Message from the Angels 06/08/2019
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Your sleep is a rich and productive time. It is a time when the majority of your spirit leaves your physical body and visits the heavens. You can engage in a multitude of activities while your awareness is in these other dimensions.
Some of you have “planning meetings” with your angels. You examine your upcoming choices, creations, and the many possible pathways for your upcoming growth.
Many of you receive our love, nurturing, and encouragement. Earth is a tough school and often you just need love and support so you can move forward with renewed energy in your lessons here upon the earth.
Sometimes you have long discussions wit other souls whom you know on earth. You talk about how you can help each other grow, whether or not the relationship is productive, or whether it is time to move along. You talk about what might have to change in both of you to catalyze each other's growth more kindly.
You also make plans from time to time, with souls you want to meet in your waking life. You discuss the growth you wish to do together.
Many of you spend time with your dearly departed loved ones, just enjoying a picnic or a walk here in heaven.
You can set your intentions before bed if you have something specific you'd like to do in your sleep! You can say, "I'd like the healing angels to work on my body while my soul is nurtured and comforted." "I'd like to meet up with a loved one." "I'd like help in solving this or that problem in my life." "I'd like to wake up with greater clarity in my life."
The choices are infinite. Imagine waking up with your intentions fulfilled, feeling refreshed, alive, awake, and grateful for another day of life... no matter how much or little sleep you get. Feel it. In this fashion, you program your sleep and your waking before you drift off into the other realms.
If you have trouble falling asleep call upon us. Perhaps you are fearful, excited, or just have a lot on the mind. Perhaps you heard your parents argue or had something frightening happen at one point in the night. You are safe now. We are with you.
Breathe in slowly and deeply. Breath out even more slowly. Imagine us all around you for we will be there laying our hands upon your heart, soothing your forehead, and gently whispering, "Relax dear one. All is well." Breathe in our love, slowly. Breathe out your concerns, slowly. Keep breathing in this fashion while we work with you to gently loosen your energy from the day's concerns or future anticipations until your spirit can slip sweetly into the other realms.
In the morning, before you move, record your dreams. You can interpret them later if you like.
Most importantly of all is to lie quietly upon awakening and give thanks for the day ahead. Imagine the best possible day. Ask your angels for help with all you'd like to accomplish, or just simply pray, "Dear Divine Source please help me have the most loving day possible. I am open and ready to receive your love."
Finally, when you are ready to move, imagine your spirit is like hand slipping into a glove. Breathe yourself all the way back into the body. Before you move, set your intentions for the day. Ask your angels for the help you need. Imagine your day going extremely well. Now slowly rise and feel your feet on the floor. Stretch. Give thanks for the day and for anything else you feel grateful for.
This, dear ones, is your spiritual coffee! This type of routine, or any other that makes you feel alive, loved, grounded and ready for the day in an invaluable asset in enjoying your daily life.
Your physical sleep is rich with opportunity for the soul. Program it with clear intent. Imagine waking up in bliss. Then, dear friends you will find each and every morning a true resurrection of the soul.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels
Source: Visions of Heaven
Programming your Sleep | The Angels via Ann Albers
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/15/2019 12:25:00 PM