent I was at first again, and for revealing what happened to me when Grace left me for dead on the way to Wily Coyote Earth Prison, with no more tears for the brokenhearted souls, just like me turned, so piss-stain burnt-yellow Kundalini snake solid-eye ICE Pick Gender-gang hood hand-carve Jabber doozie. Thank you for handing me my sodden old heart Glacier of ‘howling cold’, and for exoneration from Mortal Karma on the Universal Cosmic way to unlearning Earth, to relearn Innocent Light Existence Grace again.

Ashes_Late Earth Poetry of Light

OSHO: Behave as if You Are the First Here

Grace | Pine Cone Grace | Pine Cone Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 7/08/2019 07:31:00 AM Rating: 5

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