Staying in My Adult State
June 6, 2019
By Steve Beckow

Having said what I’ve said as prelude, (1) I want to pick up the reparenting that I’m doing to master every thought and feelings. (2)
If I’m to succeed with the Arcturians’ challenge, staying in my Adult without lapsing into my Wounded Child again seems a move in the right direction towards self-mastery.
In this work, I seem to be being given a clue a day.
This afternoon I was inspired to notice that every time I felt a negative emotion such as anger, rage, hatred, etc., I could see that my Wounded Child was in the driver’s seat, and not my Adult.
I also noticed that, whenever I put my Adult in the driver’s seat, the feelings of anger, rage, hatred, etc., disappeared.
Deprived of attention, they did not last.
I also realized that I don’t know much about my Adult side, my Higher Self, or Big Steve.
I have to search around in my field of consciousness to even find it.
It isn’t installed in the seat of my awareness, so to speak. It isn’t prominent in my awareness by any stretch of the imagination.
The fact that I haven’t spent much time in it is a sobering thought.
I now need to get to know it and make friends with it.
When I track myself, I see my submission to the Wounded Child is almost habitual.
I’m willing to bet that the vast proportion of negative feelings that arise do so from the Wounded Child.
It takes work to hold onto my Adult conscious state right now or my Wounded Child will overwhelm it, claiming attention for itself.
I notice that my Adult state is still, balanced, and unattached. It’s neutral, a good pilot. And manifestly open to guidance.
(1) “Original Challenge from the Arcturians,” June 2, 2019, at
(2) “You will be called upon to master EVERY thought and feeling. …
“Hence any thoughts or feelings that cause inner conflict of any form are best pulled into your conscious mind to be displayed as an experience. In fact, in 5D this will occur with your EVERY thought/emotion.
“Hence our leaders are having to totally hone this mastery of energy NOW.” (The Arcturians in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Suzanne Lie, Nov. 8, 2013.)
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
June 6, 2019
By Steve Beckow

Having said what I’ve said as prelude, (1) I want to pick up the reparenting that I’m doing to master every thought and feelings. (2)
If I’m to succeed with the Arcturians’ challenge, staying in my Adult without lapsing into my Wounded Child again seems a move in the right direction towards self-mastery.
In this work, I seem to be being given a clue a day.
This afternoon I was inspired to notice that every time I felt a negative emotion such as anger, rage, hatred, etc., I could see that my Wounded Child was in the driver’s seat, and not my Adult.
I also noticed that, whenever I put my Adult in the driver’s seat, the feelings of anger, rage, hatred, etc., disappeared.
Deprived of attention, they did not last.
I also realized that I don’t know much about my Adult side, my Higher Self, or Big Steve.
I have to search around in my field of consciousness to even find it.
It isn’t installed in the seat of my awareness, so to speak. It isn’t prominent in my awareness by any stretch of the imagination.
The fact that I haven’t spent much time in it is a sobering thought.
I now need to get to know it and make friends with it.
When I track myself, I see my submission to the Wounded Child is almost habitual.
I’m willing to bet that the vast proportion of negative feelings that arise do so from the Wounded Child.
It takes work to hold onto my Adult conscious state right now or my Wounded Child will overwhelm it, claiming attention for itself.
I notice that my Adult state is still, balanced, and unattached. It’s neutral, a good pilot. And manifestly open to guidance.
(1) “Original Challenge from the Arcturians,” June 2, 2019, at
(2) “You will be called upon to master EVERY thought and feeling. …
“Hence any thoughts or feelings that cause inner conflict of any form are best pulled into your conscious mind to be displayed as an experience. In fact, in 5D this will occur with your EVERY thought/emotion.
“Hence our leaders are having to totally hone this mastery of energy NOW.” (The Arcturians in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Suzanne Lie, Nov. 8, 2013.)
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Staying in my Adult State | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/06/2019 06:47:00 PM